Raises his Magic

After hearing it, Jim moved from his position, and as soon as he did, Joe and the rest of the Black Owls arrived, and upon seeing the stairwell, Joe said: "Oh, how I love it.

They were present, therefore Jim did a good job "......... "Yes, it's likely that I pushed something." When Natasha and Jim said something like,

Ann looked at him, smiled, and then began to walk down the stairs. As soon as they saw it, the rest of the group followed him, and as they were doing so, they were able to

They had been walking for quite some time.

This is the same location as the

The remainder of the Black Owls are on their way.

""Have you checked on your body?"

When you're out and about,

His sin provided him with the opportunity to open his eyes.

"Yes, everything is in working order. I hope this time you aren't as terrified as you were the first time you saw me." Harry murmured something while gazing Jon in the eyes, and then he went on. When he reached into his pocket, he pulled out a little glass bottle, which he opened and drank the contents inside before closing it again. When Adam saw him doing it, he exclaimed, "What is there?"

The only thing Harry could say was, "Oh, my medicine," because he didn't want him to know the whole truth about what was going on with him. When he drank it, he had chills down his spine. After a period of time, his body began to regenerate, and while he could no longer recall an earlier move, he stated, "Okay, I'm OK."

"Let's see what happens.

they're a group of people, "Jon shared his thoughts.

"I don't know where they are."

Harry was the one who inquired.

It's part of their training, so they go to see if there's anything fascinating to look at," Jon explained, and suddenly the light comes on. As soon as he saw it, Adam said, "Oh, they're coming back."

"No, they are not," says the author. He knocked Adam to the ground while he was in front of him because he didn't want to hear his words or get involved in an unneeded fight. While the Golden Eagles were on their way, Gilbert said, "Oh, the rest of this shit is finally here."

"They should, in fact, be grounded in sand," says the author. Emma stated, and when Emma began to realise the power of her magic, Jon left Adam close to Harry, who warned him not to behave impulsively.

"I understand," Jon responded, and when he started walking there, Emma recognised what he was doing, but he stopped her by pulling his sword away from her. "How are you doing, captain?" he said after completing the task.

"Well, why are you asking?" says the narrator. Leo remarked this while staring at him and sensing that something horrible was about to happen, so he began putting together his traps. It was when Jon overheard that he smiled and added, "I can see you are like him, so dicks, and please don't toy with these traps any longer." He concluded by cutting the spot where Leo had placed them with his sword, and then he remarked, "you remember what your captain was capable of doing?"

what they have to say about my squadron"

"Wait, what?" you might wonder. As soon as he finished, he stared into Jon's eyes and then walked back to his house with the crystal in his hand. Following his realisation of his identity, the man opened the gate and ushered Leo and Emma into the building with the words "I will meet with Captain."

"Tell him I'd want to meet him," Jon remarked as he turned away from the group. "Oh, and I informed him that if he does anything to any of my employees, the same thing will happen as it did three years ago," he added at the conclusion.

"All right," Gilbert murmured, and when he vanished, Harry looked to Jon and added, "You know what it implies."

In an evil smile, Jon replied, and after that, he sat close to them while waiting for the rest of the group to return. He then began checking the baggage that the Golden Eagles had left here before they went for their trip home.

Due to a scarcity of available chambers, the remaining Black Owls stopped in the midst of the staircase when they continued down it with the rest of the group. They moved over to them after noticing them, and after checking them, they discovered that nothing was there, so they began their way back down. Then they got to an end, and while there was nothing there, Joe realised that he hadn't made the same error as he had earlier, and now he just raises his magic with Jim doing the same thing.

When they finished, they began walking into the building, but as the lights surrounding them began to shine, it happened that they ended up in front of some gates. Following their discovery, they began marching towards it, but when large golems appeared, Joe and Natasha used the opportunity to battle them with their swords, while Jim and Ann used standard swords. They were victorious.

When they were on their way there, Natasha remarked, "This gleaming crystal is at the heart of his being. It must be completely destroyed ".....

When they were on their way there, they left Ann behind, and while she was struggling to take a breath, she came to a complete stop and began constructing a jail for their adversary. In the process of building barriers from the earth around his arms to prevent him from moving, Jim assaulted him in the same manner that he had previously attacked Joe. When they did it, the golems' arms tore through Ann's creation, and as they moved closer to the lads, Natasha used her power to stop them in their tracks. When the flour began to rise from her palm, Joe became aware of it and attacked it with all of his strength. When he did, the object went down, but he was then hit by another object. While he was in the air, Natasha snatched him from behind and he said, "I'm OK."

The remainder of the group said "All right," and then they attacked the golems. When they finished, Ann erected higher walls around him, and when Jim arrived, he doused his sword in flames and struck the core. When he did so, his sword was pushed away, but he couldn't stop himself from attacking the object of his desire. Ann's walls came tumbling down when it started destroying golems. When it was about to be delivered to Jim, he eventually managed to break it, and the golem was destroyed as a result. The entire time he is watching it, Jim sits on the ground and when Ann and Natasha approach him, he says: "I'm alright, but I'd want to take a break."

"All right," the girls agreed, and when Joe arrived, he added, "All right, we'll wait for you, and then we'll go."

"All right," Jim responded, and after a few moments of contemplation, he said, "All right, we can go." "Go ahead and open doors," Joe instructed, and while doing so

After hearing him, Jim went to the location and completed the task.