Chapter 156

The vicious princess wants to turn over (fifty) HH

  "Ah...!" The small pussy that was about to climax was suddenly pushed so fiercely by Shangguan Qi. The layers of folds in Hua Hua's pussy, every wrinkle Zhou Min were almost suffocated by the thrill of being filled without opening it.

  Unable to hide his desire anymore, Shangguan Qi forcefully opened Zhou Min's white and tender thighs, and began to ram in and out even more wildly, every impact seemed to ruthlessly penetrate the entire delicate pussy.

  "Ah... ah... too much force, um... no, it's so deep... don't, it's going to break... it's going to break... um..." Pain and joy intertwined, Zhou Min loudly Crying, deeply immersed in the indescribable crazy pleasure, the delicate pussy also instinctively shrinks and squeezes Shangguan Qi's fiery huge cock.

  "Oh...Zhou Min, don't clamp it so tightly." Shangguan Qi stopped thrusting until Zhou Min's pussy was relaxed, and then he raised Zhou Min's white and tender thigh, straightened his waist, and pushed his big pussy into the deepest part of the honey pussy again.

  "Zhou Min, do you like it? If you like it, call it out loud. I want to hear you say you like it. Tell me, hurry up!" Shangguan Qi said while lifting his solid buttocks, and there was another violent impact, almost knocking him down. Zhou Min's soul was blown away.

  "Well, ah...slow down...ah..." Zhou Min reached the peak of climax after being bumped, screaming and let out a large jet of lewd water, and Shangguan Qi roared out of comfort "Well, Zhou Min, you really surprised me! I feel like I'm going to die on you, you goblin!" The huge dick grew thicker, and Shangguan Qi grabbed Zhou Min's slender legs and put them on his shoulders, ignoring the injury on his shoulder, he thrust his waist fiercely and quickly into Zhou Min's tender flower hole that was still in the climax, "Ah...Shangguan Qi...don't...your injury...well, stop Next, the wound... ah... so heavy... I have to wear it... don't... no! Slow down!"

  Zhou Min watched Shangguan Qi's movements, saw the blood on his shoulders getting brighter and redder, and the air was getting redder and redder. The strong smell of blood, he knew that his wound was open, and he wanted to stop it, but his body was disturbed by Shangguan Qi's reckless and violent collision, causing shortness of breath and lack of oxygen in his brain.

  His movements were too fast and too heavy, every time he seemed to want to knock his soul out of the body, she had to twist her body vigorously, raise her buttocks to actively meet him, so as to reduce the force of Shangguan Qi's impact.

  "Don't say no, Zhou Min, say you want it, say you want me to fuck you hard!" Shangguan Qi quickly pulled out his cock, turned Zhou Min on his knees and crawled on the bed, and with one hand he stretched her lovely buttocks Lifting it high, he moved his huge dick with one hand and aimed at the attractive pink hole, stood up and entered the depth of the honey hole again.

  "Uh~ don't! It's too deep...ah..." The thick, long and hard cock kept pushing and thrusting, and the big mushroom at the top was squeezed deeply into the mouth of the uterus for the first time, rotating and rubbing, Shangguan Qi's two The big hands are not idle, reaching from the back to the chest to pinch and hold the bouncing plump breast balls, grasping and pinching hard.

  From time to time, the index finger and thumb pulled Yin Hong's nipples and rubbed them, "Uh...uh, uh...your injury, uh...uh...I'm going to die...ah..." Zhou Min's mind went blank, Let the strong pleasure dominate her seductive body, twist her waist and hips wildly, and try her best to cater to the thick and long cock that makes her want to die.

  Zhou Min was worried about his mood, and let Shangguan Qi's eyes flash across tenderness, but in the end, Zhou Min couldn't help cooperating, making his eyes flushed, and he lost all reason, so he could only instinctively pinch Zhou Min's waist with his hands It kept on, boldly pushing towards his own strength, dragging and thrusting, so as to facilitate his thrusting more deeply and fiercely.

  Zhou Min's right hand couldn't use force, so he had to use his elbows to support the stone bed, but this made his hips rise high, and the iron pestle close to him was hot, making her delicate pussy more unstoppable to withstand his madness. It made her acupoints sore and swollen to the extreme, but Zhou Min was unable to dodge.

  He didn't even have the strength to scream and cry, so he could only sob and pant while Shangguan Qi squeezed and pinched her round and big breasts vigorously, thrusting wildly against her pink pussy, sweating The dripping Zhou Min desperately cooperated with him and twisted her body, her red and swollen mouth opened and closed, panting endlessly, her hair full of black silk was flying in all directions with her shaking body.

  Her uncontrollable moans and the sound of "buzi" and "buzi" when the cock was pulled out and inserted made people intoxicated. Night had already fallen in the jungle, and no matter who were looking for someone or those who wanted to kill people outside, they were constantly shuttling through the jungle at this night, looking for Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min.

  Everyone outside couldn't help being vigilant and anxious. The situation was imminent. It seemed that as long as there was an ignition point, the people on both sides would collide with fierce bloody sparks. When the atmosphere comes, their war has always been this one, who will sink deeper in desire.

  "Ah... oh... Zhou Min... so tight..."

  It's not that Shangguan Qi has never had sex with Zhou Min before, but this time, it made him feel even more distracted, as if something had changed, All suppressed senses become more sensitive at this moment and are not the same anymore.

  The big glans in Zhou Min's flower hole was licked, sucked, pinched, sucked so comfortable that his whole body trembled.

  He couldn't control himself, his reason seemed to have drifted away, only the instinct of his body allowed him to crazily insert Zhou Min's tight pussy, and Zhou Min also desperately catered to the fuck of his big cock, the two cooperated seamlessly, all Fighting, the big mushroom on the cock went deep into the heart of her pussy.