Chapter 73

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 33) to make up No. 12

  Liu Haoyu stepped out of the elevator coldly , with the gold-wire glasses strapped upright, nodded, stretched out his hand, and the people around him immediately handed in the information that had been prepared in their hands to Liu Haoyu.

  "We have conducted experiments on living organisms, but the results are not good. Although bonobos are the closest to human genes, they are not humans, so...the experiment failed..."

  Liu Haoyu glanced at ten lines and quickly read the information in his hands. As I walked and watched, I was listening to the people around me making verbal narrations, and hundreds of people in protective clothing followed in silence and awe...When he

  walked to the largest conference room, Liu Haoyu sat first After taking the first place, the talents behind them sat down in order according to their positions and ranks here.

  "Has everything been checked?" Liu Haoyu sat casually, and after placing the information on the table, he flexed his index finger, tapping the tabletop rhythmically, and asked casually.

  But with the crisp sound of Liu Haoyu's knocking on the tabletop, the quiet space with aluminum walls on all sides and pale lights seemed extremely depressing.

  The person sitting in the lower position to the left of Liu Haoyu looked sideways at Liu Haoyu's respectful answer, "I just arrived today, I have checked it, and now it is the second phase of genetic comparison..."

  "What about you, what you asked you to do, How's it going?" Liu Haoyu nodded, and then looked at the man sitting in the third place on the right. His voice was very soft and calm, but the man who was suddenly asked trembled and sat in full face. "Number One." I have already got in touch with that person~"

  "Very good..." Liu Haoyu suddenly put his whole body into the chair, and the whole person seemed to be in a good mood...

  "Staring at her, if necessary, help her get in touch with those over there faster People get in touch, and the latest results are used on No.2. If necessary, you can help in the back...understand?"

  Liu Haoyu took it out of her pocket when she was in the living room while holding Zhou Minshi. Lipstick, but the tone is light and casual, but everyone can't help but shiver, but no one dares to say anything...

  Liu Haoyu looked up and saw that everyone was not saying anything. He stretched out his hand and did not want to speak. Someone immediately handed out a pen. Liu Haoyu began to write and draw on the paper he had just received, and it happened when Liu Haoyu's pen fell on the paper. When there was a rustle, everyone's eyes immediately began to shine.

  Looking at the blank paper that Liu Haoyu was constantly starting to write, he looked extremely excited when he was filled with bio, chemical, and material formulas that were incomprehensible, but in their eyes, they were extremely precious and magical!

  When the papers filled with formulas were thrown out by Liu Haoyu indifferently, the eyes of the two people standing beside him became more and more excited, more and more excited, more and more crazy...

  『哢』 The pen and the cap were recombined. Liu Haoyu put the pen down, got up, and moved back and forth, with dignity and grace, and took three steps back. At this moment, everyone rushed like a hungry tiger. Coming up, a group of three or five, everyone holding a piece of formula paper full of different creatures, chemicals, and objects, muttering to himself, from time to time there was crazy laughter, "Yes, yes, what I always think is wrong. , It's here..."

  "Yes, that's it, so you can merge..."

  Liu Haoyu was different from everyone's excitement, watching with cold eyes, as if it was not him who caused such a movement, his eyes were plain. With a sneer and boring look, he turned and left, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly stopped, "By the way, I don't like doing things that are not clean...Qijia things, I hope this is the first and last time Once, otherwise..."

  Liu Haoyu walked to the door, tilted his head, half of his face was hidden in the darkness, and the other half was lit up by the white light reflected by the aluminum wall even more terrifying. His lips were red like drinking blood, and his eyes were black like an abyss. Gou's faint smile, feminine and easy-going, but they felt that the strong bloody smell made them tremble.

  The voice was not deliberately amplified, and it was still the same tone as before, but in this atmosphere full of excitement, it was like a pauser, so that everyone did not dare to ignore it, and it was like this man who resembled the devil and Shura, but they worshipped like a god. The man, because the strong is enough to be the man who makes the rules of the jungle! And Liu Haoyu is that kind of person!

  Zhou Minhe talked for a long time, until he masked Zhou Min again, mainly because of Zhou Min's stupid and breathtaking IQ. He made up his mind that the attribute points obtained by completing the mission this time must be added. On the IQ that makes it depressed!

  IQ is not online, it is really difficult to communicate! It's like talking with ducks...

  Zhou Min couldn't help but smile when she saw that she ignored her. In fact, she knew everything she said, but she just wanted to make fun of it. She was not really stupid. Moreover, who called it, every time When she was looking for it, it hung up for her...

  Seeing that it was too late, Zhou Min was very tired. He looked around and opened the closet. As expected, she didn't need to bring her clothes from home. , Liu Haoyu is all ready...

  took the silk pajamas from the closet and walked towards the bathroom. However, I have to say that the best thing about living in a mansion is the enviable bathroom, which is 30 square meters. In the bathroom, an entire wall is inlaid with mirrors, making the entire space surprisingly wide.

  In addition to the separated sinks, there is also an oversized hot spring bath with live water, which is obviously artificial, but you can still smell the fragrance of medicine, overflowing from the specially opened groove in the underground, and it will be full when it reaches a certain point. It flows out from another living mouth, cyclically, but where the water is flowing, I don't know...

  However, the appearance of this designed soup pond is simply amazing, it is completely Solomon's relief mural! Every stroke is absolute art! However, how on earth did this make it really surprised Zhou Min. This design, this relief, is simply, no wonder, those people want to come in...

  and besides this soup pond, there is also a jacuzzi inside. The transparent shower room, from the floor tiles to the wall, except for the special design in the soup pond, all the rest are made of Italian imported marble. The gray underside is lined with purple-red deep red-purple shades, which can be seen as the best.

  Zhou Min has always liked hot springs, but she doesn't like public hot springs, because everyone can soak, and it always feels dirty, but private hot springs are very expensive. Once a month is enough, so even though she likes hot springs, Zhou Min will still be very restrained, but at this time, after thinking about starting and doing the task, it seems that the impression of Hot Spring in Zhou Min's mind is very vague...