going back home

a Seeing my reaction Li Xiang got sad and made an expression as if saying 'as expected', knowing that he misunderstood and even got sad about it I hurry to clear up

"I'm scared but I know you did it for my own good so I don't hate you, I'll never hate you!!", my voice goes up when it reached the last sentence.

the torturous anxiety that swept Li Xiang instantly extinguished, his expression softens, eyes bend crescent expressing their satisfaction and joy

the sunlight had to shine through the broken wall falling on the smiley handsome face igniting his charm, he looked breathtaking as if his soul shines through his skin

"an angel?", I blurt out unconsciously

"hmm?", obviously the words didn't escape Li Xiang's ears who just hummed amusingly

I then realize that I said something embarrassing out loud at that point I blush, subsequently, I shake my head to deny it. of course, the bastard had to take advantage of my embarrassing situation to tease me