Chapter 8

The rise of the soft and weak emperor (8) H

  "Ah! It hurts!" The feeling of being torn in an instant, Zhou Min left Lan Ziyu's grief with a bloody scratch, it hurts! I used to read that Xiao Huangwen said that the broken part will not hurt very much, but it may also be related to his body's sensitivity. In addition to pleasure, pain is also sensitive!

  Zhou Min's painful cry made Lan Ziyu feel uncomfortable. He hadn't been able to get in all of it. Just when he stuffed a head, he was wrapped in soft flesh from all directions and almost leaked out. It was so comfortable, as if there were hundreds of pieces in it. The little mouth is sucking his cock together, as if to kill this woman!

  Because he was too comfortable, he lowered his head and kissed his red lips, seduce her to respond to him.

  The pain caused Zhou Min to dodge a little uncomfortably, and the feet that clamped his waist became stiff. She reflexively wanted to avoid the meat stick that arbitrarily inserted into her flower path.

  He stretched out his hand to support his shoulder and wanted to escape, but apart from his lips being bitten by him, the slippery tongue, like a snake, was even more domineering and sucked her tongue tightly, stirring constantly, taking away her fragrance and air. , The base of the thigh was held firmly by Lan Ziyu with his big hand as if nailed to a pillar, unable to move at all.

  Realizing that Zhou Min's body wanted to escape, how could the comfortable cock clamped by the tight flower path made her run away, and one stood up and squeezed into the narrow flower hole and penetrated her thoroughly.

  She stiffened with pain, her mouth blocked by Lan Ziyu was moaning, she was about to be killed by him, and her lower body was torn apart by him cruelly.

  "Oh..." Lan Ziyu raised his head and groaned contentedly. He who finally squeezed in, because of the addition of famous instruments, Zhou Min's small crotch was even more wonderful. As soon as he entered, Lan Ziyu found that his cock seemed to be enlarged by the sucking sensation in that small cunt. In a circle.

  Depressed for too long can no longer take pity on Xiangxiyu. He grabbed her buttocks with one hand, and pinched the seductive breast with the other, pushing in and out of her bloody lower body.

  The effect of the medicine and Zhou Min's increasingly strong body scent combined with the wonderful tightness, every time I hit the bottom, I felt a small mouth in it, biting and sucking the small hole on his mushroom head, as if I wanted to keep myself. Generally, he gets more and more excited, and can no longer control his strength and speed, there is only one thought in his mind-fuck this little fairy!

  "It hurts... the emperor, brother emperor, stop..." Zhou Min was hit by a relentless and ferocious impact like iron, and the newly torn corridor was in pain, but gradually because of the increase in sensitivity. , Overflowing more love liquid, making the tunnel more smooth, and Lan Ziyu's thrusting is more powerful and fast!

  "Baby, bear with me!" He didn't stop because of her crying, the delicate flower stem stimulated him to want to violate her even more. And the small mouth at the innermost part of Huaxue was like a lover's retention, it was so lingering, it made him swing his waist quickly, and deepened it over and over again, making him inextricably tight and slippery.

  And he found that every time he hit the bottom, his cock didn't reduce the swelling, but became more swollen. There was a feeling of smoking opium, which made people unable to stop, and wanted to just kill this fairy!

  The current Lan Ziyu is like an overlord who is evacuating from the borders, dangerous and powerful and can not be rejected, without any pity, raging in her delicate and narrow body.

  "It's so comfortable, you fairy, fuck you, fuck you..." Lan Ziyu, who was getting more and more out of control, made Zhou Min a little scared, but it was more refreshing, the numbness of the flower path, the rapid impact of the meat stick, Zhou Min couldn't stop at all and couldn't keep up with Lan Ziyu's rhythm. Like a stranded fish on the beach, he could only breathe hard and groan intolerably.

  "Ah-so heavy, no, don't-slow it down, it's going to die-it's going to die-ah -"

  "Not enough, not enough, open a little bit, lift my butt up a little bit more." Lan Ziyu ordered As he continued swinging his lower body, he kept hitting the innermost point of the flower path fiercely, as if there was a feeling of suffocation to knock it away completely, making Zhou Min tremble.

  "No, don't go in anymore—it's going to break, it's going to be broken—ah—brother, brother—ah—" Zhou Min was hit by Lan Ziyu's crazy speed and wanted to hit The children and grandchildren's bags popping on his ass are also squeezing in fiercely, already crying!

  In order to appease Lan Ziyu's jealous and ruthlessness at this time, Zhou Min had to listen to him first, buckle the pillar behind him with his backhands, and lift his butt slightly with his strength. This made it more convenient for Lan Ziyu to charge and get into the battle. Quickly hit her lips again and again, making him deeper.

  With a gratified roar, he rushed into the tormenting body again, and this time he was rampant without any skill.

  "Brother, brother-forgive me, don't, don't-stop! It's deep, I'm afraid..." She was ruthlessly pushed to the depths by his thick stick, she was so afraid that she would be thick and thick. Huge runs through the lower body.

  "Hush...I will do as you wish, and I won't stop!" In spite of her prayer, Lan Ziyu still fascinated her hard erection and pierced the narrow acupuncture tightly around him. He really endured it for too long before he could not restrain himself.

  Put the love liquid on the greasy buttocks that has covered the entire hip flap, let your own meat stick more closely and closely invade the innermost mouth that sucks his scalp, and continue to tighten and suck in the small holes. It is difficult but also More tempting. Zhou Min couldn't bear the violent plunder anymore. The rapid beating of her heart made her dizzy and her eyes went dizzy, making her eyes black and falling into his arms.

  After discovering that the person in his arms had passed out, a trace of apology appeared on his handsome face. He was too rude, but he couldn't control it, and he didn't want enough!

  Her glamorous and charming attitude once again told him to swing his waist uncontrollably.

  Oh! The imperial sister, this taboo pleasure and the charming little pussy encircled him so tightly, how could he discover another posture under the imperial sister's court dress? Although this is an accident, I have to say, He likes this accident very much~

  Lan Ziyu grasped her slender waist, pushing in and out tirelessly over and over again, the man's body covered her body and moved incessantly, with every impact pushing into the deepest part of the flower path. .

  Although he fainted, but I don't know if it was the reason for the newcomer's welfare. Zhou Min's body automatically responded to his request, constantly puffing his bigger and swollen sticks, feeling his firmness in his small holes. Rubbing in and out, while her legs were still being broken into a straight line by the man, constantly and fiercely hitting her, two heavy descendant bags also eagerly slapped her lips, causing Zhou Min's body to twitch constantly!

  Suddenly, the angle the man hit was because he eagerly and accidentally rubbed the protruding corner of Zhou Minhua's delicate acupuncture wall. Even the fainted Zhou Min groaned unbearably. The small acupuncture point was even more heavy because of the impact. Sucking and squeezing, he almost made Lan Ziyu hand in his gun on the spot!