Different Atmosphere

The next morning, Liam stopped by the hospital on his way to school. It had been like that for the past one week, he stopped by on his way to school and dropped by after school even though the two places were in different routes and his mother doesn't fail to remind him of that every time so he wasn't surprised when she said,

"What are you doing here? You are going to be late for school."

He dropped a kiss on her cheek and sat down beside her. "I won't be late. Don't worry." He assured her before taking a closer look at her face.

"How do you feel?"

"Better. Oh! I spoke with your aunt yesterday. She called back this morning to let me know her husband is totally fine with you staying with Cindy in their house. Cindy is also fine with the idea."

"Thank Goodness!" He sighed in relief. He had been worried the entire night that his aunt's husband would not be open to the idea. Rich people can be unpredictable.

"Are you sure you can do it?" His mother asked, sounding worried.

"Why do you think I cannot? It's not going to be the first time I'm staying there? Besides, Cindy is 6."

"You've only spent a few weekends with them before. How are you going to cope with school and the whole house and the little girl?"

"It won't be difficult. I know it would have been a lot easier if she was used to living in other places and even our house but she cannot so I have to go there. There is nothing else we can do. I can do this mum."

Elizabeth sighed. "You should head back to school now. I don't want you to be late."

He nodded and stood up. He dropped a kiss on her cheek and was about leaving when she remembered his aunt had asked for Liam to call her so she told him.

On his way out of the hospital, he bumped into the older nurse and greeted her again before he dialed his aunt's number.

"Big boy!" His aunt greeted cheerily when she answered.

"Hello, Aunt."

"I have told you to stop calling me that. You make me feel old."

He let out a laugh. She was very young and very pretty. She turned 24 recently and had Cindy when she was still a teenager. Anyone who saw her would not believe she has a 6 years old daughter because of how well she took care of herself. Also, God bless his grandparents genes.

"I just left the hospital. Thanks for agreeing to go with mum and letting me stay with Cindy."

"Oh shut up! She is my sister and I've known and loved her longer than you have. I know you will do a good job taking care of Cindy. She loves you. But promise you'll call me if anything happens. Immediately." She added for emphasis sake.

"I promise you aun— Lucy. Nothing is going to happen. But I'll still give you a call always." He promised.

"Nice! I trust you. I'm sorry I won't be there to help you move. But I'll have my husband's driver be at your place later today to help you move your things." He could hear the urgency in her voice. It seemed like she was moving around as she spoke, "Oh! And send me your bank account number. I think I lost it."

"Aunt— I mean, Lucy. That isn't necessary. I am fine–"

"It's for you and Cindy. So do not argue with me and just do it. I'm hoping to see it in the next one minute. Bye. I love you big boy."

She ended the call and left Liam looking at his phone.

He knew it was futile arguing with her so he sent the number to her and got on his sport bicycle.

School started pretty much the same way. He kept recieving the various glances that he had grown accustomed to. Thankfully, there were no love letters inside his locker today— neither from a girl or boy. He was tired of ripping them and throwing them on the floor so the sender would see what he hoped to do to their hearts.

But something was different about his classroom. Immediately he stepped in, he noticed the atmosphere was different but he couldn't tell what changed until he saw the new student. That was it.

Oliver Sallow was sitting on the seat by the window and had his gaze outside, not bothering to concern himself with the glances he was receiving from everyone, or his seatmate who looked like she was trying to make a conversation. He was wearing their school uniform which perfectly fit him but he still had a black leather gloves on his hand and had his hair tied in a loose bun. Normally, he should have been told to trim his hair or take off the gloves but seeing how he wore it comfortable made him wonder who he really was to be allowed such privileges.

As if sensing he was being stared at, Oliver turned and looked directly at Liam.