Chapter 35

 After waiting for another week, I waited for the barracks recruitment notice. Zhou Min went to sign up without thinking about it, but because his appearance was too good, Zhou Min had no choice but to do some work on his appearance. After rubbing his face with the dead skin, he finally got into the troubled water!

  But how easy is it for a small soldier to see the marshal. Zhou Min stepped on several points in the barracks, and always went to the air. This is really dying Zhou Min, not only because the "nutrients" are not enough. There is a dangerous unknown!

  There is no way. After several inquiries, Zhou Min finally found out that Lan Ziyu would go to a hot spring in the woods behind in the last stepping point. But when Zhou Min was sneaking all the way, it was not that she didn't want to be upright. Yes, she is a soldier now! Still a soldier disguised as a man, this incident is not good!

  When Zhou Min walked cautiously all the way to the woods, the shadows of the trees were mottled, and Zhou Min couldn't help but feel the hair standing upright. It felt a bit gloomy. I don't know if there was a ghost in her heart. She was always very nervous along the way!

  I finally saw the hot spring entrance not far away from the backing mountain. The mountain side of the hot spring is a bamboo forest. Looking in from a distance, the white air is curled up like a fairyland on earth. Standing in the distance, the scene of the hot spring is clear at a glance. The surroundings are very quiet. By others, the man inside was naked under the shining of the bright moon in the mountains, closed his eyes and leaned on the boulder beside him, with his hands on the stone, his face was cold and delicate, it was Lan Ziyu!

  The hookah rose slowly, and it smoked the hot spring as if it were in the fog, blurring the figure, and when Zhou Min wanted to step forward, the people in the hot spring suddenly disappeared!

  Zhou Min was not calm for an instant. After squatting for so long, he finally found Lan Ziyu, who was clearly in front of him, but suddenly disappeared! Zhou Min hurried over, jumped into the hot spring without thinking, and walked towards the place where Lan Ziyu was just now. Fortunately, the hot spring was not deep, just right in front of her chest.

  But when she walked over, Zhou Min couldn't help looking around. The person who was just a moment ago disappeared. An angry Zhou Min slapped his hands on the water like venting, "Lan Ziyu, you bastard!"

  Zhou Min felt that she was really aggrieved and wanted to die. Since becoming Lan Min, she hasn't been happily ever after. Every day she lives like a fair. Moreover, the hero is still a person who doesn't speak much, and she has to find herself every time She clearly said that she would not be leaving her alone, Nima, this time she ran away again, and she had to chase her to the border, and she had to mix with a group of men in the barracks.

  Every day I am afraid of identity wear, and what trouble will it bring to the male protagonist? Finally find him! In a blink of an eye they disappeared again! ; The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to cry, I couldn't help crying faintly on the boulder, but the person who was supposed to leave stood a hundred meters away wearing a mysterious robe, staring coldly at the people in the hot spring, frowning , Is a soldier! He was still a soldier in his own barracks, because "he" was wearing the clothes of their barracks, but he had warned the people in the barracks that no one was allowed to come here after the ugly hour.

  This little soldier obviously came to him. As for the little soldier's curse, Lan Ziyu heard it, but he was pretty sure that he didn't know the little soldier. He just heard his faintly crying voice and some familiar back. I can't move any steps I want to leave.

  A little annoyed at her abnormality, Lan Ziyu jumped into the hot spring again, and in a sudden thunder, she locked her throat from behind and pinched the throat of the soldier with her back to him tightly. His words were full of death. And indifference, "Who are you? Who sent you? Say..." He could

  n't help tightening his hands, allowing Zhou Min to face the suffocation and fear of death before he heard the familiar voice with excitement and excitement. Feeling less and less breathing, Zhou Min kept struggling, constantly shaking Lan Ziyu's powerful hand, "Emperor...Emperor brother..."

  Zhou Min's body gradually softened, but the sentence of the emperor was still When Lan Ziyu heard it, she was shocked. She loosened her hand and pulled the fainted person back vigorously, and took the opportunity to retract the blindfold method it had placed on Zhou Min. Therefore, when Lan Ziyu saw Zhou Min who was pale, she was shocked. The whole body is cold. Although the skin has changed, the marks on the face are beginning to disappear because of the water vapor in the hot spring.

  There was none, like a cat, but he still recognized the person, the one carved in his bones, "Lan Min!"

  After Lan Ziyu recognized Zhou Min, he continued to infuse Zhen Qi into her body until she coughed violently and her face became ruddy. Lan Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, but what followed was anger. Look. Wearing her outfit, it is not difficult to imagine that she was in the barracks. Although she did not know how she got involved in the physical examination project, when I thought, she was sleeping with a group of big men in the Chase shop these days. Come on, he just wanted to kill the group of men.

  Seeing the messy colors on Zhou Min's face, Lan Ziyu was angry and funny, washed away the oil paint on her face with hot spring water, revealing a real face, he didn't think it when he didn't deliberately think about her, now watching When Lan Ziyu was the villain in his arms, Lan Ziyu discovered that he missed her so much.

  But the border matter has reached the final juncture, and there is absolutely no room for error!

  Lan Ziyu hugged Zhou Min tightly in her arms, and her warm lips lingered on her face until Zhou Min let out a shallow moan, completely dissolving Lan Ziyu's sanity, "Sister, you Why are you so unbehaved, you are really testing my depression of you every minute, you fairy!" Lan Ziyu was wearing a long gown casually, and he was soaked in the hot spring.

  Although Zhou Min was wearing a soldier's clothes and armor, in front of Lan Ziyu, there was a tearing existence in minutes. There was a sound of cracking and tearing, and the armor fell and sank into the hot spring, and he finally rubbed her as he wished. The chest, the hunger and fierce lust seems to burn her out of joy, his passion is born of her, his love exists because of her, even if the sky falls, he will hold her tightly in his arms!

  Time becomes eternity at this moment! Only after separation and reunion do you know that his love for her is already in the bone, just a little spark, he will be burned to death!

  The white creamy tender milk was swollen and swollen. The two large and trembling large pink flowers at the top were kneaded by Lan Ziyu's fingers like little fragrant flowers blooming in the snow. They were extremely delicate and beautiful.

  Zhou Min, who woke up slightly, felt a hot pain in his throat, but it was more that his breasts were rubbed vigorously like a torture. He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar person in front of him. Zhou Min felt aggrieved, "Let go of me, you guys. Bastard, you said you won't leave me again, and this time you ran to the border silently! The emperor is a badass...badass!"

  Zhou Min's constantly pushing hands were clamped by Lan Ziyu with high pressure. On the boulder, she blocked her words.

  The rest of the words were swallowed up between his sudden kisses. Zhou Min's brain was blank for a while, unable to react.

  Seeing that she did not respond, Lan Ziyu took a bite on her lips, but opened her mouth softly, but greeted his domineering lips.

  She stretched out her hand to push him, but he didn't move at all. The force of the upper body trapped her in his arms, increased the force of her lips and tongue, and forced her to entangle him with her tongue. The more she struggled, the tighter he held her, and the stronger her lips and tongue.

  The entanglement in the mouth and the exhaustion of physical strength made Zhou Min gradually soften, and he was gradually drawn by him to concentrate on the kiss. He turned from the previous domineering to gentle, and then into strong. His consciousness gradually blurred, and a groan could not help but broke out, which made his heart more happy, and the strength in his hands became heavier.

  Loosing her lips, Zhou Min lifted her head slightly. I don't know if it was numbness, itching, or tingling on her breasts. She couldn't help but tremble, and she burst out with a voice that could not be suppressed. "The emperor, brother emperor... ah... emperor brother... lightly... too strong... ah... lightly... it hurts..."

  Lan Ziyu raised a wicked smile, and put her together I changed my position and hugged her between my laps and pressed her back against her majestic chest, "Emperor sister, I miss you! I miss you so much, I miss you so much, and I miss every inch of your whole body. Place, every inch...I want you, now...immediately!" He passionately kissed her jade-like round ears, and said hoarsely in her ear.

  "To...her, right now!? Here?! Wild...fight!" Zhou Min stammered and repeated, looking at the wilderness? Almost immediately, her little face was hot.

  I've seen field battles before in novels, but when I have to fight myself, I can't help but tremble all over. I don't know why, a kind of fiery desire and uncontrollable excitement will rise in her heart?