Chapter 27

 The rise of the soft and weak imperial sister (27) Wei H

  holding Zhou Min's Lan Ziyu was clamped by Zhou Min's slender legs and his waist, feeling When her water hole rubbed his groin constantly, the sleeping dragon began to wake up, pressing against her flower lips firmly and fiercely, and the fragrance of her body continued to become rich, letting Lan Ziyu put it on The hands on her waist kept tightening, and she buried her head on her shoulders, and there were shallow pecks and light bites.

  Zhou Min's water hole was constantly shrinking because of his movements, and he felt a little wet on his robe. Lan Ziyu realized that the little Nizi on his body had been moved so gently by him, and couldn't help but smile.

  "I just ate breakfast with you, and now I start to miss me!" Lan Ziyu held back a smile, moved a little away from her, and gently lifted her chin, her exquisite and delicate face, no matter how long it took, she didn't have enough taste. A deep kiss on her moist red lips.

  The brilliance of the sun sprinkled on them, covering them with a halo, looking like the gods and relatives of the game world.

  For a long time, when she kissed her dizzy and her face was hot, he let go of this dignified creature. Gently hugged her petite and tender boneless body, walked into the inner room for nap in the imperial study room, put the person next to the table, Lan Ziyu smiled lightly, "Since I'm up, let's talk to me Let's have lunch together, I'm hungry!" He smiled lowly, "I thought I would go to the palace to find you after a while, but I didn't expect you to come directly."

  Zhou Min nodded subconsciously, but found him deep. With a strange light beating in her eyes, as if she wanted to bite her, she couldn't help shrinking slightly.

  This lunch seems to be... uh... not that simple.

  "I seem to feel that I can get enough nourishment this time!"

  "Host, come on! It's only a month... Whether we can successfully go to the next world depends on you!"

  "I will definitely Working hard..."

  The interior of the imperial study room is small, but it also has all five internal organs. The vermilion door is wide open. In the middle of the room is a five-meter wide and one-meter-high screen, which is placed ten steps away from the door. The landscape is painted on the screen. Graphite is very vague to see from the inside through the screen. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the figure outside. It must be the same outside.

  Behind the screen is a carved recliner with a width of one meter and a width of two meters against the wall. Next to the recliner is a round table, behind the round table is the bed, and on the other side is a small desk.

  Lan Ziyu called people to come in and let people prepare lunch. The palace folks moved very quickly. After a while, the round table was already full of steaming and fragrant delicacies. The variety was rich and it definitely made people appetite.

  Lan Ziyu sent all the palace staff in the Imperial Study Room to wait outside, and then automatically sat next to Lan Min, "Why don't you just look at it?" Lan Ziyu raised her eyebrows and glanced at the table. "Is it you don't like these?"

  "No!" Zhou Min shook his head, blushing and muttered, "It's just...Emperor brother, I, so much, we are only two of us, will we eat? Endless...And, I think this stool is a bit hard and still ice!" She twisted her clothes embarrassedly, and she came to the battle in a vacuum this time. In order to tempt him, she only wore an outer robe, which was naked inside. ! He just put it on the cold stool just now, his buttocks shivered from the cold, sitting and eating like this, my legs were chilly, there was a strange feeling, and she was sure that Lan Ziyu was in the dragon chair. When I went there, I must have discovered it, but he was so calm that he let her eat...

  It feels so strange!

  "Really? Why didn't I feel it anymore, or else, I...hold you and eat it." Lan Ziyu scanned her whole body presumptuously, hugged her waist before she could not react, and hugged it easily. She sat sideways on her sturdy thigh, "Is it warmer, but the emperor's brother likes what the emperor is wearing today." He squinted his eyes slightly, with a smile in his deep and deep voice, "but, In the future, you are not allowed to dress like this and run around the palace, my little baby, use this attractive appearance to seduce the emperor brother, the emperor is very happy, but in the future when there are only two of us, I will miss you more. Do not wear anything, this will make people want to love you hard!"

  Her body is so weak and boneless, with a tender smile, even if she is sitting on his lap, the top of her head can only touch his lips. He lazily kissed her jade-like smooth forehead, and the seductive, elegant aroma of sweet peaches, from her delicate body to his nasal cavity, made people feel refreshed and deep at the same time. Addicted to it.

  "Brother Emperor..." Zhou Min shyly shrank into his arms, his face was crimson and gorgeous, like a ripe red apple, "Isn't anyone tempting you..." He clearly said every time. Seduce, the clothes are almost taken off, and you are not moved, making me think that something is wrong with you.

  "Really? Not necessarily!" Lan Ziyu put his chin on her shoulder and said in surprise, "Last night, how a charming little fairy used his hands to caress me while I was asleep Little brother, how did you lick and lick all kinds of things on me? After tossing me all night, I was so enthusiastic, I thought..."

  "You didn't fall asleep, why didn't you wake up! You made me trick me? One night, you didn't respond, and I was exhausted." Zhou Min hammered her in shame and angrily, wishing that there was a slit on the ground for her to get in, and felt ashamed and embarrassed.

  In order to get the nourishment, she really gave up. Looking back now, she was taken aback by her incredible debauchery recently.

  "I want to say it!" Lan Ziyu smiled, her deep eyes gleaming with malicious light, "I found out that my little baby seems to always like all kinds of teasing the emperor, is it always thinking about the emperor? I want the emperor brother to make you so soft and obscene that you can't die. At that time, the emperor sister kept saying, let me be more vigorous, let me not stop, the voice was so screaming, and there were so many lewd waters. It's almost soaking the entire sheet..."

  "Enough... Enough!" Ashamed of his evil words, Zhou Min was so ashamed that his whole body was weakened, and Zhou Min buries it into his neck with all his strength, only to show him her red bleeding. Earlobe. She felt that she must be like a cooked shrimp now, red all over, maybe even her toes were smoking.

  Lan Ziyu can simply score every minute. This is a gesture of preparing to accept his own seduction, preparing to take the bait, and counterattack!

  "Don't talk about it." Anyway, he is the only one who can enjoy her coquettishness, and he didn't plan to let her go again this time. He will show it to her after a while!

  Lan Ziyu looked at her ashamed and dying and turned the subject away, "Emperor sister, are you hungry? I specially asked the kitchen to prepare your favorite food, come and try to make it more delicious?" He Picking up a small white porcelain dish with a few crystal clear white dumplings on it, picking one of them to her lips, tempting her to open her mouth.

  "I...I'll do it myself..." After adjusting her mentality, Zhou Min didn't dare to raise her head pretending to be an ostrich. With her blood dripping head down, she stretched out her hand to try to get the dumplings by herself.

  "Emperor sister, I like to feed you!" Lan Ziyu did not hesitate to refuse the hand she stretched over, confining her in her arms like a doll, holding a snack and shaking her little pink mouth. He coaxed her with a seductive tone, "Hey, open your mouth! This is your favorite crystal dumpling, try to see if you like it or not!"

  Feeling his persistence, Zhou Min had to open her lips obediently and mixed. The rose-scented Jiaozi was fed into her mouth, filling her mouth. And Lan Ziyu picked up a bowl of small pearl balls, took a spoon with a spoon, and touched her lips again.

  "Come on, try this again!"

  "Mmm..." Wait a minute, she hasn't finished eating yet. Zhou Min frantically bit his cheeks, and just swallowed the dumplings, and a spoonful of small pearl balls was inserted into his mouth.

  "And this!"

  "Snowdrop seed soup!"


  a lot of things were put into her mouth, so many things were stuffed into her small mouth, her belly was about to burst ! Zhou Min stared at the crispy meatballs that Lan Ziyu picked up again, and shook his head desperately: "No more, people are so full~~!"

  "Really not?" Lan Ziyu put down. The chopsticks in his hand breathed out a little regretfully. I never felt that I was so happy to feed her by myself. I finally tried it. Before I was full of fun, his imperial sister stopped eating...

  Seeing that the table didn't move much, and there were still a few more useless dishes, Lan Ziyu frowned, his imperial sister didn't seem to eat much!

  Turning her head, she looked at her trying to chew and swallow, remembering how she had just been well-fed by him, as cute as teasing a little cat.

  It's a pity that the little baby in her arms seems to be really overwhelmed. Look, her eyes staring at the tabletop seems to give her food again, she is going to run away and bite, and she can't help but feel it's very funny! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ .

  "You eat too little!" Although I wanted to laugh, Lan Ziyu's face was as calm as the breeze in May and June. Only the unstoppable smile under his eyes slightly revealed his thoughts, "No wonder every time When you fail to do half of it in bed, you will pass out due to lack of energy!"