Chapter 46

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (8) HH

  "Ah...I 'm dying...I 'm dying...Ah..." The slippery nectar flooded like a torrent of water, and couldn't stop it. The gorgeous red light was shining in her eyes. Zhou Min's whole body convulsed and closed her eyes, Zhou Min tremblingly let herself fly to the joyful heaven again...

  "Baby, your little hole is really superb. There seem to be thousands of small mouths in it. I'm sucked dry by you!" The intense shrinkage of the flower path and the hot honey made his giant stick seem to be sucked hard by countless small mouths. He roared and prodded it a few times, and the male burst out of his teeth. "It's so cool! It's so cool! My baby, catch my semen! I'm going to shoot!"

  "Zizzi", his lower abdomen is tightly pressed against her buttocks, strong and sturdy body shake violently, huge purple dragon head exploded like a sluice-like, explosive ejected a large number of thick hydrothermal, wave after wave coming down full of pain deep in her greenhouse ...

  at the child's delicate body Unable to bear such a fierce treatment and extreme joy, his eyes were dark and he passed out...

  Liu Haoyu held the delicate body in his arms tightly, feeling that he had just obtained a lower body that had never been satisfied before, and he was about to move, smooth and tender. Liu

  Haoyu suddenly opened his eyes and his mind cleared up... His calm eyes struck fiercely, "Damn..." Liu Haoyu's voice was no longer controlled by the effect of the medicine. The tone of the elegant cello in the middle, if there is no violence in it, the gloom might be more perfect...

  "Qi Yuan! Humph, I didn't expect that one day I, Liu Haoyu, would capsize in the gutter...but..." Liu Haoyu raised the person in her arms. His little face, the red tide on the top, the delicate pink mouth, the white and tender skin, and down, the plump and tall white breasts, and the tight and charming flowers... all show up again, just now he His impudence, his madness, his desires can't stop.

  She fainted a long time ago, and the fragments of intense love just now began to flash in Liu Haoyu's mind, looking at her like a small face with a rose after the rain, her hands were soft and delicate, Liu Haoyu's eyes flashed a gloomy look, but her lower body was not Raised in a controlled manner.

  This person, he knows, although he rarely pays attention to school affairs, but the goddess of Qingda and Xueba, he will occasionally hear from friends around him, and recently he often hears from Su Xiaoxiao, but It's all about her fake tall, fake white lotus sky, flat figure and thin bones like phosphorus, and so on.

  I used to hear it and forget it, but now, I think of her previous struggles, resistance, catering, crying, I have to say, this high-level goddess has such a sultry body and she just looked at her eyes Although he has taken medicine, it doesn't mean that his IQ has also declined. It is to want to hide the surprise and love and a trace of sadness!

  This person who has never had any contact with herself before, even in the same class, has never taken the initiative to speak to herself, why does she look at her eyes so complicated, so complicated that he clearly feels that she is dragged in by him again when he panics and realizes that it is My own surprise, struggle, compromise and surrender when he finally discovered that he was abnormal, and the desperately hidden like...

  This woman gave him a confused contradiction for the first time!

  But looking at the clothes torn by him and the thongs on the ground, Liu Haoyu's eyes darkened involuntarily. Those clothes were so close to the body and so exposed. Thinking about this place, she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. He has personally verified the cleanliness and innocence, and the complexity of this place is hard to imagine, whether this beautiful looking sacred and indecent appearance will have been regarded as rape by those men once.

  And looking at her dress and the situation where she was still here more than three o'clock in the morning, I couldn't help but think of what Su Xiaoxiao occasionally said in front of her, pretending to be a noble woman and pretending to be a saint?

  Liu Haoyu's mood suddenly became a little gloomy and uncertain. He stared sternly at the person in his arms, his fiery gaze patrolled every inch of her skin, like a king examining his territory, including possession and aggression... his

  hands slowly followed Her cheeks slid to the neck full of hickeys, the bruises with bruises, the big hand shook fiercely, the people in her arms moaned unconsciously, and the frowning hum made Liu Haoyu feel firm underneath. He is not without a woman. Man, on the contrary, he only has deep control and self-control over desire, but after tasting her, he finally understands why so many kings are reluctant to go to court early, and his friends at the wine table are fascinated by the matter of bedclothes.

  Because it's really too comfortable, making it hard for him to control! Seeing the person in her arms curled up pitifully, her tight toes during orgasm had not been stretched out, Liu Haoyu couldn't help but think that this was her first time after all, thinking of her unrestrained demands before, for fear that she would let her It was hard to fight, but Liu Haoyu pulled the cotton milk fiercely, whispering in Jiang Min's ear.

  "Jiang Min, before I am sick of your body, you had better never cross the line, otherwise, he will never tolerate it!

  The sound of the doorknob turning eagerly attracted Liu Haoyu's attention. , Looked at the door of the room that was locked by the person outside, and then slammed the door violently "bang bang bang", Liu Haoyu frowned in doubt, "Who?"

  "Haoyu, I brought a clean "antidote" How are you inside?" A boy's eager voice came from outside.

  At this time, Liu Haoyu remembered that when he was dragging Jiang Min into the private room, he called his subordinate and brother and told him that he was drugged. Originally, he asked him to find a clean girl. He treated the woman. His body has an extremely extreme cleanliness, but he didn't expect the power of this medicine to be so strong that he could no longer wait for him to send someone over.

  Unexpectedly, the woman who caught casually as soon as the door was opened was Jiang Min, but her taste was unexpectedly sweet, which made him unable to extricate himself!

  Looking at the girl in her arms, Liu Haoyu stood up, picked up the person and put the person on the round sofa in the private room, and lay down with her, "Anan, you go back first, I don't need a woman..."

  The man outside the door heard Liu Haoyu's elegant and low voice, and couldn't help frowning, "The medicine on your body... is

  relieved ?!" Lin Nan asked in horror, but the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. He really couldn't control it and pulled a woman casually. Thinking of the bad situation here, all the women who can come here can play, and I'm afraid they won't be "clean"!

  Unable to help, Lin Nan shuddered and prayed secretly for Qi Yuan, who dared to plot against Liu Haoyu, and offended Liu Haoyu, but the result is incalculable.

  "You go back first. Tomorrow I will see the Qi family bankruptcy and countless news about the only son of the Qi family!" Liu Haoyu's voice was so elegant and magnetic, but Lin Nan couldn't help but shiver!