Chapter 52

Kick Kai Campus Hui Guliang (14)

  was originally based on his own personality, he would not have any interest in the goddess of Qingda, but after that night, I don't know if her body is too sweet or she The look at him was so complicated that he would think of this woman from time to time throughout the week!

  He even thought about what it would be like when they met again, but she always surprised him!

  She wanted to hide from him, and she was still eager to avoid it. It seemed that he was a kind of plague. This feeling made him very novel, but it was only novel, and it was not enough to make him feel that he wanted to find out. Case!

  He, Liu Haoyu, never feared the unknown, because challenging the unknown has always been the only reason why he feels that life is still a bit interesting to survive. However, when he saw her again, the light in her eyes made his heart suddenly feel a burst of light. Unexplained surprises and dull pain, although the feeling was fleeting, but the unpredictability of the abnormality made him repeatedly break the principle and decided to leave this woman by his side for the time being.

  Because, he suddenly felt a sense of uncertainty about what was about to get out of his control. This feeling was both unfamiliar and made him faintly anxious! However, since he was a child, he knew that no matter what it was, whether it was a person or a thing, when he didn't figure it out, in order to prevent the track from shifting, he should either strictly control the decomposition one by one and find out what he wants and the answer. , Or it is ruthless destruction!

  A woman, especially a woman who fascinates him physically, is the safest way to destroy it completely. However, this woman, inexplicably makes him reluctant to kill her or keep her, it seems that he is more inclined to leave this woman. !

  Since he was reluctant and curious, he didn't mind spending some time studying it until he hated her...

  lowered his head, Liu Haoyu's scattered bangs blocked most of his glasses, and also covered the slightly raised slender Danfeng eyes. , Awe-inspiring chill.

  Different from Liu Haoyu's calm and casual elegance is Zhou Min's helplessness and embarrassment. The sharp contrast made Ruan Ru look at the people embracing at the door and pinch his fingers tightly into the flesh!

  Zhou Min didn't expect that her expression of embarrassment and eagerness would become such an explanation in front of Liu Haoyu. Fortunately, she didn't know, otherwise she would have to find a piece of tofu and hit her to death!

  Sometimes I have to say that people drank saliva and stuffed their teeth, feeling that the big hands that were tightly pinched on their waist almost made her scream hot, but at this time Liu Haoyu bowed his head again, ambiguously in Zhou Min's He whispered in his ear, "Student Jiang, let's have a chat!"

  Chat...but I don't want to talk to you...

  Liu Haoyu gave Zhou Min a cold back with a faint threat. And she sensitively felt that the big hand that was holding her waist tightly and erotically squeezed the soft flesh of her waist, making her feet soft, and Liu Haoyu took her advantage and hugged her tighter!

  Seeing Zhou Min lying softly in her arms, the desire that neither the beautiful lady nor the charming enchantress could squeeze for a week had a tendency to raise her head instantly, which made Liu Haoyu more tightly embrace the person in her arms, making her tender and tender. Closer to his firmness.

  "Student Jiang Min, what do you think?" Liu Haoyu's soft voice rang out, seeming to be smiling. Those thin clothes seemed to be able to pass through the heat and hard arms that could not be rejected. He hugged Zhou Min tightly on Zhou Min's waist, and took her up with a light hug.

  And the hardness of the groin was stuck on her belly, a little bit, but more embarrassment and horror, Zhou Min looked at Liu Haoyu incredulously with panic in his eyes!

  The body was struggling subconsciously. Liu Haoyu seemed to know that she was going to struggle. One hand hooked her waist, and the other hand easily vacated and pressed behind her head, pressing her face tightly against her chest. , Took a faint look at the box, and then left with his arms around Zhou Min.

  Ruan Ru watched Zhou Min and Liu Haoyu's interaction with no one beside him and almost didn't stare at them, and almost burst into flames in his eyes. One was the goddess of the school's Gaoling flower, and the other was an unattainable male god. Although it was a class, Because Liu Haoyu has already mastered the Liu Group and has successively developed a larger business empire, he has only a handful of class hours.

  So there has always been this person in the class, but from the beginning of the freshman year to the present, the time he has been in the class can be calculated with just one palm, except that he is never absent at the end of each semester, and he has never been in class. In spite of this, his grades have been firmly occupying the first place in the school, and he has not given up in a semester!

  With his grades, family background and appearance, he is the undeserved uncrowned king and emperor of Qingda, and Jiang Min's grades have always been below Liu Haoyu, so their appearance plus wisdom have always been the gods and queens of Qingda. However, it has always been after Wang Buxian, and there has never been the slightest scandal. This also stems from the fact that both of them are kind of clean and self-conscious people. Except recently, it has started to spread in school that Su Xiaoxiao is Liu Haoyu's gossip girlfriend. .

  Although she sneered, she sometimes looked at Liu Haoyu, who never let women in, suddenly allowed Su Xiaoxiao to come and follow him, and even many times Su Xiaoxiao was bullied. Although Liu Haoyu did not come forward directly, he still sent him to his side. The people escorted Su Xiaoxiao, so no one would dare to treat Su Xiaoxiao a poor girl with no influence in Qingda, a school where the second generation of officials and the second generation of the rich were everywhere.

  On the contrary, with Liu Haoyu's escort that has never been concealed, Su Xiaoxiaoda has a phenomenon of being complimented by such powerful and wealthy sons of the school! Although the appearance can't compete with Jiang Min, but because of Liu Haoyu's interference, there is a sense of sight that is equal to Jiang Min!

  But what did she see now? These two people who were supposed to be unable to fight together, they hugged each other intimately! Ruan Ru suddenly felt a very complicated feeling in his heart, and a crazy imagination flashed through his mind, if I was held by Liu Haoyu, how good I would be!

  Although he didn't want to admit it, Ruan Ru had to say that Liu Haoyu's lethality was enough to drive all the women in China crazy, and she was no exception!

  Ruan Ru looked at Zhou Min who was hugged by Liu Haoyu and left. She subconsciously put on her shoes and ran out of the door, but she didn't know why she wanted to go out. But at that time, she didn't think about Zhou Min, but Liu Haoyu. , Liu Haoyu, classmate Liu! I, I am Ruan Ru, I, I am Xiaomin's friend..." After knowing what he said, Ruan Ru suddenly felt a sense of guilty conscience and immediately added, "I, you, can't , Can't do this..."