Chapter 12

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (12)

  Yes, it is this shameless and stinky system. What do you say, the male protagonist will play violently when he doesn't have sex, play with her~ Don't say it when you first let her go! She was warned only after she arrived, so she became a veritable antidote for the male protagonist, right!

  "Here, host, don't worry, even if the male lead fights for three days and three nights, he will be very fierce~" The low-pick voice sounded in his mind.

  "Why?" Zhou Min subconsciously wanted to draw a big mouth, and asked what this was doing! ?

  "Because he is the male protagonist, he is the most powerful person in this story, and the person with the highest natural luck. Moreover, the famous device given to the host by this system has the function of health preservation~, even if the night and night spring night, the male protagonist will not have it. The slightest sense of exhaustion, on the contrary, will be more and more courageous! The body is getting better and better, and the host can get the male protagonist's semen to strengthen and change his own deficiencies, and make himself more perfect. It is the best of both worlds!" The sweet voice continued to think of it. , There is a great sense of asking for appreciation, but Zhou Min is itchy with hatred!

  "Since it is as good as what you said, tell me why I feel heart-piercing pain when I move now, eh~"

  "This, this, isn't it because you are a female partner? The female partner is the story. The cannon fodder here, you have seized the heroine's man, and there is no heroine's halo. Although there is a system name tool bonus, you are still weak in physical strength, so..." "So, the heroine is clean the next day I'm so angry, I'm sore and sore, like a dead fish, right!!!"

  "This, this, everything will be fine, all the sex is more natural, and the body will get better and better. , Do it a few more times if you can't do it once~, do more, I believe you will get used to it soon!" Immediately calmed Zhou Min, who was about to run away.

  "You thought it was radio gymnastics, 1, 2, 3, 4, do it again~! How many more times!?" Zhou Min raised her voice strangely, "No, did I misheard? You said too much." What does it mean to do it a few times!"

  "Didn't I say? Your main core task in completing the story is to knock down the male lead, and complete 360 ​​different bed positions with the male lead, so that the system can collect statistics, and the sideline is to fulfill her wish for the female partner! This way! , Even if the task is completed, it's simple, it's as simple as lying down to get the chance of rebirth..." A pair of arrogant flattery, and a little bit towards his host except for his low IQ, even his memory is not good. Make Xiaoxiao complain! It's just that I forgot about my task the last time I went to bed.

  "I only remember that you said you want to complete the female role, but you didn't say that you must have sex with the male lead, and you also have 360 ​​different postures╮(︶﹏︶quot;)╭" Zhou Min felt speechless and negative. The voice made the whole body tremble, "You, you can't shame, I said it! You didn't pay attention!"

  "You," (っ`ω'c) Zhou Min still retorted, suddenly warning seriously, "I remind the host, if the host refuses to have sex with the male protagonist, then the host will be immediately obliterated by the system~"

  Zhou Min, who wanted to argue, was stunned for an instant (?д?)! Will she admit that she is afraid of death? can you? can you? Absolutely not! ? (〒?〒) Is

  n't it just going to bed, it's all going to bed, and it's tweaking a ball! Isn't it just about 360 poses on the bed (?д?; )?

  She would never say that her heart is a piece of grass and a horse galloping past (gt;へ<.)...

  Looking at the tangled appearance of her host, who is dead or alive, she can't understand it. It's not just a sleep. Do you exercise in bed? Is it so difficult? It's like killing the whole family, the human world is so incomprehensible┐(-??;)┌!

  Just when Zhou Min was entangled not to do it, when he jumped up and down on the rubber band that needed morals or life (???), the other side had already fallen out.

  "Grandpa Li, have you thought the emperor is weird lately?"

  "How do you say?"

  "The emperor never cared about the princess, but in the past few days, the emperor has summoned the princess several times in a row, but the princess was bold and used various reasons. No, and the weirdest thing is that the emperor is still a princess! Does this mean the principal turned over?"

  "What are you mumbling about? After all, it's a female compatriot. Even if the queen mother has passed away, she is still her own sister. How can anyone who is a brother hate her own sister~"

  "But, I don't know if I think too much, I I always feel that the atmosphere in the harem is weird, as if a storm is brewing!"

  "Okay, okay, don't guess, the emperor turned over the three beauties today. You have to stare at it. This is half a month. Come to the emperor to turn over the sign again~"

  "Duke Li, are you sure, today the emperor said that he will be lucky with three beauties?!" Σ( ° △ °)︴ asked the Prince incredible.

  "Isn't it? The emperor's face darkened and ugly day by day, and the emperor who hadn't summoned beauties for nearly half a month, suddenly became so keen on sex today! Although I don't know what the emperor has plans! It's also a great thing to be able to inherit the ancestry of the Lan Kingdom!" Li Gonggong said.

  "Forget it, it's all the affairs of the harem masters. We just need to do our own duty." The father-in-law on the other side listened to the apprentice he trained behind him, and couldn't help but remind him again. Yes, let's go down and exhort those beauties immediately, take a bath and change clothes, and wait for the call!" Grandpa Li and Grandpa replied respectfully,

  and both Grandpa and Grandpa were the first to look forward to them, because Grandpa was the one who watched the emperor grow up since he was a child. There is a   lot of face in front of the emperor~ At


"The emperor, let the concubines take care of you──" Behind the layers of curtains, there is a luxurious and almost coquettish palace. The dormitory illuminated by the orange lights is big and empty, with golden carvings, mahogany beds, bright red and thick cashmere carpets. Except for the bed, there is a large square bath in the corner. In the pool, white smoke curls up and looks extremely warm. Qili, the rest of the objects are nothing more.

  There are only women screaming and talking, but no man's words can be heard. It seems that there is no man in it.

  And through the layers of veil and silk hanging on the bed in the room, I saw a man in a black velvet robe inlaid with gold silk, holding a golden wine glass in one hand, while watching the enchanting women on the carpet under the bed. Scratching his head and posing, those extremely seductive, narrow and long phoenix eyes are cold and chilling.

  The bridge of the nose was firm to the perfection, and his thin, merciless lips made a mocking smile, but the majesty of the whole body showed the majesty and dominance of the king.

  His slender and fair skin showed no femininity. Instead, it gave him a hint of coldness. His powerful and well-structured body showed it to anyone who could see him. He was the supreme one in the entire Land of Lands. A man is also an out-and-out king.