The malevolent princess turned over (7)

  Shangguan Qi sneered, "Why are you welcome?!"

  "Your Magical Doctor Valley was burned by the little princess of the Zhou Dynasty a long time ago. Do you think you have any capital to provoke Lao Tzu!"

  Zhou Min heard this man mentioning this incident so desperately. He wanted to kick that person up and hit the most painful place of others. Didn't you see Shangguan Qi's increasingly murderous eyes?

  It's terrible... She's so scared...

  Shangguan Qi heard that her eyes instantly became cold and severe, and the hand that held Yin Mei could not help tightening. Yin Mei looked panicked but worried about Shangguan Qi, she couldn't help but double. He gently embraced Shangguan Qi's arm, "Big Brother Shangguan, go, don't get hurt for me!"

  "Xiaomei, I said, I won't let people hurt you, I do what Shangguan Qi said!" Shangguan Qi turned his head to look at Yin Mei, his eyes were calm but there was still a slight fluctuation.

  "Big Brother Shangguan~" Yin Mei looked at the man in front of him moved. When she first saw this man, she already liked it, but he was always cold and calm about people and things. But in another accident, she rescued him, and after learning about the poisonous thing about him, the relationship between him and her seemed to have taken a big step forward.

  Moreover, he gradually began to give her medical skills, and when he was ill, she was allowed to look after him and help him with needles. Later, he also gradually smiled at her, although rarely, but occasionally watching him Smiling at herself, she felt very satisfied.

  However, thinking of Zhou Min who was full of vigor and beauty, Yin Mei suddenly hated her, because she was hunted down by the whole river and lakes, and her father was even more affected by her. Now she does not know whether it is life or death, and Shangguan Qi is also because of Zhou Min. None of the people and animals in Shenyi Valley survive. She doesn't know why a person can be so cruel. Is it just because she said that Shangguan Qi doesn't love her?

  However, Zhou Min once said that Shangguan Qi Ai's person is himself? is it? ! Does this man really have her in his heart? Yin Mei glanced at Shangguan Qi secretly, and her heart couldn't help but get confused.

  "Big brother, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, and snatch the woman over!" The young man beside the man suddenly looked at the person opposite.

  Just when everyone wanted to rush up in a swarm, Zhou Min had been watching the other side of the forest for a long time. When everyone was ready to do something, he slammed his horse whip on the horse back and rushed out, and everyone was suddenly rushed. The person and horse who came out were so scared that they gave in in excitement for a moment, and when they were about to approach the cliff, Zhou Min tightened the reins, controlled the restless horse, and cast his eyes on Shangguan Qi.

  Shangguan Qi looked at the woman in red and blue silk shawl on horseback, with a peach-like face, slightly raised phoenix eyes, and red lips like blood. In the dark, she was riding a sword on the horseback with a sword in Ling Yuzhong. He was lazy, but his eyes gave people a kind of sadness and indifference, and he exuded a kind of arrogance, or that was a kind of temperament unique to the royal family!

  But thinking of what happened to the entire Magical Doctor Valley, Shangguan Qi looked at Zhou Min and couldn't help but feel colder.

  When Zhou Min rushed out, he didn't think so much, because if according to the urination of the plot, now the male and female protagonists will be forced to jump off the cliff, and then true love is invincible! So, how can she not let this happen.

  But after rushing out? !

  Zhou Min felt that the gaze that Shangguan Qi placed on him was a deep chill, as if everything around him was frozen instantly, as if he were in an ice cellar.

  "Princess." The deep voice was filled with disgust, and the cold eyes were even more murderous.

  "250, be careful, I found this male protagonist seems to want to kill you!"

  The voice of the system rang from his mind, Zhou Min was already irritable, and suddenly angrily said, "Shut up!" She was shocked to realize that she had spoken out loud. She felt regretful and wanted to explain, only to find that the other party was just looking at her sneer and couldn't help but want to cry.

  This was the first time she met Shangguan Qi after the poison was released. Although a lot of things happened in the middle, the bloody thing was that they had never seen each other once!

  But at this time it is not suitable for retelling the past. Zhou Min rode a horse between Shangguan Qi and the black man, pulled the reins, and confronted the group of people face to face. "Shangguan Qi and Yin Mei belong to me. Whoever dares to move them is to fight. I am the enemy of Zhou Guo!"

  Zhou Min's words made everyone present instantly understand the identity of the woman who appeared suddenly. The leader walked out, looked at Zhou Min, and laughed, "It turns out to be Zhou's little princess! Chaotang Jianghu This means that the well water does not offend the river water. If the princess does this, she won't give me the flames to help me face?"

  "Face?! Who do I need to give face? Is it the king of the world? Is it the king of the land, you stand by me? In Zhou's land, if I want me to give you face, do I want Zhou Chao to see you acting in the colors of your little flame gang?" Zhou Min's words made the leader face stiff and smiled embarrassingly.

  "The rivers and lakes have the rules of the rivers and lakes, and the people in your court have to intervene in the affairs of the rivers and lakes because you want to break this balance and fail!"

  "Rivers and lakes, huh! What is the rivers and lakes? Is the place where people are the rivers and lakes, or the people in the rivers and lakes have long forgotten. If you are a citizen of the Zhou Dynasty, are the people in the arena? No matter which aspect, don't forget, you can stand up straight and say that you are a Jianghu, because all the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty are standing. On the front line of the territory, you fearlessly protect all of your small families, otherwise, what qualifications do you have to stand here and talk to me about the world!"

  Zhou Min's words made the shadow guards who have been behind her behave. One shock! Such a sonorous voice, plausibly, made Shangguan Qi also look at him. For the first time, he saw the arrogance of a princess in Zhou Min's body, and the shadow guards arranged by Zhou Huang secretly for the first time. Under the premise that the name of the vicious princess has been confirmed, I saw the dignity and pride that a country's princess should have.

  Suddenly there was a round of applause from the woods when the two sides were in a stalemate! A man dressed in purple and holding a white jade flute, stepping on the wind, with light work, exquisite face, Dan Feng's eyes slightly raised, with a charm, his eyebrows are picturesque, the moment Zhou Min saw him The first reaction in my mind was, "Shemale!!!"

  "It is rumored that Princess Zhou was cruel, vicious, unlearned, and she had to be male. Now it seems to be an error!" The purple-clothed man came in lightly without touching the ground. But let the grass under his feet move with the wind.

  "Mu Yan! What are you doing?" When Shangguan Qi saw the incoming person, he was first surprised and then frowned slightly.