Chapter 59

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (21)

At this time, his sanity is completely lost, and only the instinct of a beast is left. He instinctively rushes towards the warm, tight and slippery cave: purple is almost black. The cock is inserted in the small hole and turned out.

  When it was inserted, the transparent honey juice was splashed out, and it was wet everywhere, and the sheets under the body were almost twisted out of water droplets; when the meat stick was pulled out, the tender meat was also slightly turned out, rosy and attractive. , But looked erotic and lustful...

  Liu Haoyu lowered his head and saw such a lustful scene, and suddenly, the cock went up a bit!

  Zhou Min, who was already very sensitive and had already collapsed, was of course aware of Liu Haoyu's changes, and his inner wall shrank reflexively...


  Zhou Min slapped Liu Haoyu's broad chest with his hand, but in the next moment, Being hit by Liu Haoyu's fierce sprint, his body couldn't help swinging upwards. The snowy milk covered with finger marks and hickeys dangled attractive nipples. Liu Haoyu couldn't help the temptation. As soon as he lowered his head, he licked the delicate nipples with deep affection. At the place, he vomited, biting the

  nipple with the tip of his teeth occasionally, pulling the small hole and suffering mercilessly. Xueru was ravaged again, and the woman cried out, "No! Liu Beast...Ah...I can't do it...Ah..."

  "Student Jiang, you are really dishonest, you want me to spare you, but your little hole still bites me so tightly. Isn't it dissatisfied? Beast! I will show you what a real beast is!"

  Liu Haoyu's eyes were red, and he looked at the woman under him, his eyes were crazy, but his mouth chuckles with obscene words, wild. He pulled the woman's curled legs apart, and shook her waist again and again, arbitrarily hitting her constricted flower hole, strenuously, and deeper, the sound of "sizzling" water stains mixed with the flesh There was a "pop" sound, and an obscene one came out from where they met, ecstasy.

  "Ah! No more!...I'm going to vent again! ... vent again...Ah...Liu Haoyu!"

  Zhou Min's mind was blank for a moment, and the whole person was immersed in the puffy rain, and his consciousness became Blurred, only the tunnel is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking again...


  Liu Haoyu felt that the meat stick beneath him seemed to be sucked by countless small mouths.

  "Oh my God, baby, don't bite so tight...Do you really want to make me a beast?" Liu Haoyu's giant stick is in the extremely small, narrow and abnormally narrow corridor. Every step is extremely difficult, he is low. Panting for breath, her powerful big hands held the woman's pink buttocks tightly.

  After dozens of fierce twitches, Liu Haoyu couldn't help it anymore!

  "Ah! It's so cool! It's so cool! I'm going to shoot! Eat it for me, eat it all!"

  "Zizi", Liu Haoyu's lower abdomen was pressed tightly against Zhou Min's buttocks, her strong and sturdy body was fierce. Trembling, the purple-black huge roots of desire are like blasted sluices, exploding out a large amount of thick hydrothermal fluid, one after another, filling the depths of Zhou Min's sour and tingling flower room...

  still in orgasm The woman suddenly felt a hot liquid shot into the heart of the flower. How could the sensitive flower stamen be so exciting, her body fell into an orgasm again, and she trembled in a long-winded manner... Consciousness once again blurred...

  Liu Haoyu looked at her desire finally Half-soft, and the woman under her fainted, she couldn't help but hug the person. Her chest clearly felt the two lumps of flesh pressed against it, and the heartbeat after the passion seemed to pass from those two lumps of flesh. In Liu Haoyu's body, Liu Haoyu clearly felt that the two masses of flesh were trembling slightly.

  Liu Haoyu couldn't help but lifted up Zhou Min's face, who had fainted, and saw Zhou Min, who was nurtured by passion and madness. His blushing cheeks were like red clouds, his eyes were closed and the eyelashes were trembling slightly. Cherry red mouth was bitten by himself. The redness and swelling were moist and shiny, like a sweet cherry, which made Liu Haoyu's mouth feel so dry.

  Without suppressing his desire for the woman in his arms, Liu Haoyu lowered his head and kissed Zhou Min who had passed out.

  Although Zhou Min passed out, the body produced by the system still made Zhou Min unconsciously respond with Liu Haoyu's rare gentleness.

  Liu Haoyu gently rubbed his four lips, and put his tongue into Zhou Min's mouth to stir, feeling Zhou Min's breathing more and more rapid, and his body was unconsciously twisting under him. Liu Haoyu's half-soft dragon is strong again.

  "Jiang Min." He whispered her name, his rough big hand directly covered the feminine flower, searching for the sensitive flower nucleus in her tenderness.

  "Ah! It hurts~" Zhou Min trembled, Liu eyebrows frowned, Zhou Min arched his body under Liu Haoyu's teasing, his face pale for a moment.

  Perceiving Zhou Min's discomfort, Liu Haoyu opened her legs straight, and between the white and tender valleys, the red and swollen lips overflowed with blood, and the flesh turned out, looking extremely pitiful!

  "Jiang Min...I want you, but your body doesn't seem to work anymore. I will let you go this time. Next time I will take back the profits!" Liu Haoyu seemed to instantly become the noble and elegant in school. The prince of Wang and the man who was ignorant of restraint in bed just now, the crazy man is totally different!

  Liu Haoyu slowly stepped back from Zhou Min, and the woman on the bed had long been unconscious. Thinking of the feeling just now, Liu Haoyu couldn't help but look at the little brother who was still standing upright, then looked at the woman lying on the bed and held her. Put his hands on his dragon.

  The soft touch made Liu Haoyu tremble all over, grabbing her hand, and pushing her up and down, although this is his most annoying masturbation, but if those hands are hers, it is not impossible.

  It's just that her pussy is more to his heart!

  In his increasingly tight body, a cloud of white turbidity flew from the top of the dragon, and it was sprayed directly on Zhou Min's fainted face. A little bit of milky white liquid stuck to Zhou Min's face. But the extraordinarily obscene, people can't help but swallow.

  But after knowing that Zhou Min could no longer continue, Liu Haoyu could only hug Zhou Min, who was limp on the bed, and gently sipped her lips, and then he hugged her sideways.

  The original white bed was full of mess, with a lot of wet and white traces, and a little bit of blood. It should be fucking cruel! Mixed with the evidence of the two people's enthusiasm, Liu Haoyu was eccentric, but at this moment, not only did he not feel upset looking at the dazzling marks, but he couldn't help but hook his mouth.

  Zhou Min, who had passed out with his arms, walked out of this room and went to another bedroom. He didn't like people in the room. He intended that the villa had no servants. There were only hourly workers who came on time every morning. The room he and Zhou Min's love did not match. It was not the master bedroom, but the second bedroom. After washing the fainted Zhou Min in the master bedroom where he lived, he looked at the big black bed.