Chapter 44

Kick away from the campus Hui Guliang (6) HH's

  small hole was sore by the numbness brought by his fingers, Zhou Min couldn't help but groaned, "Liu Haoyu...get out...get hurts... "Zhou Min's begging for mercy did not stop Liu Haoyu from ravaging her, but instead added a finger to destroy her tender cunt...

  The small cunt that swallowed two fingers had reached the limit, he couldn't move, and she didn't dare to mess up. Moving, afraid of the painful feeling...

  He had to use his fingertips to rub, scrape, and gently rotate inside her to expand the small hole... The

  small hole was treated like this, and the two petals were pitiful. The ground trembled, and the flesh was rolling uncomfortably, Zhou Min's eyes were already full of tears,

  and she wanted to cry... Liu Haoyu had to rotate her thumb and squeeze her little pearl, and the bursts of numbness she brought was really transferred. A lot of her attention, the flower point doesn't hurt that much...

  Through her dim eyes, she saw his lips tightly pressed, his head sweating profusely, and he tried to endure, his body stretched as tight as an arrow from a string...

  Seeing that she felt a little adaptable, he withdrew his finger, put his huge desire on her small acupuncture point, rubbed slowly, and was about to rush in...

  Seeing his hugeness, Zhou Min suddenly remembered the time of the first module. The broken place, terrified!

  "No more, don't come again... It's too big... It will die... Liu Haoyu... You can't do this to me... I don't"

  Zhou Min struggled vigorously, making him have to stop the upcoming aggression.

  He groaned and knelt in front of her legs, with her tongue sucking on her tiny cunt...In an instant a burst of war and numb burst from the top of her head and exploded...

  like soft seaweed wrapped around her softness, licking and nibbling her flower Di, the wild tingling sensations in the center of Ruizhu made her shiver uncontrollably, and her body was about to become a little fragment...

  His tongue held the petals in his mouth, teasing and teasing, the bloodshot pearls quivered softly in his mouth, and finally, he stuck his tongue into my small hole, deep and shallow thorns, so soft, greasy and obscene. The pleasure accumulates, Zhou Min cried and twisted his head constantly, his breasts also shook a snow

  wave ... Finally, in a rapid twitch, Zhou Min screamed and screamed like leaves in the wind, sweet and sweet.

  Her nectar gushes out like an opened faucet... Liu Haoyu seized the opportunity, squeezed her slender waist, stood up, and the fiery dragon rushed in arbitrarily... The

  little hole that had just reached its climax was still trembling and shrinking. It became more suffocated... His hardness hurt her tenderness, and the sharp pain spread all over her body...

  " hurts, get out, ah..." Zhou Min pushed it hard, crying Throw it out, but it fits tightly inside, making her feel like her small hole is about to break...

  "Oh my God, baby, don't bite it so tight, you're going to bite it..." He said He roared, but his face was full of unquenchable comfort and passion. Apart from slapped his chest fiercely, Zhou Min didn't know what else he could do to stop him and make him stop...

  Her cunt was pushed to its limit, about to It's broken...

  He kissed the tears on Zhou Min's cheeks, while slowly moving and thrusting, the soft flesh in all directions in the small holes biting his thick and long tightly, sucking, pecking, letting Liu Haoyu snorted, feeling comfortably hard for himself. He wanted to take care of the tenderness of the woman under him, but as soon as he pulled out a little bit, the pleasure of rubbing came, and the sexy flesh in his small cunt tightly wrapped around his thick and long length. , It takes a lot of effort to pull it out, and then only a fierce impact can squeeze its dragon in.

  The kind of Su Shuang who was bitten tightly by his small hole made him dissatisfied with the end of the taste. He just wanted to slam in and fiercely split the narrow corridor. Thinking like this, Liu Haoyu swayed wildly and fiercely with jealousy. Inserting her cunt, seems to pierce Zhou Min...

  "Oh, my dear, your cunt is great... great... it's about to bleed..."

  The nectar in the secluded cave was poured on the top of his desire, as happy and dissatisfied as if he was drenched with nectar, the tender flesh turned and sucked his desire, like countless small mouths sucking him, making him feel numb and refreshing Extremely, he had just twitched twice, and there was a twitch, and desire sprayed out a rapid and hot white bullet rain, and shot into Zhou Min's cunt... The

  small cunt swallowed all his essence seeds, and the heat stimulated her. Hua Xin'er pours out more nectar, mixed with it, surging in the acupuncture point, enveloping his desire, and moisturizing her inner wall...

  Zhou Min thought that the torture was about to end, and wanted to stretch her tight skin. But suddenly he noticed... he, he, his desire became harder and bigger again, and filled her little cunt again...

  "My dear, is my essence delicious? Look at your little cunt to eat it all, a drop of it I didn't save it. It's so good. I will shoot you all. You have to eat them all and let them flow out. I'll do it again. Do you think it's okay..." He smiled with satisfaction.

  Zhou Min only felt that Liu Haoyu was going crazy. According to his statement, she would be killed. When he noticed this, Zhou Min couldn't help but want to escape, but the desire to be buried in her small hole became more fierce and filled her small hole again. There is no gap in it, and his essence and her nectar are also stuffed in...

  "My dear, now, I'm just about to start, I will enjoy your cunt... , I'll do it again...until you fuck you..." He roared out these words and slammed into her body...

  Zhou Min was hit by his sudden impact, but was hit by his big body. The palm controlled her body, and withstood his rough impact, his desire was almost penetrated into her belly button, every time it hit her uterine orifice deeply, filling her small cunt tightly. ...The

  deep heart of Huaxin's eyes were suddenly numb by the penis, and it was sour and itchy into the bones, " deep...ah..." Zhou Min screamed, feeling himself His soul is about to fly out of the body...

  He began to pump it vigorously with a powerful dragon stem, grasping her two snow milks that were constantly stumbling with his palms, squeezing them, and grasping them. Deformation, redness and swelling, more delicate...

  "My dear, little fairy, your hole is so tight, so hot..." He straightened up his sturdy body and suddenly pulled out the giant. She suddenly felt a strong emptiness in her lower body, and a wave of sweet love liquid was uncontrollable. The violent rush came out, temporarily hitting my private flower and jade legs wet, charming and obscene...have

  yet to recover, he has another fierce pounding, as if to penetrate her internal organs and six abdomen. Yes, a huge and tough deep jab squeezed in, reaching the tender heart of the stamen in the deepest part of the tunnel.