Chapter 94

  Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 54)

  "I only ask you two questions?"

  Zhou Min looked at Liu Haoyu with an expression that was never serious.

  "You said..."

  "If, before Su Xiaoxiao, you recognize me first? Will you let Su Xiaoxiao approach you afterwards? If I don't let you approach Su Xiaoxiao, will you agree? Me?" Zhou Min's question is very unreasonable, but she wants to know! For me in my previous life, this answer is very important.

  "I don't want to lie to you. I will let Su Xiaoxiao stay by my side because she has what I need, but I can tell you for sure that for Su Xiaoxiao, whether in the past or in the future, I never Put it in your heart by anyone except you!"

  "The second question, you said you've been looking for a pair of eyes, did you find it?" Zhou Min didn't want to ask, but sometimes the only thing that makes him give up The way is when it hurts until it doesn't hurt.

  "Found it!" Liu Haoyu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes half drooping, and his hands tightened slightly.

  "Who is it?"

  "You said, there are only two questions..." Liu Haoyu did not answer Zhou Min's question, but Zhou Min laughed at himself suddenly, "It turns out that it's not me..."

  "You have no place in my heart. Doubt, why do you always like to ask the roots so much? When you should be smart, you are always stupid, but on this issue, why can't you be stupid? ..."

  Zhou Min laughed suddenly, lying on Liu Haoyu, smiling and getting tired. It turns out that in my previous life, I did not lose to Su Xiaoxiao, but to you, to you, to lose. I gave you your persistence and dedication to others...

  Liu Haoyu knew that his answer did not satisfy Zhou Min, or that Zhou Min did not want to hear him say this answer. He could lie to her, but he wanted to be honest. Face her, because besides her, his only knot is the eyes that once gave him the will to live.

  The girl was found after meeting Zhou Min. He was once willing to give up looking for those eyes that made him stubborn for Zhou Min. However, I have to say that God always seems to be giving people problems when he is willing to give up. , But suddenly found it. Although it was a long distance away, although it was just a glimpse, he found it.

  It was those eyes, with sorrow and complexity, with unspeakable pain, so nostalgic, but when he found her again, it was also when she came to the end of her life. He didn't find it. Maybe he could say that he could let go , But she has been found by herself, how can he let it go.

  Although her life is about to end, it is only the diagnosis and treatment of those quack doctors. Now, she is in her own laboratory, using the magic of Su Xiaoxiao and the original bacteria brought in her body, that person, living The index is getting higher and higher. The latest experimental data tells him that she will wake up in just one month, one month later!

  After waking up, he just wanted to look at those eyes that had kept him dreaming for more than ten years, and then he would let the woman go, because he knew very well that he didn't love that woman. He went to the laboratory. At that time, he was holding her, and along the way, his heartbeat was not the slightest movement, unlike the feeling of holding Zhou Min.

  Therefore, Liu Haoyu knows very well that he just wants to look at those eyes again and save the woman who has those eyes to life. Watching her leave and live, he can completely end his obsession, otherwise, this one Things will become the knot of his life, and it will make him more painful than when he discovered the true colors of everyone in the Liu family.

  He thought he was doing it secretly, but he didn't know why he was discovered by the man next to the woman, and then Zhou Min's thing happened, who and who leaked the trace of that woman, and who told this to that. man!

  The man who has his own dark world in Europe and America, although he is not afraid of him, but he is like a leech, he will not let go when he is sucked, which makes him very annoying!

  However, he hadn't solved the man's situation, and Zhou Min had an accident!

  He doesn't believe these two things that there is no connection, but who is it?

  Su Xiaoxiao? Ruan Ru? Or the last former helm of the Liu family, his grandfather? !

  This afternoon, S5 surprised him at the information handed over. He always knew that Zhou Min did not look at his friends, but he didn't know when Ruan Ru and Su Xiaoxiao were stunned with the old man of the Liu family and knew the situation in his laboratory!

  I have to say that the Hundred-legged Worm is dead and not stiff. I didn't expect that the old man Liu who was overhead would be loyal to him, not to mention that even the leaders of the United Nations were secretly helping him because of his recent past. The year is quiet and there are no more activities, so those people think, what can a Patriarch of the Zeng Liu family who has no real power give them?

  Or, they feel that I, Liu Haoyu, is no longer able to do it!

  Liu Haoyu and Zhou Min were obviously so close, but Zhou Min felt that this was the time when they were the furthest away.

  Liu Haoyu lowered his head. When he wanted to say something, Zhou Min looked up at Liu Haoyu, smiling a little reluctantly but smiling hard.

  "I'm tired!" Zhou Min didn't want to say anything, because she is also very confused now, don't know what to do, or, for Liu Haoyu, she still hates it!

  "You don't need to laugh if you don't want to laugh. In front of me, you can truly be yourself..." Liu Haoyu couldn't help feeling a little sad when he looked at Zhou Min, but too much was not knowing how to comfort.

  The corner of Zhou Min's mouth trembled slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything. He leaned in Liu Haoyu's arms, wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, wanted to laugh, but felt very tired.

  "You don't need to laugh if you don't want to laugh. In front of me, you can truly be yourself..." Liu Haoyu couldn't help feeling a little sad when he looked at Zhou Min, but too much was not knowing how to comfort.

  The corner of Zhou Min's mouth trembled slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything. He leaned in Liu Haoyu's arms, wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, wanted to laugh, but felt very tired.

  Liu Haoyu, I used to be very painful. The painful life is better than death but I don't want to die. Because I die, I can't see you. I know a lot now, but I feel so stupid. In this life, you give me back the pain I once had. Bar! This life, it's your pain, okay?

  The porridge in the kitchen was warm and cold, cold and warm, but no one talked about the topic of drinking porridge anymore. At dawn, Liu Haoyu left, leaving in a hurry. It seemed that there was something urgent to deal with, Zhou Min asked. Not going to the manor seems to have been ordered by Liu Haoyu to go anywhere in the manor, but he couldn't get out of the manor.