The villainous princess mainly turns over (16)

  Shangguan Qi Ping has always been cold and ruthless, and rarely has emotions or leaks, so he always gives people a sense of erratic, not like a worldly person.

  However, the people in Divine Medicine Valley are very afraid of him, because he always loves to be alone, and his plain eyes can make people see the thousands of miles of frozen cold in his plain eyes. Moreover, his personality is a bit strange, and he doesn't like it very much. If others touch their own things or disobey their orders, if they are unwilling to let them do things, no one in the Divine Medicine Valley dares to do it.

  However, Zhou Min was only wearing a tube top skirt, she stepped forward and pinched the opponent's chin, and when she met his cold, frosty eyes, Zhou Min's body couldn't help but tremble.

  Shangguan Qi looked at her coldly, "Get out, I want to die, I don't mind fulfilling you!"

  She gritted her teeth, stretched out her hands, and started to untie Shangguan Qi's clothes, no matter how Zhou Min cheered herself up, her face How calm is the expression on her face, but her trembling hands still betray the true feelings in her heart!

  Feeling the breath of Shangguan Qi's body that was enough to freeze people to death and the eyes that were about to turn into cold arrows on her face, Zhou Min swallowed. The straps were already laborious, and the pressure in her heart made her hands tremble even more, but the more the brocade around her waist trembled, the more they could not be untied. In the end, she became a dead knot by herself. Zhou Min was about to Cried.

  His lips were almost bitten by his teeth, and he was about to bite down a piece of flesh, but he was even more shocked by the woman in front of him who was trying to be calm but panicked and wanted to unbutton her clothes with one hand.

  Even though the pain on his body hit wave after wave, he still grabbed the slender wrist around his waist that was fighting tenaciously against his brocade.

  "Zhou Min, do you want to die?"

  When he said this, blood began to overflow from the corner of his mouth, dripping drop by drop on the crescent-white brocade robe, making Zhou Min's pupils involuntarily dilate.

  Zhou Min raised his head and looked at him with a burning gaze. Although he was carrying the firelight, Shangguan Qi was still shocked by the persistence in those watery eyes.

  But in an instant, he came back to his senses, and a gloomy and frightening laughter oozes from the corner of his mouth, "Haha, is Zhou's little princess so short of men?"

  Coupled with that dark purple face, Zhou Min really felt like a ghost. The feeling in his eyes made him panic.

  Zhou Min's body froze slightly, as if her heart ached slightly because of his words, "Yes, I just need a man, so I just use you! I don't despise you."

  Her words made Shangguan Qi's face even more ugly. The eyes are not plain cool and thin, but like two fires that are starting to burn.

  Zhou Min was embarrassed, she didn't really mean to say that, but at that time, she seemed to be imprisoned by Shangguan Qi's language insults.

  The current Shangguan Qi doesn't seem to have much strength, but Zhou Min is a person with internal strength. Although her right hand is abolished, she is not afraid of the poisonous person now.

  With a shock of his left hand, Zhou Min pulled his wrist out of Shangguan Qi's hand, and shattered the brocade belt around Shangguan Qi's waist with internal force.

  "Zhou Min!" Shangguan Qi gnashed his teeth as he looked at his clothes that had been made loose by Zhou Min. For the first time, his emotions fluctuated beyond his own expectations.

  "You're courting death."

  "As you wish."

  Shangguan Qi's skin was swollen, his eyes were congested, and the pain made him want to bite his lip again, but Zhou Min shoved his right palm into it even faster. into his mouth.

  The teeth suddenly bit into Zhou Min's palm, and the sharp pain made Zhou Min tremble. He wanted to bite off a piece of her flesh alive! This type of permanent pain relief potion actually requires 8! I want to return it!

  Shangguan Qi also felt the tenderness that suddenly came into his mouth, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Min's frowning brows, and the rusty smell in his mouth. Distressed look.

  Zhou Min just glanced at him lightly, and then quickly pulled out his shirt with his left hand. A gust of cold wind blew past him, and Shangguan Qi froze all over. Only then did he realize that when he was shaking his head, Zhou Min had already pulled him away. The upper body was stripped off.

  Shangguan Qi turned his head to the side, Zhou Min's right hand fell weakly from his mouth, but Shangguan Qi suddenly sneered, "Princess, are you so thirsty that you can't even spare a cripple?"

  Shangguan Qi has good hands and feet, but In his heart, although he possesses an enviable medical skill and kung fu, he is still a waste and a disabled person, and the pain that he cannot heal himself may never be understood by others.

  But his self-deprecation made Zhou Minxin feel pain, stripped himself naked, hugged Shangguan Qi naked, skin-to-skin, both of them shivered, "Shangguan Qi, you are not a waste, you It's my god!"

  Zhou Min's words shocked Shangguan Qi slightly, and at the moment when Shangguan Qi was stunned, Zhou Min took advantage of the situation and pressed him on the weeds covered with cloth, his clothes had been thrown far away by Zhou Min , was afraid of his silver needle, but in fact, when she approached Shangguan Qi, she was already on guard against his silver needle.

  It wasn't until she left his clothes far away that she breathed a sigh of relief.

  It wasn't until he overwhelmed Shangguan Qi and sat on top of him that Shangguan Qi recovered from what Zhou Min had just said, but at this time he only felt ashamed and unbearable, especially when he saw that his bruises were mixed with traces and visible to the naked eye. The rapid shrinking of his body like dry wood made Zhou Min dumbfounded, as if he saw the moment when a living person turned into a mummified corpse.

  And Zhou Min's shocked eyes were simply an insult and ridicule to Shangguan Qi below him, perhaps it was the power of the subconscious, or maybe it was the resistance that his pride and dignity were suddenly seen through and stepped into the soles of his feet. At that moment, the long-lost inner strength It burst out suddenly, letting him knock Zhou Min out of his body with one palm.

  If Zhou Min hadn't been protected in time, I'm afraid that this palm could kill her in an instant, but Zhou Min still suffered serious internal injuries. Her body fell to the ground, and blood surged from her chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. .