Chapter 23

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (23)

  He stared fiercely at the place where they intersect, and exclaimed, "Emperor sister, look, how hungry your pussy is! Take my desire into it again Spit out...Oh, duplicity, little badass...Your little mouth likes me. Look, how excited it is, and it oozes a lot of nectar..." A pair of big palms knead her breasts with love and pity, and squeeze them. Different shapes brought her more joy and helpless crying...

  His low growl was intertwined with her constant begging for mercy, and sweat dripped down his body onto Zhou Min's already red body , Splashed lewd waves on it, and the small space was filled with the fragrance of friendship...

  ", brother emperor...ah..." Zhou Min, who could have been able to beg for mercy, arrived. In the end, there were only broken groans. There were countless climaxes. The man's desire was still as hard as iron, and there was no urge to shoot...

  Zhou Min's sanity was already a little unconscious, and too much joy made her The body is as soft as water, exuding a charming pearl-like luster... The

  lower body has been ravaged so unbearably... the

  hole meat is turned out, and the bright red tender meat is turned in and out with the man's thrust, and it is covered with sweetness. The nectar and the white turbid liquid of men, the lustful aroma stimulates Lan Ziyu...

  When will he stop, Zhou Min wondered vaguely , is the male main force in every world so good? ? Doesn't this want her to die?

  Fucked alive...a groan escaped from the lips, the sun has risen to the old height, the passion in the house is still going on, but no one dares to bother...

  The woman on the bed has been fainted by the man's thrusting In the past, the man was still like a beast that not only satisfies, and rushed to the place where his soul was dispelled...

  "Emperor sister, emperor sister... what to do... I really want to stay in your body like this, so comfortable... I don't want to stop, I can't stop at all... Oh, my God, goblin... You must be The baby that God gave to me... After having tasted your taste, what other woman in the world can enter my eyes... It is worth dying in your little hole... You are mine, anyone I can't covet you, right..." The man violently pushed into the comatose person who was hitting him, thinking, only the sound of "pop" in the room continued to sound...; she was awake once, I don't know. What time is it?

  As soon as she moved lightly, she found that his desire was still buried in her body, and as she squirmed, he opened his eyes again...there was contentment and more desires...

  she received his signal, she The whole body burned again... Before he could react, he started to hit her body again...

  This kind of fainting and waking up every minute of the day and night without knowing it, no matter how good the body is, I don't know. A few days later, Zhou Min finally developed a high fever, and Lan Ziyu finally let her go!

  At this time, Zhou Min had been fucked with only one breath. For ten days, ten days, Lan Ziyu had not been to court, had not been out of Zhou Min's room, and all the food was prepared by his secret guards. At the door of his room, everyone was ordered to die by Lan Ziyu, and they were not allowed to approach Zhou Min's palace!

  For ten days, he kept releasing his desires in her body. It seemed that no matter what he did, he would not be tired and very excited. Every time he entered, he felt that his hugeness was constantly swelling and becoming more and more energetic. He was tired, so he lay on her, stuffed the dragon in her body, took a break, and started to fuck her as soon as he woke up. This kind of life made him hardly want to wake up and die on her belly. it is good!

  But even if Zhou Min is talented, but his body still can't help it, Lan Ziyu found out that Zhou Min had been vented by his own sword a lot, and when the air intake was low, he realized that he really didn't have a good sense of measure this time, and looked pale on the bed. The whole body was red and purple finger marks, full of white turbid and dry marks, the water hole was already swollen, congested and purple, and when the nipple was sucked and bitten by himself, and he was bleeding, Lan Ziyu realized that he was actually like a beast, and once again fucked his sister. In such a situation, there was a burst of fear in my heart.

  "Qing Ge, immediately pass the imperial physician to Qianyu Palace!" Lan Ziyu wrapped Zhou Min in a clean quilt, hugged him, jumped out the window and galloped towards his palace.

  The Qingge at the door of the room passed by a gust of wind and disappeared in place. After Lan Ziyu took Zhou Min to his palace, the maid in the palace immediately greeted him, but was driven out by Lan Ziyu, ordering people to prepare Yutang Queen , Personally put Zhou Min in it, washed the people gently and carefully, found a room of her own clothes to put on her, put it on his bed, and waited for the royal doctor.

  And Qing Ge quickly rushed over with the imperial doctor. At the door of the room, when the father-in-law was propagating, Lan Ziyu was sitting on Zhou Min's bedside, looking at her pale face, the imperial doctor carrying Damu Medicine on his back. When the box came in, I saw Lan Ziyu looking affectionately at the person on the bed. The old doctor who was already the head of the imperial hospital was also a little surprised. After all, Lan Ziyu could be regarded as what he looked like, changed from the palace. After that, his character became more and more uncertain.

  Domineering and domineering, he never listens to any opinions, but he is also a male emperor, because he is cruel and domineering at the same time very smart and wise, so the civil and military officials are eaten by this emperor who is less than 30 years old. He didn't dare to say anything differently.

  He is the absolute monarch of this country, and with a single word, he will never allow anyone to refute his words!

  "See the emperor, my emperor..."

  "Okay, the head of the hospital...Come and see, how is the princess?" Lan Ziyu waved impatiently, got people up, and came to Zhou Min for consultation.

  "Yes..." The royal court got up and walked to the inner room fearfully. What he saw was Zhou Min lying on the bed in the pajamas of the emperor. It was a little surprised. The entire palace knew that the princess Zhou Min's name did not match the truth. , The emperor is the last to see, but now... the head of the

  royal court looked at Lan Ziyu without a trace, but saw the emperor's worried expression on his face, and was shocked in his heart, afraid that the rumors were wrong or this existed. Is the princess with zero feeling afraid that she will rise?

  "How about it, why does the princess have a high fever?" Lan Ziyu asked with some worry when the head of the hospital asked for a pulse while frowning and even his expression changed slightly.

  "This, this, minister... old minister..." The head of the royal court was a little bit unsure of how to say what he had just learned. Could it be that the princess had a close intercourse, which hurt his vitality! But Princess Mingming has just grown up!

  Seeing the expression on the head of the king, Lan Ziyu knew that with this old imperial doctor's technique, it was impossible not to know why Zhou Min had a high fever and might even know some other things.

  "Let's talk! I forgive you for not guilty!"

  "The princess has been malnourished all year round and her body is very weak. Although she has been using the imperial hospital's health decoction recently, she needs slow treatment for a long time, and..." He looked at the emperor who was condescending in front of him and looked at him coldly, and his back was sweaty.

  "And what? Don't hesitate, say..." Lan Ziyu never knew that Zhou Min's body had actually fallen from a stubborn illness! Could it be that her life was so difficult when she was far away from her? But why did Grandpa Tai say that everything is okay for the princess?

  Lan Ziyu felt that she was being concealed by a lie that took care of herself from a young age and was an old courtier of the emperor. Now when I think about it, it was also said by Grandpa Tai that the person outside the Qingyu Palace is a princess, but why Woolen cloth? Why?

  Although Lan Ziyu is full of doubts now, he has already asked Qingge to investigate, and the truth will be known sooner or later, but now the most important thing is her, his sister, who has vowed to spoil him for a lifetime since he was a child, but because of the middle Being misled, alienated and harmed, she has been bullied by others. In the end, she did not expect that the person who bullied her the deepest would be herself!

  Pulling her, actually trying to hold her, let her accompany herself to sink in this evil desire...