Chapter 89

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 4) HH Supplement No. 18

  "Really? Little Fairy..." As he said, the big stick was slightly drawn out of his cunt, and the semen and lewd water inside suddenly leaked out, and the lower abdomen was full. As soon as the feeling disappeared, Xiao points began to feel a little empty.

  The long desire stayed at the acupuncture point at this moment, rubbing around, just didn't come in, Zhou Min went and took the initiative to hold this man who made her love or hate hard to choose, at least this night, she wanted to go crazy with him, right? !

  Zhou Min's initiative made Liu Haoyu a little surprised. When he lowered his head, he saw Zhou Min raising his head. The gentleness and indulgence of his eyes made him suddenly touched the heart that he had always thought there was no such thing as numb, warm and itchy , But made him feel the satisfaction and happiness that is about to overflow from his chest!

  "Jiang Min, do you know what the price you have to pay if you provoke me?" Liu Haoyu held Zhou Min's uplifted pretty face, eyebrows were charming, his eyes were tender, full of love and satisfaction, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was enough to melt Liu Haoyu's body. Be prepared, be defeated, and indulge willingly.

  When did Jiang Min start to care about everything, it was when KTV caught her, when her bright and familiar eyes crashed into his eyes without warning, or when it happened to her again and again When he releases his desires, or when he gets along with her, the warm and bright time that makes people more and more nostalgic...

  However, he does not seem to want to resist at all, does not want to resist her approach, does not want to resist her pair of sad but hidden Eyes with a brilliant smile...

  From the time he met her, he knew that this woman was a trouble, an unknown, and even more dangerous, but he didn't care...

  Zhou Min looked at Liu Haoyu, smiling like a spring flower in March. The eyes are absolutely dependent and yearning. There are the most beautiful colors, the warmest temperature, and the deadly temptation, which makes Liu Haoyu irresistible. It is Jiang Min's stubborn and love for Liu Haoyu in his previous and present lives. It is strong enough to make People are suffocating crazy.

  "Jiang Min, even if your life ends, your love will continue. Even if you don't love it one day, never let me know..." Liu Haoyu softly kissed his heart trembling and throbbing eyes, with Liu Haoyu has never had a pampering and indifference.

  "Liu Haoyu, I love you! I love you so much that even my soul has withered..." So, I don't want to love anymore... My pain, you will hurt it again in this life! In this way, we are really clear...

  Zhou Min's confession with closed eyes sounded unspeakable sadness to Liu Haoyu. The tears from the corner of his eyes burned his lips. For the first time, Jiang Min said to himself. ,I love you!

  I have never found a lot of beautiful three words, but when Jiang Min said it, Liu Haoyu's hand holding Zhou Min trembled slightly, "Then continue to love me, I like you and love me..."

  Zhou Min didn't want to What are you talking about, because the sadness in my heart is almost uncontrollable, I leaned my neck back, the small cunt consciously sucked the glans tightly, and sat down on the giant stick...

  "Jiang Min, you know you are playing with fire ?"! Liu Haoyu's hard-to-bear desire, in Zhou Min's deliberate behavior, instantly collapsed like the water of the Yellow River again, with a warning in his mouth, but his lower body couldn't help being seduced, and pushed up fiercely...

  "Love me, take possession of me," I want you to completely turn me into a beast and tear me up and swallow me..." Zhou Min no longer knows what she is talking about. She just wants to be completely under Liu Haoyu tonight and truly release Jiang Min to Liu Haoyu. Love and perseverance.

  "You'll regret it..." After Liu Haoyu heard Zhou Min's words, his eyes became blood red, and he was no longer controlling his animal desires. He pulled out like a tiger, then inserted it fiercely, and then inserted

  it into Zhou. From the bottom of Min's heart, time and time again without roots...

  "Ah! So fast... So fast... Hurry up, I want you to go deeper... Ah..." Zhou Min clasped Liu Haoyu's strong arms tightly with both hands. That strong desire to fly Zhou Minzhen out! ...

  "Ah... ah... so deep... ah... so heavy, so fast... oh... ah... no... ah... pierced... ah... no..."

  Liu Haoyu listened Zhou Min was being inserted with nonsense, shaking his head constantly, as if to dodge the terrifying thrust, and at once seemed to want to nail Zhou Min to the bed, pierce her uterus, and continue to penetrate her. It's the same in the heart, so she can't even breathe.

  But Liu Haoyu still felt that it was not enough, not enough, he couldn't hear Zhou Min's broken moan, crying in a trance, just blindly rushing forward, one after another fast, one after another cruel!

  "Ah... so comfortable... Hao Yu, Hao Yu..." The two petals outside the small hole were bumped into red and swollen, and the water splashed everywhere like a tide of pleasure, Zhou Min could only hold on to Liu Haoyu to be strong. With his arms tightly clamped between his strong waist, he kept twisting his body with his savage movements, catering to his madness, desperately calling his name...

  "Woo... so fast... Hao Yu ...Ah...give me...give me...ah..." Excessive pleasure struck, Zhou Min was unable to fight back, soaking his whole body in the numbness, trembling involuntarily...

  Liu Haoyu seemed to be still Feeling that it wasn't enough, she rolled over and pressed Zhou Min under her body, holding Zhou Min's pretty buttocks in both hands, and began to rhythmic ceaselessly to prevent her from breathing in the slightest.

  This posture made it easier for him to use force. The fierce attack made Zhou Min's small cunt like an electric shock. He wanted to escape, but Liu Haoyu was holding him tightly. He refused to let her give in and fell into another place again. Amidst a wave of climax...

  "'s so" Zhou Min was hit by Liu Haoyu's fierce force, and she couldn't help but reach out and hold her tightly. The sheets, crying, sweating, wet Zhou Min's hair, sticking to his cheeks, his head constantly swaying, it seems that this can relieve the ecstasy of pleasure...

  "Jiang Min, Jiang Min, you It's mine...mine..." Liu Haoyu's stern eyes pinched Zhou Min's waist, and slammed the meat stick into the soft corridor, with the marks of the meat stick on the lower abdomen. But being quickly pressed down by Liu Haoyu, Zhou Min was screamed by him, as if the tunnel was about to be pierced.

  Liu Haoyu panted roughly, squinted those cold eyes, sweat covered her forehead, condensed, dripping on Zhou Min's body, the heat made her whole body hot again!