Kick away the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 57)

  On the day she was tied up by Su Xiaoxiao to the hotel where they were going to have an engagement banquet the next day, she was tied up by people and stuffed into the bridal room. There is a mirror in the bridal room. On the other side of the mirror is a small black room less than 30 square meters. It can be seen inside, but no sound can be heard from the outside, but from the outside, it is just a very ordinary vanity mirror.

  That day, Liu Haoyu was dressed in a straight black suit. She was cool and handsome, noble and elegant, Su Xiaoxiao was petite and lovely, beautiful as a flower, her whole body was filled with happiness from the inside out, and she was in the mirror room. Humiliated, looking at the room full of flowers and smiles on the opposite side, her body was full of humiliation and obscene insults. On that day, she didn't remember how many people there were, but the tears ran out, the voice became dumb, and the heart died...

  That day, a mirror, two worlds, she knew that her world would never be warm again...

In this life, the engagement banquet of Liu Haoyu and Su Xiaoxiao did not disappear, but the time was much earlier, and the kidnapping and gang rape was also happening. did not happen, it seems that Zhou's life has changed, but Zhou's heart is cold because she knew her most chilling things, there is the girl ...

  Past Ye Hao, Ye Hao reborn again, see It seems to be changing, but in fact, the essence has not changed, Liu Haoyu, in the two lifetimes, you have done so much and spent so much thought for that girl. Is your heart really as you said, so?!

  Suddenly, noisy footsteps rang, and the butler brought a group of armed forces over, "Madam, please follow the S5 team to the master's side immediately, hurry..."

  Zhou Min was taken aback by the dessert hand and sat down. The figure on the sofa paused, "What's going on?"

  "It's too late to explain. This is the master's phone number. Please master tell you..." A muscular man from the S5 unit walked out and called. The call was handed to Zhou Min.

  Zhou Min picked up the phone and didn't say a word. Liu Haoyu's obviously calm voice came from the phone, "Zhou Min, you immediately followed the S5 guard, immediately..."

  Zhou Min was taken aback and replied softly. When he was about to hang up, Liu Haoyu suddenly said, "Xiao Min, protect yourself, I'll wait for you here."

  "Why don't you come in person? Where are you?" Zhou Min suddenly remembered three days ago. At night, she stood in the study room where Liu Haoyu brought herself in for the first time. Looking out from the window, she seemed to see a lot of vehicles and drove away in an endless stream. At that time, she didn't think much about it. Now, she suddenly seemed to Know something.

  There was silence on the phone, and Zhou Min's hand holding the metal mobile phone tightened. Although the metal phone case was slightly cold, Zhou Min felt that she seemed to be holding a piece of ice, cold and heavy...

  "You, do you love me?" Zhou Min asked suddenly. Liu Haoyu on the other end of the phone was suddenly taken aback, somewhat surprised that Zhou Min would suddenly ask this, love? ! He thought his actions were already so obvious, and she would still ask such silly questions. If he didn't love him, would Liu Haoyu be so fearful that he would be taken advantage of by that group of people?

  "I see..." Zhou Min waited for a while without hearing Liu Haoyu's answer and hung up the phone.

  Liu Haoyu talked about love, deep love, and did not say anything. Listening to the beep in the phone, Liu Haoyu looked helplessly at the wrapped legs, wrapped his body like a mummy, and smiled bitterly.

  He wanted to pick her up in person, because he would feel at ease only when he saw her, but because three days ago when the group of people united by Mr. Liu was preparing to attack the manor, he wanted to protect Zhou Min and protect this Zhou Min liked. Dream Manor, he let the people in the laboratory take the lead with all the SS-level weapons to attack. Although they unexpectedly hit those people off guard, they also destroyed the original pace. Although they won in the end, they also Narrowly won.

  Moreover, Su Xiaoxiao, the man and some remaining troops have disappeared...


  They also discovered Zhou Min's existence from the inadequately prepared, but very eager battle. Perhaps they have always known Zhou Min. The existence of, but I don't know that Zhou Min is so important to him.

  When Zhou Min followed the members of the S5 team to the place where Liu Haoyu was, she couldn't help being stunned. Some people fled along the way. The once prosperous city became full of smoke, fire, and wailing. The whole country was destroyed. On the battlefield, the corpses and wreckage that can be seen all over the floor make Zhou Min feel incredible!

  This is totally different from what she knew in her previous life. Thus, why, how... Has become like this!

  Just when Zhou Min was protected by dozens of S5 team members and hurried forward in the middle, suddenly a group of heavy weapons ran out of two high-rise buildings that had been cut in half. One of them was a woman. He was dressed in black, with a half-fishnet hat on the side of his head, covering his eyes, standing gloomily in the front.

  "Jiang Min~Jiang Min... we meet again..." As soon as the woman spoke and raised her head, Zhou Min was stunned. This person is very familiar, it is Su Xiaoxiao!

  It's just that now she is so gloomy, her red lips are like blood, her face is white as a ghost, her whole person is wrapped in a black dress, skinny, it seems that she is lean and anemia caused by malnutrition, the whole person feels like it is A refugee!

  Fundus heavy Qinghei, hair has become scarce, hands red with rage, let Zhou stunned, "You, you are Su Xiaoxiao?"

  "How, this a few months gone, do not know? Anyhow, There was also a fate, plus, we are all women of the same man, we have such a deep fate, how can you forget me? " Su Xiaoxiao said with a chuckle, but his expression was extremely distorted, and there seemed to be a kind of difficulty. Explain the resentment and jealousy.

  Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's words, Zhou Min frowned slightly, not happy, "I don't want to know about you and Liu Haoyu..."

  "Don't want to know? Do you know how good Haoyu is to me? How crazy? For a whole month, every night, he galloped on me like crazy, you know..." Su Xiaoxiao said, the more he looked forward to and nostalgic.

  "I don't want to know!" Zhou Min looked at Su Xiaoxiao's crazy expression like crazy and sighed inwardly. For this month, except for those seven days, Liu Haoyu has been by her side. She is very clear that Liu Haoyu is not happy with Su Xiaoxiao. And disgust, and based on Liu Haoyu's own cleanliness, Zhou Min sees more clearly than his previous life, that is, Liu Haoyu will not touch Su Xiaoxiao!

  Su Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Min's indifferent expression, suddenly angry and grinning, her whole body seemed to distort and roared, "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant with his baby!"