Chapter 19

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (19) H

  Lan Ziyu pulls the skirt down with one hand to make her breasts jump out completely.

  "Oh... my sister, my Min'er..." He called her name hoarsely, and his mouth became dry with the irritation of the beauty in front of him.

  "Brother, you can't do this, you let me go! Don't bully me..." She burst into tears in a hurry, but Lan Ziyu listened to the sound of elder brother, brother emperor, and only felt more whole body Trembling, there seemed to be a taboo pleasure, unchangingly, he quickly lowered his head and kissed her abundance.

  He stretched out his tongue to lick her breasts, and then lightly pierced the immature nipple tip, while his evil big hand kneaded the other breast vigorously. Soon, Zhou Min's nipple became more bulging and stiff by his stimulation. It's tempting to pick like a cranberry.

  Lan Ziyu looked at the beautiful changes in her breasts, and felt that her lower body was painful. He kissed up on the neck that still had a faint hickey mark, and sucked hard on the love marks he left one after another. Zhou Min felt that his whole body began to tingle, and even the saint had to surrender in the face of the provocation of such a stalwart man.

  "Ah... uh... you, you hate... the emperor...!"

  "Min' Min' are mine..."

  She still wants to make the final struggle. Lan Ziyu lowered her head and sucked her nipple forcefully. He was like a hungry baby, gnawing and biting at her pink nipples, which made her feel weak and could only let him play with it.

  "Hmm...Ah...Brother Emperor..." I

  noticed her reaction, and there was no barrier between her hands. Although her body was still twisting constantly, for Lan Ziyu, such a struggle was equivalent to not having her, and she held her with both hands. The heavy breasts are squeezed and kneaded vigorously. Her breasts began to swell, and the tips of her breasts were as hard as pebbles. She was painful and comfortable by his crazy strength, and her own ambiguous groans kept coming from her ears.

  "Ah...ah...don't...the emperor brother..."

  Feeling his rising lust, Lan Ziyu lowered his head fiercely, holding the sharp nipples that was still flashing with his saliva, and biting presumptuously, trying to ease his desire to explode. He caressed her body lovingly, causing Zhou Min to light his forehead, and slowly reached into the bottom of the skirt, combed her curly bushes, and firmly covered her wanton wet flower hole.

  He gently separated the two lips with his fingers, took a fingerful of love liquid, and used the slippery liquid to draw circles in her private parts, which caused her legs to tremble more and more, especially when thinking of the crazy night that made Zhou Min even more so. Miss the feeling of being severely violated.

  "You are soaked, my little baby..." Lan Ziyu squeezed on the petals contentedly.

  "Brother Emperor, no... don't... let go... you can't do this..." Zhou Min was afraid of his uncontrollable desires, and she felt that she would be swallowed by him.

  "Don't let go? Okay, I will never let go..." He deliberately misrepresented her words and said aggressively, as his slender middle finger was inserted into the tight flower path along the slippery lips.

  "Ah! You pulled it out, it's so full!" Zhou Min was panicked, feeling his fingers stretched out the tight lower body, and the feeling that made her crazy that night hit the senses again.

  Lan Ziyu ignored her shouting, and began to twitch her fingers madly, faster and faster, with the feeling of chuckle, the love liquid spurted out wantonly.

  She felt that she was almost unable to breathe, her feet were so big by him, her lower body was constantly thrusting, trembling, her hands tied to the head of the bed, she could only instinctively arch her body, lift her butt, and wanted Avoid the suffocating numbness!

  But Lan Ziyu seemed to have noticed her movement, and pinched her waist with one hand to fix her movement, and suddenly a finger was added to the flower hole, supporting the flower hole that had already been inserted into the two fingers. The round and swollen Zhou Min screamed~ The

  inner thighs were trembling even more. Lan Ziyu looked at the shameful face of the beautiful lady, and the pink mouth also made a seductive and charming moan, he His face was full of red light as if being irradiated by lust. Lan Ziyu accelerated her speed and thrust her fingers, stabbing deeper and harder, trying to make her climb higher with joy.

  "Hmm...ah...stop, I don't want it! Brother going to die, I am going to die..." Zhou Min felt that she was about to melt, and the sensitive petals were congested and painful every time he rubbed them vigorously. Can't bear too much passion and frown, it's about to reach the highest point.

  Lan Ziyu molested her beautiful body in a fascinating manner. He added his fingers again, and the four fingers opened the extremely flexible wet channel, stabling the four fingers quickly.

  Her lower body completely covered her four fingers, and she felt that she had reached the limit, "Oh...I can't stand's's so support!" If this continues, she will faint.

  "Call me Ziyu, my Min'er." Lan Ziyu grabbed Zhou Min's waist with one hand and pulled her closer to his body, still piercing her fingers continuously in her corridor.

  ", Zi Yu...forgive me! I can't do it anymore!" Unable to bear his fierce demands, her lower body had begun to shrink strongly.

  "You can do it, my Min'er, you can do it..." The shrinking flower path increased the speed in and out. After he inserted the tight corridor forcefully, he rotated his fingers in the tight flower path and rubbed it. Different sensitive spots on the flower wall are then quickly extracted.

  In this way, repeated insertions, rotations, and withdrawals made Zhou Min gush out a lot of nectar, wet his palms and her buttocks, and pushed Zhou Min to the first orgasm tonight.

  "Ah...!" Her private parts began to spasm vigorously, and she couldn't stand it anymore, screaming, her body arched like an arch, sending the roundness of her chest into the mouth of Lan Ziyu who was within reach, and Lan Zi Yu also bite unceremoniously, constantly sucking, biting, licking, and ravaged the other breast with his other hand, rubbing and pinching vigorously.

  And Zhou Min's thighs that were separated vigorously twitched constantly. Hearing the screams of the princess's room, the mothers in the side room woke up one after another and hurried to the princess's room, but they were blown out by the clear song in the dark, and the cold light flashed. , All the people who were awakened died in the yard.

  Even if you suck and hug Zhou Min so vigorously, it's not enough, it's still not enough...

  Lan Ziyu didn't feel enough, the fleshy roots under his clothes were swollen and uncomfortable, causing him to keep rubbing Zhou Min's flower hole with the meat stick in his clothes, but he didn't get in! It caused Zhou Min to twist left and right, and there seemed to be some unsatisfaction!

  "Min'er, call me mate~" Zhou Min was so scared by Lan Ziyu's words, she opened her misty eyes, because she had just experienced a short orgasm, and her eyes could not help but be red and full of flattery. When she saw this, Lan Ziyu only felt that her lower body was more swollen. Lan Ziyu, who didn't want to bear any longer, straightened up suddenly, stood on the edge of the bed, and slowly unbuttoned the shirt on her side.

  The hot lips blocked her little mouth, and contained all the fragmented melancholic sounds in her mouth, teasing her lips and tongue, causing the body fluids of the two to entangle each other.