The Legend of the Dragon Warrior
It's raining heavily and a storm had shaken the whole city. I i.e. Lucas was in my house sleeping when the thunderstorm came. I was scared on the thunder and lightning. I'm very ashamed to say that I am such a coward but that's true. After I lost my family I am afraid of losing my only friend i.e. Silica who is very beautiful girl and my beloved. Now the evening came and finally the storm is over and there is calm. Then I went to see Silica but I was surprised to see the bed empty. I checked everywhere but there was none so I went to see her on the beach but suddenly I saw…..
I can't recognise him but he is one of the Dragons who destroyed our town and now they are ruling the world. All of us are frightened of them. I got closer to him and then he woke up. He called himself Sky. Both of us introduce ourselves and then I took him to my house near the Beach Cave. Xatu arrived who is a Psychic Bird of Avians. Even he who is the head of intelligence in the Storm Village can't make out him and so we all were disappointed. Sky wouldn't know his own past, he forgot about his family and his lineage. Then I and Sky again went to Beach and there we tried to recall his past but suddenly Sphinx, who is the evil Guys in Storm Village, attacked us and took my Idol Piece which I was handed over by my father. I and Sky then chased him deep in the Beach Cave and finally at the end we defeated the Sphinx and then took the Idol Piece back from him. Then both of us agreed to help each other and will fight every difficulty. So to know about the past of Sky we returned to my house near the Beach Cave in the Storm Village. Xatu arrives and told us that we should go to seek the Titian who is the most wisest and eldest person in this world. Night came and another storm struck the village. Both of us slept and the next day we prepared for our journey to Lake Vellore.
1. The Return of Dragon Warrior
The next day Sky and I (Lucas) prepared for our journey and went to see Xatu but strangely he disappeared. No one knew where he was and then we both went to Lake Vellore. We reached the Craggy Coast and crossing it, we finally reached Gulf of Vellore. It took a day but we made it to Vellore Village where we stayed for a night. Then on the next day we head for the Lake Vellore. There were many creatures even that of Avian Kingdom. As soon as we entered the Lake, we were expelled from the lake. We requested them and told our problem and they told us that Titian is below the Lake deep in the water. We were surprised as well as confused what to do now and how to go. Then a mysterious voice came from the lake asking from Sky- Who seeks to enter the Vellore?
We replied that we want to meet Titian. Again a voice came granting us to meet him and the water withdrew from the lake in a side and stairs appears. Then we crossed a Dungeon and reached Vellore Lake Pit. Then a cave and finally we reached the Vellore Cave where Titian was in the centre of a Hexagon. We moved towards him and suddenly it become dark everywhere. It was pitch-black and then the voice came again saying that the eyes of mind can see everything. We closed our eyes and then....... The Darkness was lifted and then Titian stood up. He was silenced for a while on seeing Sky. I tickle him several times and then he cried Kwaaaaaah!
He said that Sky is not a common entity. He is a Dragon Warrior the last of his species and destined to defeat the Dragon King. We were shocked but as Titian said we have to believe him. Sky and I were happy too and even Titian but Titian ordered us to keep it a secret so we promised him to keep it a secret. Titian said that whenever we'll require him he'll talk to us by telepathy and we should start the training of Sky as a Dragon Warrior. Then we departed for the Storm Village. But unfortunately Sphinx came again and attacked us. Sky accidentally used his Dragon powers and Sphinx aired this news that Dragon Warrior has returned. Everyone hid in their homes and then we were left alone as they think that Dragon Warrior is responsible for this Dragon War. We returned to Storm Village and there at the entrance everyone abused us and didn't want our arrival in the village except Xatu who convinced everyone that Sky will restore peace and balance but they have to help Sky. Xatu took us to his house and then we decided that we'll restore balance and peace and will stop Dragon War forever.
2. The Momentum
On knowing that Sky is a Dragon Warrior, we decided that we will bring balance to the world. With Xatu we began our training and went to Xatu Hill where Xatu was waiting for us. We two are going to Xatu Hill Peak where Xatu will teach some basics. As the Dragon Warrior has returned, our plan has got momentum. Before it Xatu and I were thinking that Xatu and I will confront the Dragon King but now I and Sky will defeat the Dragon King. I think that the news must have reached the ears of the Dragon King and he might have accelerated his evil plan to conquer the world. As there are many places which are independent yet.
Here we finally reached the Peak and there is Xatu. I asked Xatu whether to start our training and where to go but he replied very strangely that he could not be able to teach us. We asked him why he was saying so but he ordered us to leave the village immediately. Sky's instinct also sensed something nearby and so Xatu. As he is a Psychic so we agree upon his command and then he said that we have to go to Island of Titans where Tiana will teach how to control water and its flow. Sky and I returned to home and packed up necessary things for our journey and then we went outside. As soon as I turned to another side and looked up in sky, I was astonished. The Dark Sky on one side while blue sky on another side. This was really strange.
Suddenly Xatu, in a hurry, came and ordered us to leave immediately as soon as possible. Xatu told us that it's an attack on Storm Village. The Dragon King has got the information that Dragon Warrior is still alive and he has sent some of his minions to kill you. Sky refused to run away and fight them but Xatu insisted upon his decision and then unwillingly we had to go to Island of Titans leaving them behind. Suddenly the invasion began. We were on the boat and from miles away we could saw that the whole of the village was burning up. This was our failure that we could not protect our own village.
3. The Island of Titans
After running from the Storm Village we crossed the Beach Cave and now we have reached the Earthen Hill on whose other side is Neo Strait. I and Sky rest there and then departed for the Earthen Hill. It took the whole day to reach its peak and then finally we reached the Earthen Peak where we had to fight the Bandits of Earthen Hill. After defeating them we rest there and on the daybreak we departed for the Island of Titans. Crossing the Neo Strait, we finally made it to Island. Here we are the most beautiful Island of the world- Island of Titans. Sky and I wouldn't welcome cordially instead we were attacked by the residents of Titan Isle.
But no sooner did Sky touch them than they stopped their attacks. They became calm and quiet. It was so strange and then the head of village- Tiana whom we need to meet, appeared before us. She recognized Sky as a Dragon Warrior and told us to meet her at Ancient Rock. Then we asked the people where this Ancient Rock is. They told us that it was on the other side of Titanium Forest. We crossed the thick forest and finally we made it to the Ancient Rock where we saw Tiana doing Water twisting. She suddenly attacked us. I was able to dodge the attack but Sky turned the water into Ice hence Ice Conversion. Tiana was surprised and then she was agreed to teach controlling Water to Sky and then I went to the Titan Village where I found Master Sentinel who was the Sun Master and I asked him to teach me Solar attacks but he refused to teach and fade away. I was so disappointed that my own master won't want to teach me.
Then I returned and I saw Tiana and Sky doing Water attacks on each other and in just one day Sky learned Water Twisting. Tiana said that Sky learned this due to his special ability of Serene Grace. I asked her what is this ability then she answered that this ability means Peaceful nature and one who possess this ability is only Dragon Warrior and he can learn everything. Then it came night and we went to sleep and finally the Sun rose. Tiana hurriedly came and ordered us to leave the Titans Island as soon as possible. We asked her why but she said to go to Northern Sea where Sky will learn further. Tiana gave him something and said that it will help Sky one day. Then we ran towards the sea-shore where we saw army coming to attack the Island. Tiana using her water attacks tried to stop the enemy but she failed and then the attack on Titans began.............
4. The Queen of the Seven Seas
Suddenly the Dragon soldiers attacked the Island and occupied the whole land. They were all around and we were outnumbered. The hope was fading away and then suddenly Tiana began to glow. Her body began to sparkle and she grew brighter. It was the full moon night. And Tiana as a Water Master drew the power from the Moon and then she attacked the Dragon soldiers but finally they defeated Tiana. Sky asked me whether we should help her and then we decided to help her and fought by her side.
Tiana was captured and then Sky attacked the soldiers and released Tiana. Sky and Tiana both attacked them and I went to their ships to destroy them. Sky and Tiana defeated the soldiers and finally we won over them but more ships were coming and we had no chance against them so Tiana ordered us to leave but Sky refused. We three were fighting well but as more soldiers landed we can't defeat them so Tiana then forcefully made us to leave and at last we had to do so. She instructed us to move to north to the Kingdom of Atlanta and there lives the real master of Water- Queen of Seven Seas. She is only who knows to use the powers of Moon and she is the master of water twisting more powerful than me. I asked her why she is called so but Tiana said that no one had seen her but as the legend says she is called so due to her abilities and her superpowers that she used once against the Fire Lord and Dragon King but she lost.
Then we ran towards the sea shore and then went to the North. We crossed the Aqua Sea and then finally we reached the Kingdom of Atlanta. That kingdom was so strange which was under the water. We saw many creatures and then we met Aquila who once helped me when I was drowned in the Fushcia Sea. She told us that the queen is in the palace to the north of Atlanta. Then we went to the Palace but were encountered with some guards and finally we made it to the Queen. She did not welcome us cordially instead of that she challenged us for a duel. Sky decided to fight with the Queen only to be lost against her. She said that she believed we and finally she accepted to teach Water Twist to Sky and they decided to meet in Northern Trench. Next morning Sky went to learn Water Twisting and I went to the city to meet with Aquila. Meanwhile, in the Dragon Land, the Dragon King held a conference and decided to capture Sea Dragon and wipe out the Oceania Kingdom forever. He knew about the day of Solstice. Back in the Atlanta, I and Aquila went to the Palace where we come to know about the evil plans of Queen Aqua to rule this world. We were shocked and then as we were going to tell about this to Sky we were stopped by the guards. Aquila captured herself giving me a chance to escape.
Finally, I found him and told him about the evil plans of Queen Aqua. She immediately attacked us saying that she had no choice except to kill us. Night came, which empowered her. Sky and Fiona were battling as I was already defeated. She blocked my Chi powers and then we saw why she was called Queen of Seven Seas. She was controlling Sky; his body wasn't under his control. Then suddenly Aquila arrives and attacked Aqua. She engaged her in the battle while ordering us to leave immediately. Sorrowfully we had to go from there. We ran as fast as possible and reached the Atlanta's border. There we encountered with many guards. I was captured and Aquila too. Sky was enraged which triggered his core powers and created a Thunderstorm which helped us. The storm shook whole the Atlanta kingdom but we fell unconscious.
5. The Flora Isle
After the thunderstorm in the Atlanta Kingdom, we fell unconscious and found on a beach. When I awoke, I woke up Sky and then we searched around the Isle but no one was there. Then we head for the hilly region of the Isle thinking that if we might see anyone. As we were in the forest, I listened some terrible sounds like the scream of deer etc. I felt that someone was following us and as soon as we could understand something we were ambushed.
Then we found ourselves surrounded by some creatures that we had never seen. I asked them who were they but they didn't tell anything and then their chief came that was the head of the village. He said that the people of Flora Isle wanted to be neutral and they didn't wants to get involved in this war. I asked him what this place is. He replied that this is Flora Isle the place of beauty and peace and where everyone lives with peace, love and harmony. He further said that they didn't forgive those who trespass their territory or those who want to occupy the Isle. Then they began to attack us. Sky somehow managed to escape and convinced them that we were not enemies. I told them that Sky is a Dragon Warrior and we didn't trespass their territory. Then the chief stopped and finally he released me. Then he introduced himself as the Chief of Flora Village- Frost and took us to central Flora Village.
The island was too beautiful to be praised in words. We were so glad that we came there. Night came and the chief took us to his home near the Flora Forest. There he asked us about our training. I told him that as a Solar Warrior my training wasn't going so good. Sky said that he wanted a Water Master and in search of them we went to the Atlanta where we met with the Queen who wanted to rule this world and she too like the Dragon King wanted to wipe out the other Kingdoms. After listening to this, Chief Frost took us to the Beach where we saw the beautiful sea under the moon. Sky told that he was feeling too powerful then Frost revealed that the first Water Master is the Moon who creates the Tides in the Ocean and as a result Moon balances the world.
He further said, "To master the Water Attacks, you need to find the Last Sea Dragon who resides somewhere in the North Pole".
We were shocked. Sky wondered about the Last Sea Dragon what he looked like.
Frost said to me, "You have to master Solar Powers and to become a complete Solar Warrior; you have to go to the Capital City of Animalia Kingdom- Evergreen City".
We decided that at the dawn we'll go to Northern Sea but Frost told us that before departure we have to go into the deep Flora Forest. I asked why we had to do so. He answered that to know about the Last Sea Dragon we should go to the Daybreak Ruins where a creature named Liana lives. She could help us in our quest. Then we went to sleep and the morning came. As the sun rose, we went to Daybreak Ruins. Crossing the Flora Forest, we finally reached the Daybreak Ruins which were not like the ruin but like a temple. As soon as we began to move towards the Ruins, we fell in a trap and captured. Someone was speaking, saying that he would end us permanently. Sky attacked him and we were released. We saw that there was no one and suddenly a shady creature appeared. He called himself Seraphim who was to kill us on behalf of Draco. He suddenly attacked us but Sky froze him. We rushed into the Ruins where we were running quickly as fast as we could.
Meanwhile, Nexus thawed Seraphim out of the Ice. Finally we reached the innermost Daybreak Ruins. Liana's chamber was just before us and suddenly Seraphim and Nexus came before us and stopped us from getting into the Chamber. They were attacking us continuously and then suddenly the Ruins began to collapse. I engaged them in the battle while Sky went into the Liana's chamber.
In the chamber, Liana said, "I had been waiting for you since 50 years and I knew you'll come one day and finally the day arrived. I know why you are here. Listen Sky, this year Dragon King is thinking to end this war and he is going to do something horrible and unthinkable is going to happen".
I asked her what should I do then she replied, "You have to master the Water Attacks soon and in order to do that, you have to meet the Last Sea Dragon who lives in the Water Temple in the Northern Sea. No one has seen him but he could be seen only on the shortest day of Winter- Winter Solstice".
I said, "But the day is…."
She said, "Its tomorrow and you have to go immediately. I know about the danger outside and I will help you but you have to be prepared".
Liana began to destroy the Ruins. As the collapse began Seraphim and Nexus fled away and we three went outside the Daybreak Ruins. Liana said that she will meet us in the Evergreen City while we have to go to the Water Temple to meet with the Last Sea Dragon.
6. The Northern Sea
After the collapse of Daybreak Ruins in the Flora Isle, Sky and I started moving towards the North Pole for which we have to cross the great Northern Sea. We crossed the Flora Forest and reached the Flora Village but the scene shook us. We were surprised at the fire all over the village. One of the villager told us that Seraphim put the village on fire and destructed whole the Flora Village. We asked about the Chief Frost but sorrowfully he replied that Nexus captured him. I told Sky to help the Chief but a lady came and said that we should head for the Northern Sea right now because Chief is powerful and can cope with the situation. Then we packed up and moved to the Northern Sea.
First we crossed the Beach and then the Great Icy Sea and finally we made it to the Northern Sea but a storm came. It was too much ferocious and forced us to stay on a nearby small isle. It came night. Suddenly in the midnight, Seraphim and Nexus attacked us again. They had been tracking us down since the Daybreak ruins. We had no other choice except to fight with them. We were badly defeated by Seraphim and Nexus. They were about to kill us suddenly a sound came- Water Wraith and a tide of Water washed them away. A lady came who helped us and defeated them. She was wearing white dress and had a staff in her hand. She called herself- Luna the Lunar Warrior. We tried to stop her and we asked her to teach Sky but she refused and ran to the North in the Sea. Dawn came and then we again began our journey to the Water Temple. We had to reach the Water Temple as today was the day of Winter Solstice and the last opportunity to meet the Last Sea Dragon.