Chapter 32

The Rise of the Soft and Cowardly Sister (32) Wei H

  "Wait a minute..." A dull growl came from Lan Ziyu's mouth. Knowing that she was about to reach the peak, he suddenly pulled out the hot iron sprinting in her. , Turned her back, turned her back to him, and entered again from the back.

  "Ah----" Zhou Min raised his head, his little hand grabbed the soft quilt on the recliner, his long wet hair was scattered on the snow-white beautiful back, and his small mouth opened slightly.

  With the rhythm of the hot iron thrusting, the juice in the flower hole kept dripping down the sheets, he swiped it with his big hand, caught the fluid and rubbed it on her back, then lowered his head and licked with his tongue, while his big hand reached the front. Cover her breasts, squeezing and pulling.

  Little Red Cherry was kneaded and pressed by her rough fingers, and the string of current flowed from the nipple to Zhou Min's body. If Lan Ziyu had not looped her hand from behind to hold Zhou Min, she would have been all over her body at this moment. He fell feebly under him.

  "Brother...ah...ah..." The soft and feeble body continued to bear his rhythm and caress, and his fingers also pierced into her body from the front, and followed his hot iron forward and out of her body. .

  Zhou Min was uncomfortable by the hot iron that was deeply inserted into the bottom, passively bearing Lan Ziyu's increasingly rough movements, the numbness in the small hole became softer and softer, and Lan Ziyu's sprint in the flower hole became less and less measured. , More and more fierce.

  "Ah...don' can't..." Zhou Min felt dizzy, and a little white starlight flashed deep in his mind.

  Zhou Min, who had not experienced such violent lust for a long time, could no longer bear such violent movements. She bit her lip, a white light flashed across her brain, her body convulsed uncontrollably, and fainted after reaching orgasm.

  Lan Ziyu was still unsatisfied. His affair-like pleasure just now made him more and more vigorous. He hugged Zhou Min to the table and raised her hips with big hands. The hot iron still went in and out violently, and the sound of flesh beating. Entangled with the sound of sizzling water, the sweet scent filled the entire inner room.

  "Brother emperor...don't...don't..." Zhou Min was half awake, feeling that she had been reported by Lan Ziyu and placed on the round table, and she couldn't help but wrinkle her beautiful eyebrows tightly. Bai Chi shook her red lips, the itchy feeling in her small holes was like a paralyzing electric current, almost instantly making her knees unable to exert half of the strength to support on the table.

  Lan Ziyu's soft body was caught in his arms like this, allowing the increasingly hot man to sprint back and forth in the small hole.

  Lan Ziyu supported the edge of the table with one hand, and caught Zhou Min's chest with the other. His big hand squeezed the tender white jade rabbit in his palm, pressing his index finger heavily on the small red cherry blossoms, feeling the small red cherry blossoms. Under his own fiddle, he became more and more stiff.

  The desire to endure just now can finally be released without any scruples. Feeling the breathlessness of the person below him, the corners of the evil charm's lips lifted up a smile of satisfaction.

  The soft tongue sticks out, the tip of the tongue gently stirs the small and pleasant earlobes like jade beads, and an unspeakable fragrance lingers on the tip of his nose-a light sweet scent, but it is mixed with the thick smell of bewildering lust .

  "Do not do ... ... people ... people ..." Zhou Min Jiaochuan, "Huang Xiong die ... ... ... I do not come out ah ... ... ... you go out to bad ..."

  slightly The cry of begging for mercy made the people behind her feel soft. After such a long time, her body has just healed, and she can't bear it, right?

  "Emperor Sister...Emperor Sister..."

  whispered to the little man in his arms, feeling the contraction in that small hole more and more frequently.

  He couldn't help it anymore, a rough roar from his throat, dazzling white heat occupying his mind.

  He pushed forward forcefully, and the hot white flame shot into the flower pot that was still shrinking, and the transparent honey liquid was glued to wet the lower abdomen of the two of them...

  Zhou Min's last consciousness was a white light in his mind and in the womb. A scorching heat!

  I don't know how long I slept, but when Zhou Min recovered his mind, it was already dark.

  Slightly moved the body that was sore and weak due to excessive lust, and found that she was relying on a strong, broad and warm chest, and a pair of strong and powerful arms was hugging her tightly. Needless to say, the owner of this chest is of course her favorite emperor brother.

  "Little thing, are you awake?" A gentle and mellow voice came from above his head, Lan Ziyu smiled, the deep and bright black pupils locked her tightly, and the hot and strong fire almost melted her.

  "Yeah..." Zhou Min had red cheeks, shyly not daring to look at him, and buried her small face deeply in his arms. She had just been demanded by him fiercely and savagely. Although she was powerless, her spirit had gradually recovered.

  Lan Ziyu chuckled, "It's really easy to be shy." He lowered his head, warm, and sprayed her seductive breath on her ears, "My dear, why are you still so shy?

  Just do it and it's fine..." Uh-the previous scene of passion and love replayed immediately in her mind, her face was instantly red and bloody, and her heart was beating countless times faster than usual.

  "No... You are not allowed to say anything!" She bit her teeth and gave him a shame, "I...that..." Although she decided to go all out, she is also a pretty decent person in the real world! Now actually...

  she... really doesn't know if it is good or bad to be caught in this system! Every day is a big test of acting! If she hadn't given her the skills of "empathy", how could she have such complicated feelings for this ordinary emperor brother, and how could she have fooled such a smart man!

  "What?" He raised his eyebrows evilly, and tightened his arms, so that her full and elastic breasts were pressed against his chest, "Do you know how happy I am? You are willing to be with me here. Sinking in the feelings that you know and cannot do, no matter what you think, as long as you stay with me and stay by my side forever, I don't care about everything anymore! I love you and don't care if you are my emperor sister! And you are getting more and more I am happy to be able to adapt to my courtship and my possession! We are getting more and more fit," he whispered ambiguously in her ear.

  "Enough..." With his face burning hot, Zhou Min quickly changed the subject, otherwise he didn't know how he would say something that made his blushing heartbeat.

  "Brother Emperor, what's the matter with those ministers and the prime minister today... That prime minister feels weird to me? And who has lied between us and caused us to waste so many years?" This is a good topic. , Anyway, she has always wanted to ask but it is too late to ask.

  "Well..." Lan Ziyu regained his solemn expression, and groaned for a while, "The affairs in the court are complicated, but the prime minister is credible. As for the one who dares to deceive me is to wait for the emperor father all year round and stay there forever. Father Tai by my side! I have asked Qing Ge to check it, and there will be news soon!" He explained vaguely, and gently stroked her delicate powder cheek with his big hand. In fact, he didn't intend to let Zhou Min know about many things, because it involved something that was too dark, and he didn't want Zhou Min's pure and flawless mind to be stained with a different color.