3. The First Step

Days passed and, with the feeling of being adult, we entered 1st Std. Before we were going to be divided all my fellow friends had a discussion among each other. Everyone had the same question, "Will each of us be in the same section?",everyone of us was forced to think on this topic.

At the same time Robert asked me in a fearful voice, " If we will be divided, then what will happen with us? What will our situation?"

On this question I gave a simple answer, "Pal, if you are so much frightened about our section division, then why you don't join a nursery school. At that place there would be no sort of fear for you." On this reply Robert gave a silent treatment.

Finally, we were ordered to enter our classes, and Robert's prediction was proved right, as he was in section 'B', and I was sent in the section 'A'. Though we were in the different sections we were satisfied.

That year, our class teacher used to taught us Mathematics. She had one speciality that she would never talk with politeness with anybody. If she wanted to order us anything she used to shout annoyingly at us. By the way we were generous kids, but her behavior towards us was so much terrible, that we were frightened to ask her for simply drinking water.

One day she asked a question to us, which was very simple to answer, and everybody knew the answer. But she deliberately asked Stuart who was weak at Maths. The question was, "How many is one and one?" He took a moment to answer and then replied, "ELEVEN". The teacher became so furious but controlled herself and asked him patiently, "How did you get ELEVEN?"

Stuart said, "Mam, I am fond of watching movies. In a movie an actor is also asked same question then he answers 'ELEVEN'. So, I also answered you the same one." On the listening to this sarcastic reply, everyone in the class laughed and, at the same time the fuse of the teacher was blown on the very first day the school began. On the first day, first session we had seen her formidable form and, experiencing her angry nature, everyone of us was stunned out of one's wits. Due to her strict rules, we were not allowed to enjoy, to do fun in the school. All of us were bounded by her rules.

Even she didn't allowed us to enjoy our picnic. We also didn't enjoyed the annual fair held in our school, we haven't enjoyed any moment freely that year.

Finally all of us decided that this year we had tolerated her nonsense rules but the next year, we were not able to bear all those tortures. Unity of all students forced the principal to flush out that freak teacher on all students request.

Before leaving she came to meet us one last time. She was said and uttered in the same feeling, "Kids, first of all I apologise all of you for my angry nature, that affected you all and, all of you started treating me as a foe. All of you may have a similar question that what's the reason I was so angry? It's because, I feel that if you are showered with love and politeness, you would take undue advantage of me, the result would be, all of you would become more courageous to do fun instead of studying. I wanted to teach you the importance of etiquettes, but you take my seriousness in a different way and protested against me. But one thing I am confident about that, if you get a loving and caring teacher, you will definitely forget the meaning of discipline. So, instead of following other things, focus on studies and, have fun. Good bye!!" At the same moment someone from the behind sang, "By going….., remember us in prayers, never say goodbye, never say goodbye, never say goodbye, never say goodbye….." On listening to this sweet song everyone burst out laughing.

The days passed and passed, our annual exams had ended successfully. I eventually came first and scored good marks. It was a happy moment for me but the words of that teacher were still rang out in my years. By this, our memorable 1st std was ended successfully on a happy note.