The villainous princess turned over (12)

  "It's been said that the pain will be relieved forever. You're playing with me... I'm about to be strangled to death !" Calling in the mind.

  "Cough, this suffocation doesn't hurt. Besides, the pain-relieving potion is not a mask to wipe out all your senses, it just numbs the pain of cold weapons..." The words were a little vague.

  But Zhou Min always felt that something was wrong, as if he had been fooled by false advertisements!

  But she still caught the keyword!

  Cold weapon!

  After the suffocation in his chest was a little better, Zhou Min's yin test voice sounded in his mind, "I just heard it right, did I hear a cold weapon!"

  "Hehe" Sweaty smiled awkwardly.

  "You don't mean what I thought, right?" Zhou Min asked suddenly, her voice becoming low.

  "Well, I suddenly found that there was soup stewing on the stove at home, I'll go take a look..." The one with oily feet ran away, and Zhou Min's eyes twitched when he heard the reason, stewing soup

  ... A pot, I really want to stew it...

  Just when Zhou Minhe was communicating, there was only the sound of the burning branches in the cave. The fire was bright, reflecting on the faces of her and Shangguan Qi. As a result, it seemed more quiet.

  Zhou Min's heart was a little stuffy, and he wrapped his hands around his legs, and huddled tightly in the small corner by himself

  . There is alertness in his eyes, but more of them are nostalgia, affection and complexity that cannot be hidden.

  Shangguan Qi slightly lowered his head and lowered his head, with a little light flashing in his eyes, the firelight reflected on his face, some Pale, he was already injured on the edge of the cliff, and after falling off the cliff, the injury worsened. Just barely walking to Zhou Min's side, he was shocked by the wound in his right hand that seemed to be the bite marks of wolf teeth.

  He actually knew three years ago that Yin Mei was not the one who rescued him from the wolves. First, Yin Mei had no martial arts skills. At that time, the siege of the wolves did not stop because of his fainting. On the contrary, before the coma, he He thought that his life was over, but when he woke up, he was in a cave, and the wound had been carefully treated.

  Second, it was because when she thanked Yin Mei, she once said that when she saw him, the wounds on his body had been simply treated, and she was just the icing on the cake.

  Third, he remembers that in a daze, he heard a girl keep talking to him in his ear. The voice was soft, anxious, worried, and filled with a trace of happiness. It was an encouragement and an oath, because She said, I will never let you die!

  Therefore, he is very clear that the person who rescued him from the wolf's mouth was not Yin Mei. He also wanted to find the person who rescued him, but too many things happened later, and he gradually forgot about it. However, when he saw Zhou Min again When the wound on the wrist, for some reason, Shangguan Qi suddenly felt that that person was probably Zhou Min!

  It was precisely because of this that he let go in shock and surprise, but his heart was even more complicated. The hundreds of lives of Divine Physician Valley and the lives of his master! Zhou Min sent people to slaughter, how could he be relieved of such hatred.

  But thinking of the abolished right hand, Shangguan Qi suddenly became very irritable.

  Zhou Min has been paying attention to Shangguan Qi's changes. Seeing that his face suddenly changed unpredictably, she couldn't help but shivered, she was frightened!

  It was so obvious that Shangguan Qi wanted to kill her, and the feeling of just dying was so clear that she couldn't forget it, but she still had to try her best to have sex with the person who wanted to kill her. Zhou Min really wanted to shit first. shit!

  No one spoke in the cave for a long time, so it was as quiet as a needle that could be heard clearly.

  But it's not a solution to keep in this weird atmosphere all the time. Zhou Min tilted his head and glanced at Shangguan Qi who was leaning against the cave wall.

  After being silent for a long time, after deliberating for a long time, she slowly stood up with the strength of her left hand, and stopped when she was not far from him.

  Lowering his eyes, his eyes fell on his scarred body, "Shangguan Qi?" He

  called tentatively.

  But the other party did not respond.

  He seemed extremely uncomfortable, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyebrows were wrinkled. The erected jade crown has scattered a lot of hair, hanging on the shoulders, a little embarrassed but still makes people unable to move their eyes, the thin eyelids are tightly closed together, and the lips are dry. Skin, pale and bloodless.

  After a long time, she swallowed her saliva and made sure that the current Shangguan Qi really had no attack power before she dared to raise her hand and approached him cautiously.

  It's just that when Zhou Min's hand was about to touch him, he suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes stared straight at her, his dark pupils did not blink, and his eyes were calm and cold. fell on her face.

  For some reason, Zhou Min felt a slight tremor in her body, she immediately held her breath, and her whole body began to be on guard. It seemed that as long as Shangguan Qi dared to make a move, she would run away. She couldn't start with the male protagonist, can't she run away, just a joke... .

  Just when she thought Shangguan Qi was doing something, he looked away, not wanting to pay attention to herself.

  Before Zhou Min could understand what Shangguan Qi meant, she suddenly heard a person not far in front of him say indifferently, "Stay away from me, or I will kill you!"

  But when Shangguan Qi said this, it was already Before she was gone, she felt murderous. Although she didn't know why Shangguan Qi's aura had changed in an instant, there was no doubt that she would choose the latter compared to someone who wanted to kill her at all times compared to someone who was indifferent to her.

  Perhaps it was Shangguan Qi's change of attitude, which made Zhou Min slightly emboldened. After a pause, he said cautiously, "Even if you kill me, you have to get better first...don't die..." If you die, I will be finished!

  Zhou Min muttered, but there was still half a sentence left, but he only dared to think about it in his heart. After all, it was not the heroine who fell after him. If the hero refused to approach her, how would he be treated? Even if she has monstrous luck, she has to be played off by herself, and if the male protagonist is gone, she will be miserable!

  Zhou Min's last three words were very quiet, but for some reason Shangguan Qi heard it. He paused slightly with his index finger holding the silver needle, then opened his eyes, cast a glance at her, and said nothing.