Chapter 30

He chuckled, lowered his voice, and whispered, "It's a sensitive little thing, just playing with tits can orgasm, there will be stronger later, but how can you stand it..." One finger moved away. The wet petals were inserted into the slit with plenty of love liquid.

  "Ah-cover..." Zhou Mingang wanted to scream and suddenly remembered a bunch of people outside. He couldn't help covering his mouth tightly, shaking his head impatiently, looking at Lan Ziyu with pleading eyes, and wanted him to stop. The entry of the foreign body made her private parts twitch, and the delicate fleshy wall quickly wrapped her fingers tightly, trying to repel it, but instead sucked his fingers deeper and deeper.

  Zhou Min didn't dare to speak out, and could only look at Lan Ziyu pleadingly, tears streaming out again, her tight nectar was too small to hold his fingers, she arched her waist and wanted to close her legs, but because of Lan Zi Yu placed her feet on his sides, so he only clamped his strong waist.

  "Baby, relax, you are too tight! You can't stand a finger, how can you eat the emperor brother's stick? Oh, relax, be good!" His breath was a little unstable, and he deliberately approached her. In the ear, he put a mouthful to her ear and said.

  But the movement of her hand never stopped, and she kept pushing her little cunt. Lan Ziyu did not expect that the water hole that had just leaked out of her body was still so narrow, making it extremely difficult for his fingers to be in the wet tunnel. Turn slowly. The delicate and smooth touch made the dragon under his hip bounce frequently, almost exploding.

  "Don't...ah...the will be uncomfortable..." Zhou Min put his head on Lan Ziyu's neck, Jiaojiao started crying softly, his fingers seemed to be charged with electricity. Every rotation made her tremble uncontrollably, and her vulva was shrinking like crazy, and a pain of longing to be filled with giants crawled into her heart.

  "What's so uncomfortable? Here?" He raised his eyebrows evilly, squeezed his fingers into the flower path to the end, then pulled it out, and pierced again. The thumb even found the tender red pearl hidden in the plump scallop and rubbed it wanton. Zhou Min couldn't bear it, sobbing, her snow-white body swayed up and down with that presumptuous finger, and the pink and seductive acupuncture point shrank violently, and then spit out a lot of nectar.

  "Min'er, your Xiao Sao point is so turbulent, so much lewd water flows, and the taste is so unstoppable..." I remembered that he drank it when he raped her in Qingyu Temple for the first time. Unforgettable, he backed up suddenly, pulled her legs apart and pushed up, bowed his head, opened his mouth to cover the valley where Zhou Min constantly exuded the charming fragrance, kissed and sucked in a long and gentle manner, and exhausted all the sweet juice. Swallowing it into her mouth, the tip of her tongue picked up the slightly reddish trembling little cherry from time to time. Waves of crunchy pleasure quickly accumulated in her lower body, which made Zhou Min so relieved that she almost collapsed. Can't stop it.

  "It's sweet! Same as the first time, make me nostalgic." He swallowed greedily for a while, until Zhou Min trembled to the point of spasm, and his small toes were numb and curled up, and he stopped this lustful wave. Eat to the extreme.

  "Cool, my little baby? Is it uncomfortable underneath, do you want the emperor to love you well?" Lan Ziyu got up on his knees in a leisurely manner, his thin lips were shiny and wet, and what was left on it was her. Longing for evidence of eros.

  Watching him quickly remove the clothes from his body and release the excitement that was full of her because of her, Zhou Min's body suddenly burned like a fire, extremely hot. The first two times were because it was in the dark, and because of many circumstances, most of her didn't have time to appreciate his body, but now in broad daylight, she can see his healthy body completely.

  Broad shoulders, bee waist and bear back, although he has been practicing martial arts all the year round, his muscles are strong, but it is not bronze, but the skin is perfect, especially the solid and powerful chest muscles and abdominal muscles are full of cast iron. His sense of strength unreservedly vented his sturdy masculinity.

  Zhou Min swallowed with difficulty, and looked down naturally. The dragon-like sword, which was many times larger than ordinary people, stood up to the sky, and an angry look appeared in front of her. Oh my God, what a scary thing! It is more than eight inches long and at least two inches wide. The protruding blood vessels surrounding the purple-red rod are constantly beating, like a giant beast that chooses people and eats at any time.

  She was able to swallow such a giant stalk before, and she didn't want to be pierced alive. This is a great advantage! But I still think it's incredible.

  Zhou Min couldn't help but swallowed, and her body couldn't help convulsing.

  "Emperor sister, do you like what you see?" Lan Ziyu smiled clearly, "If you want me to love you well, just open your legs!" He commanded evilly, and he held the thick dragon. The stems were twisted up and down. The two full giant sacs under the dragon's stem swayed back and forth together. The self-professed look made Zhou Min's face look congested and his heart beating like thunder.

  She was afraid of being heard by people outside, but watching the white turbidity overflowing from the top of the dragon, that was what she wanted for a month of "Nourishment!" 』Furthermore, she has to say that her body is very empty, she wants to be pierced and hit hard, her hands have to tremblingly embrace her straight jade legs and spread them to the sides, exposing the pink sex holes flowing with moist water. .

  "Brother emperor...give me... uh... come to love me... uh uh... brother emperor..." Zhou Min whispered imploringly, his astonishingly charming face was full of moving desires, and it was so dark. The hair was swirling and scattered on the Xuebai Jiao Lao's body, such a wild posture, made her feel as if she was lustfully inviting the emperor brother to enjoy her tender and delicious honey hole.

  "Fairy!" He snorted, the huge and heavy dragon head pressed against her acupuncture, and his lower body suddenly violently pushed, and abruptly thrust the stone-pillar dragon into her tight and tender passage. inside.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh His eyes were misty and uncomfortable. The snow-white soft carcass trembled, his small plain hands were tightly tangled, and he could barely breathe.

  "Well ... ah ... Wu Wu ..." Despite the abundant nectar moist, but her narrow diameter is enlarged tough nature, red petals also open to both sides, so that she would be a kind of feeling torn .

  "Emperor sister, forbearance? I'm not halfway in yet..." Lan Ziyu leaned down regretfully to kiss away the tears she splashed, and the narrow flower path tightly wrapped him, as if repelling and accepting. . The half of the fuchsia dragon body exposed outside the flower cave was visibly bloody, as if suddenly swelled a little bit more, it was as hot as a hot pestle, just waiting to attack the city and sweep the ground.

  However, her muffled sound made him stop and calm down the little flower under him in a low voice. This feeling of not being able to get up made his back and forehead sweat a lot.

  "" The pressure and tension brought by that terrible hot rod made her difficult to follow. Zhou Min lay helplessly on the recliner and wailed pitifully. Holding Lan Ziyu on her body, her soft and sorrowful expression is both slutty and affectionate, which is ecstasy.