Chapter 40

Kick off campus Hui Guliang (2)

Calm down her emotions, her head is still a bit tingling, she rubs her head, sits up, the space is still gray, this time she entered a story about campus Hui Guliang Here, she became a female partner named Jiang Min.

  Jiang Min is a goddess-level figure of Qinghua University. Every university has a goddess and a male god. The male god of Qinghua University is Liu Haoyu. Liu Haoyu is not only the male god of Qinghua University, but also the son of a real family in China. Although Jiang Min is also a well-known wealthy daughter in China, compared with Liu Haoyu's family background, he is still quite different.

  Moreover, Liu Haoyu not only has a family background, but also has outstanding abilities. He is still in college, but he doesn't have to rely on his fathers. He has become the first person worth tens of billions of dollars in the same year.

  The upbringing of the son of the aristocratic family has made him a person of attention in school, noble, arrogant, wicked and handsome, never tolerant in doing things, distinguished between public and private, not empathetic, whether it is a man or a woman in his eyes as if nothing, it is Such a man made Jiang Min fall into an inextricable liking, because he was the little brother who helped him when he was a child, the little brother who would gently comfort him and let him stop crying.

  She was like an idiot, secretly watching everything about him, watching him getting better and better, but she always cleansed her body, she thought he would not fall in love with anyone like this.

  Behind every male god is destined to have a white and rich female partner, and the female lead must be the strongest, liveliest, kindest, best grades but the poorest family background Hui Guliang!

  The encounter between the male god and the female lead must be that the female lead kindly saved the male lead, and then fell in love with the male lead all the way to the finale!

  There should be no female partner in this story, but if the female lead is really Bai Lianhua, the female partner will not be so miserable. She likes the male lead, but she doesn't have to get the male lead, just hope the male lead knows. She was the little girl he saved when he was a child, but because of this, everyone in the Jiang family was kicked out of China, and she became the most mean woman!

  Everything just revolves around Jiang Min, Liu Haoyu and Su Xiaoxiao.

  Jiang Min's secret love for Liu Haoyu was unsuccessful; Su Xiaoxiao wanted to report the hatred that Su Xiaoxiao's father committed suicide and became an orphan because of the Jiang family's dismissal of Su's father ten years ago, and Liu Haoyu mistakenly regarded Su Xiaoxiao as Jiang Min The three of them went round and round, and Su Xiaoxiao calculated by stepping on Jiang Min and the whole Jiang family to get true love.

  However, Liu Haoyu was focused on loving only one person in this life because of the mistake of acknowledging his pity for the little sister before.

  It was because of a deliberately misleading misunderstanding between them that they went to a happy love between the two sides, and Jiang Min in it was only a supplement to their feelings, a fire-adding agent, and she was purely in love with the male protagonist but was finally caught by the female protagonist because he was a child. The misunderstanding of the misunderstanding and planning of the miserable female partner was only a moment of sorrow when the male protagonist finally knew the truth!

  Although I saved the filthy female partner at that time, gave her money, sent her out of the country, and quarreled with the female lead, all the quarrels ended up pushing the feelings of the male and female lead one step closer! But Jiang Min, who was far abroad, was alive in pain and despair. Life is better than death!

  The female partner's wish is only three points. First, let the male lead know that the little sister who was with him when he was a child is not Su Xiaoxiao, and second, let Su Xiaoxiao always look up to people who don't belong to her. Pain; third, keep the Jiang family, don't be driven out of China again, and let my father die in depression!

  When Zhou Min finished receiving the plot, the corners of her mouth twitched. This kind of affection really made her a little headache. The love triangle in this mission was difficult to say, simple and not easy, because at this time Liu Haoyu was already I recognized Su Xiaoxiao as my younger sister when she was a child and had a good impression of her.

  And Su Xiaoxiao did not deny that Jiang Min felt distressed and pained when he saw that Liu Haoyu, who was reluctant to treat anyone thousands of miles away, only took special care of Su Xiaoxiao!

  Although the female partner did not say what to do with Liu Haoyu, it is absolutely impossible to refuse to have a relationship with the male protagonist based on the urinary nature of this system. After all, her next world needs the male protagonist's "nourishment" to operate. what!

  However, emotional matters are the most easy to make people feel sweet, but they are also easy to hurt people. Especially after Zhou Min became Jiang Min, he seemed to understand the pain in Jiang Min's heart, so I felt a little sympathy for the original owner. stand up.

  In Zhou Min's sigh and sigh, Zhou Min was suddenly sucked into a black hole by a suction force. When Zhou Min woke up, he only felt that the voices of men and women around him were messy, and pressed his back against the cold glass wall. Enduring the intense pain and looking at the surrounding scenes, he couldn't help but be speechless.

  This is a luxurious large private room for KTV. She is in the private bathroom inside the private room. Outside is a mess of drinking. There are men and women on the sofa who are lingering, and on the ground, a piece of clothing is torn. The woman hanging on her body, sandwiched between two men, started working back and forth, rolling her eyes off her top, and constantly screaming.

  On the table are all kinds of wine bottles poured on one side, scattered and messy, extremely lustful!

  Zhou Min felt that his stomach was turned upside down, very uncomfortable, could not help but stand up on the wall, and decided to leave here no matter what.