Chapter 10

Although reason has long since returned to the basket, knowing that he should stop, the effect of the medicine has long been solved, but when Lan Ziyu was clamped again by Zhou Min's tightly contracted acupuncture point, he felt the pleasure of sucking inside, and he was almost about to be sucked. The torture is dead, only sprinting, sprinting, sprinting can relieve the itch!

  "Hmm...Hmm..." Wu Zi tilted his head back, Zhou Min licked his pink tender lips, feeling the waves of pleasure flowing from the flower nucleus of the small hole continuously all over his body.

  "Fairy..." In her dumb tone, she was already full of desire and intolerance. Although Lan Ziyu knew that the person under her was her sister, she had already done it, didn't she? Since it is done once and done twice, what does it matter three times, four times or more?

  He only knew now that he was going to fuck this goblin who was constantly sucking his semen to death!

  He quickly turned over, put her leg on his shoulder, withdrew the male root to the point, and then gave it a quick push!


  No-- " The original soft and coquettish voice has long been dull because of the long yelling, but the low voice that is still full of temptation floated from that little mouth.

  Zhou Min had finally adapted to Lan Ziyu's speed and mastered his own control skills, but he didn't want to, and suddenly turned over and was crushed by Lan Ziyu.

  Desire penetrated deeply into the emotional petals, and Lan Ziyu exhaled comfortably, feeling that she was completely swallowed by the hunger and thirsty little hole.

  "Hmm..." He half bit his lip, moaning contentedly, enjoying the ecstasy pleasure of being tightly wrapped in her flower hole, until he became more hungry and thirsty, he began to swing his body, indulging himself to pursue his best Comfortable feeling.

  When the rhythm that was faster than before started between each other, the two overlapping figures gradually merged into one under the faint moonlight.

  The frequency of deep and fierce entry gradually increased, hitting the deepest point, causing the sweet flower liquid to burst out in an instant.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Skin is stained with attractive rose red.

  At the same time as she orgasm, Lan Ziyu also felt that the flower wall that wrapped him shrank violently, squeezing the male roots, and the role of the celebrity was working again. The comfort of sucking made him push in and out, pumping water back and forth. The acupuncture point lengthens the lingering rhyme of her orgasm and pushes her to a higher peak.


  Only knowing that with his thrust, the flesh and flowers also tightened, the sound of sizzling water splashed with his impact, and the red scallop meat also spit out the red tender flesh.

  The small hole is like a small mouth with desire and dissatisfaction, while biting Lan Ziyu's clone hard, while desperately sucking his hotness, this kind of pleasure makes him not want to stop, even for a moment!

  "Lan Ziyu... Lan Ziyu..." She clutched his arm tightly, as if to ask him for help, but she was the one who caused him to go crazy, so she could only utter a ribless chant.

  "Fairy...I want to fuck you..." He gritted his teeth and said, as if he was spending it with her tonight. Won't stop! Over it again, and over it again, as his hips continue to push forward, deep in, then pull out, and then in...

  "Ah..." The constant intrusive pleasure made Zhou Min no longer able to think. The whole person turned dizzy.

  The delicate body bears Lan Ziyu's increasingly overbearing offensive, swaying sexy, every impact of his is sent to the depths of Huaxin, injecting bursts of ecstasy pleasure into her body.

  There was a fire in her body, burning her blazingly, and she felt that if she didn't scream, she seemed to explode because of it. "Ah...ah... I'm going to die... I'm going to die..."

  Her delicate groan is really beautiful, making him swing his body more emotionally, trying to transmit that wonderful joy to the whole body, as if the two were born to be bound to become a perfect circle.

  Zhou Min slumped like a soft doll about to be broken in his powerful sprint, and his stimulated body also catered to him wildly, chasing the top of desire together.

  "Lan will be broken, it will really be broken..." Her small hands gripped his strong arm tightly, and her red and tender mouth escaped with an uncontrollable moan until suddenly Everything in between stopped.

  "No...don't do it...ah-" Zhou Min couldn't bear it anymore, screamed and fainted feebly.

  "Lan Min..." Lan Ziyu unconsciously called out the name after seeing the person under him completely fainted, and looked at the panting woman under him with complicated eyes, with a plump and extremely beautiful breast. Up and down.

  There were even a little teardrop hanging around the curled eyelashes, and he couldn't bear it, and he lost control again. He didn't know how many times this was the first time she fainted and woke her up, and fainted again. Knowing that this is her first time, she shouldn't be so mad, like never tirelessly, but for the first time he felt this way in a woman and didn't want to stop at all, but this woman was actually-his own younger sister!

  And as long as he has the urge to pity, or there is a momentary sluggishness in his actions, the little cunt seems to feel the retreat of the hot iron, and sucks more greedily—for

  a moment, it is like a thousand small tongues, hard. The bitch licked, sucked hard, lingered hard!

  "Hmm..." A low muffled hum came out of Lan Ziyu's beautiful mouth.

  Even if she knew it, she would definitely not get out of bed in the next few days, but he couldn't stop!

  Regardless of her fainting again, Lan Ziyu began to push and thrust again, like an unsatisfying beast, greedily grabbing her sweet suffocation, as if responding fiercely to that enthusiastic little mouth.

  Until a fierce penetration, he raised his head to relax his body, and his movements became more and more violent, grabbing her legs on his shoulders, breaking them into a straight line, and then constantly hitting, hitting, hitting, deep into the heart of the flower again and again, like She slammed into the red, swollen and trembling flower hole like a bull, and the sweat dripped on her little white face. The man leaned down seduced and stretched out his tongue to lick the sweat on her face, but the lower body was still constantly Agitate.