The vicious princess turned over (19)

  Shangguan Qi's reaction was beyond her expectations, but it was also the result Zhou Min wanted. She gave herself a reason to leave after she was out of the valley, and gave her the next day to avoid being punished by Shangguan. Qi Killing left an opportunity to give each other a step! But no matter which point, she calculated it.

  The most important thing is that in this life, she is doomed to miss him!

  So, that's it! Detoxify him, let him live a good life, that's fine, just treat these days as compensation for him and her not being together in previous lives!

  "" Zhou Min closed her eyes, feeling the pain of her tongue being bitten and her lips being gnawed, but she could only passively endure everything Shangguan Qi gave.

  It's not as cold and ruthless as before, with some rudeness and punishment... But no matter what kind, the way he treats her is not pitiful at all, but rather abusive.

  He knew how hard he tried. He thought she would scream and push him away. Although it was a pity, he really couldn't control his behavior.

  This novel but not too disgusting approach, and, she is really sweet, it is an addictive taste, and, kissing her, it seems that even the pain in the body can be relieved for a moment, so he only I want to nibble on her again and again, swallow her, and even press her under my body to humiliate her hard!

  Unexpectedly, Zhou Min didn't care about Shangguan Qi's abusive and punishing gnawing. Not only did he enthusiastically respond to his kisses, but he even more intensely used his breasts to cling to Shangguan Qi's bare chest and painted arbitrarily on it. Circling in circles, rubbing his nipples against his slightly flabby skin.

  "Oh... Zhou Min... You'd better pray that what you said is true!" Shangguan Qi's dangerous voice carried a kind of cold and strange feeling, but the cock under his body was completely erect. Swelling, standing upright between his legs, it is impossible to ignore.

  "It's true, it's all! Shangguan Qi, I won't let you die!" Zhou Min squinted her hazy eyes, and the frequency of kissing became more and more messy.

  Her body was as soft as a lump of dough, and her lips gradually moved to Shangguan Qi's Adam's apple, first licking it a few times and then sucking hard.

  The two restless little hands also accurately grabbed the male nipples on Shangguan Qi's chest, and while rubbing them, they caressed and drew circles on his chest with the pulp of his fingers. point.

  Shangguan Qi was shocked when he looked at the woman lying on his body, and he was disgusted and unwilling to look at it more. nostalgia and love. nbsp;

  she, love herself!

  Love it!

  Shangguan Qi is not a fool. If she told him before, he thought it was possessiveness and extreme stubbornness because of her identity, then what she said just now and now she looks at him like a ghost. And the figure is still the same, the deep affection in his eyes makes him unable to ignore!

  It seemed that such closeness could not satisfy her, and she began to gradually move down from her chest. In the process, the flesh and the flesh were grinding together, making the two bodies keep clinging to each other.

  Shangguan Qi couldn't help narrowing his eyes and arching his chest, "Zhou Min...let me go!" His hands were tied, making Shangguan Qi feel so empty somewhere!

  And just as he was about to bypass the dreadful cock that was erected in front of him, he heard Shangguan Qi's words coming from above his head, with some kind of depression.

  "Wait! Shangguan Qi, not now, wait!" Zhou Min also wanted to untie Shangguan Qi, but she didn't dare to take the risk, and intercourse and marriage could not be used as an antidote. The real antidote was her kinky water. The medicine is mixed in there, so the first thing I can think of is that I really want to take it apart.

  And according to Shangguan Qi's feelings towards her now, even if he is willing to have sex with her, she doesn't think that he will take the initiative to drink her...

  Therefore, she wants to seduce him, she wants him to completely sink into this love between men and women!

  After thinking about it a little, Zhou Min gently stroked and scratched the tip of the cock with her slender fingertips. Shangguan Qi froze all over, and an electric shock occurred in his mind instantly.

  "Zhou Min... stop... uh!" Shangguan Qi Qingjun's face was tensed, but Zhou Min's heart was itchy and numb like being bitten by 10,000 ants.

  And the huge cock between the legs was teased by Zhou Min, and instantly trembled in the air. Shangguan Qi's cock was very different from his. Drops of transparent hot liquid also emerged, exuding a male musky scent that stood out in the thick jet-black hair.

  "Zhou Min, does it look good?!" Seeing Zhou Min's silly expression, Shangguan Qi didn't know why he suddenly felt that Zhou Min like this made him feel a little cute. The penis almost hit Zhou Min's delicate face.

  Zhou Min was so frightened that Shangguan Qi couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhou Min like this. Although his face was still dark purple and ugly, the smile on the corner of his mouth made Shangguan Qi's temperament change drastically.

  She didn't even fear that he had become so inhuman, but she was afraid of the object between his legs!

  "You're not even afraid of someone like me, but you're actually afraid of it..."

  Shangguan Qi's calm voice could not be heard, but Zhou Min didn't dare to look up, because she felt ashamed, so she missed Shangguan Qi That quick but real smile on the corner of his mouth!

  Zhou Min was aware of his embarrassment. Hearing Shangguan Qi didn't know whether to sneer or something else, he felt embarrassed, and in a panic, he couldn't help holding it with his small hand.

  so big! So rough! Only two hands could barely wrap it around. Looking at the small hole on the faucet, Zhou Min swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a little overwhelmed. ! Really want to lick? !

  Thinking of the oral sex in the island country movie, Zhou Min swallowed, thinking of the current situation, and finally lost his integrity in principles and tasks!

  "Zhou Min, let it go!" Shangguan Qi saw that she was holding his cock, but he felt numb all over his body, especially where he was being held. He wanted her to rub it, but his pride and reason made him Can't say those words, and, this woman is just staring at her penis in a daze, whether it's the breasts that have become bigger because of the leaning posture or the snow-white buttocks that are raised high behind her, it is a kind of kind to him at this time. Unspeakable torture.
