Chapter 136

The vicious princess wants to turn around (30)

The snake tail of the giant python that suddenly swept up in the river again, came towards Shangguan Qi. Zhou Min, whose hands were numb, burst out his potential in an instant, so fast that Shangguan Qi only had time to see the rainbow shadow rushing towards him!

  Arriving in front of Shangguan Qi in the blink of an eye, Zhou Min hugged Shangguan Qi in his arms without even thinking, turned around and flew up, trying to avoid the blow, but the giant python was unwilling to do so, and the last blow of dying anger made Zhou Min There is no way to hide, only time to protect Shangguan Qi.


  "Well, puff—" a muffled groan rang in Shangguan Qi's ears, and the smell of blood lingered at the tip of his nose. In his shock, they had already flown towards the jungle with the power of the giant python.

  The flogging with a mighty force made Zhou Min feel a tearing pain in his back, and his internal organs seemed to have been displaced, but because of the timely cheating, his heart veins were protected.

  However, at this moment, she just wanted to scream up to the sky—

  What about the permanent pain relief that was agreed?! , you bastard! I want to return...return...ship! !

  The severe pain finally swept Zhou Min's last consciousness completely, but when he finally fell, he thought that now that Shangguan Qi had no internal strength at all, he couldn't protect himself when he fell from a high altitude, so Zhou Min still subconsciously fell into a coma. He reversed Shangguan Qi's position with his own, wanting to protect Shangguan Qi at the moment of falling.

  When the positions in the air were switched again, Shangguan Qi saw that she was on top of him, but instantly turned into a woman under him, and when he wanted to be a woman with his own flesh, the shock in his heart set off a huge wave, or in other words, when she blocked him In front of him when he hugged himself tightly and insisted on taking the blow, he was shocked.

  Or, more in front, when she went back and forth, no matter what time it was, Zhou Min made him feel confused and shocked. Holding Zhou Min's hands, he felt the wetness on her back. It's not hard to imagine that the wound that had already healed may be torn again at this time. This time, with the critical blow from the snake's tail, the internal injury may not be serious.

  He was clearly unconscious, but he still exchanged their positions, trying to protect him with his last ability... He fell quickly into the air, and Shangguan Qi wanted to take this opportunity to push Zhou Min's body away or push their body away. The position was switched back, because Shangguan Qi had a hunch that the critical strike of the snake tail might have hurt Zhou Min's heart, if she was made to be her own meat pad regardless, then she...but no matter what Shangguan Qi did, Zhou

  Min However, Min clasped his hands behind him as if he had a lot of strength, but he couldn't shake him. As long as he wanted to turn over and change positions, Zhou Min would instinctively use his body to restrain his movements. He was obviously unconscious, but every time he The first time he wanted to move, she would instinctively refuse.

  It seemed that her body had become a habit, a subconscious habit, protecting him.

  At this time, Shangguan Qi only felt deeply powerless, without internal strength, he was just a patient with stronger strength than ordinary patients!

  While struggling, Shangguan Qi slightly opened the distance between them, but he was also shocked by the obstinate woman who was clearly unconscious but stubborn.

  The sound of the wind was whistling in his ears, and the night sky was so silent that only the sound of the wind and his own heartbeat could be heard. Because of the howling wind, Zhou Min's messy hair was flying wantonly, and it hurt when it hit his face, but it made him feel I felt a strange warmth, a kind of gentleness that was stubbornly guarded by people with all their strength.

  Long black and soft hair, crescent eyebrows that are not drawn, eyelashes that are closed but cast a shadow, and red lips stained red with blood are extremely seductive on a pale face. Zhou Min like this is less angry. Publicity and vitality add a kind of fragility and strangeness that cannot be ignored.

  The red dress is enchanting, and the black hair is beautiful, entangled wantonly in the wind, sweeping from the side of her face to his eyebrows, making his heart seem to be entangled by the endless entanglement of hair.

  Looking at her tightly closed eyebrows and the approaching jungle, Shangguan Qi's eyes were puzzled, staring at the woman below him in a troubled, contradictory, and profound way.

  Zhou Min, what exactly do you want from me...

  Concentrating on the contradiction and shock in his eyes, Shangguan Qi subconsciously hugged the person in his arms tightly when he landed at the end, protecting the back of her head and waist with his hands. The huge canopy blocked their landing speed layer by layer. When they finally fell, there was a sound of "creaking" and breaking layer by layer.

  "boom! "


  Zhou Min and Shangguan Qi brought the stumps and leaves that fell from high school, and because of the weight of Shangguan Qi on him and the force of the fall, Zhou Min suffocated in his chest. Eyes opened suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

  But because Shangguan Qi held her tightly in his arms when he fell, her blood sprayed directly on his chest, and the scorching blood sticky on his left chest through his clothes, it seemed that his heart was also crushed. The blood was so hot that it skipped a beat.

  But at this time, Zhou Min held his hand tightly and fell powerlessly. Because of Zhou Min's last protection, Shangguan Qi was not injured, but after seeing Zhou Min's situation, he immediately turned over and half knelt beside her, Putting his hand on her pulse, he could feel her faint, thin, and weak pulse. I have to say that Zhou Min's internal injuries were serious, but unexpectedly, he did not hurt his heart.

  This may be the luck of misfortune, and Shangguan Qi couldn't help laughing, such a serious injury, but still failed to hurt his heart, I have to say, this surprised him, slender fingers across her delicate eyebrows, Xiao He murmured, "Is this the so-called calamity left behind for thousands of years? Zhou Min..."

  When Shangguan Qi knew what he was talking about, Shangguan Qi laughed for a while. Even so, he did not dare to be negligent and stuck her saber here, picked her up by the waist, and took her to the giant tree he found nearby for a temporary perch.