12. The Seven Colours Of Rainbow- Part 1

'Life is about a change. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time it's both.' The previous parts showed how funny we were and everyone used to follow different ideologies. In the previous parts we enjoyed all moments, but in this stage, we came to know actual school life. How beautiful and valuable that was, we experienced here! This part is full of unexpected twists and turns which will turn out be lots of smiles on your faces.

This story begins with a shocking news for all of us, when we came to know that our head teacher is Miss. Jane Snakewood. She was aged, short and thin, but proved out to be a biggest foe for us afterwards. Due to her mercy we were defamed as the 'Scoundrels Of School'. You would be interested in knowing about the respect we got, but you will come to know about that afterwards. We all were trying to overcome this shock, another shocking news reached our ears, that all the rogues were added in our division. You can't imagine famous celebrities of our school like Maddy, Yash, Kyle, Smith, Monty, Fugle, Aaron, Victor, Sahir, Allen all were present in our class. Also girls like Spiren, Himani, Rosy were shifted in our division. This new names showed that 7th was going to be a difficult year for all of us.

Some days passed, our class was proving to be the most disturbing class in te school as told by Mr. John and Mr. Robot. Due to these 'Added Rogues' we weren't able to focus on studies. Some Newton-minded people were tolerating the same everyday. After some days our school arranged an educational trip to R.S.Exploratory, where also we didn't stepped back to show our real colours. The management of that place was also annoyed due to us as we were not listening to anybody there. Meanwhile, in that trip, I learnt a lot of things regarding Science and also saw live practicals there. Besides the premises of exploratory there was a blind orphanage, we met those children, encouraged them and also played with them.

These all things were going on, but, I felt that, in this enjoyment, I was ignoring my studies. But my changed mentality never let me realized about my mistakes. Everyone in the class founded a good friend for themselves, which is popularly known as 'SOCIAL MEDIA'. Everyone started involving this virtual world which was further going to create a lot of problems for all of us. At the same time, our love for mobile games increased rapidly. Even, I also got indulged in those things and soon everything started changing around me, like I was becoming more aggressive day by day, and my ignorane for studies was on rise. It's widely said, 'People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference for them tro do so.' My love regarding these worldly things was indeed making a difference in me. But unfortunately, I was unable to find my mistakes, after commiting any, I didn't grieved over that. Seems to be like I am exceeding my Anti-Inspirational speech. Don't be bored, fun's coming ahead.

This same continued and in the First Term Exam, everyone including me and, Kia all were very badly done and dusted. I was very sad only on the exact day of result but, on the next day I got normal. It showed that, I had no effect on myself after the failure I suffered in the exams. It was like the darkness of ignorance and bad thoughts had housed my mind, my knowledge had been eclipsed by those obstacles. Well, this is not the only twist in this journey!

We were included in such groups where 'vulgarity' was a common topic for them. Now you would be thinking, "How it could be…?" The thing is that we didn't want to be part of such groups, but such circumstances make us enter those ones. You or I can't deny those conditions. Vulgarity not only relates with worse thinking, it also relates with rude or vulgar language also. Being a part of such groups, I and all boys learnt cuss words. It was shocking for me that girls were also a part of that. They also started speaking cuss words. They had devised a secret code for all words, which they used to while speaking to others. Literally, I became a cusser. Today, I feel ashamed of my that act, whether at time, Did my mind and good manners went grazing? Due to this my language became very rude and insulting and, many of friends started ignoring me due to my changed behavior. My views regarding my characters changed a lot, the difference was of land and sky. But believe me, today I am very changed man. I , from this incident, learnt that, 'Good language helps in building good relationships and bonding, where vulgar language steals good friends from us.' I was ignoring all my negatives and, was living life in my own way.

Due to this discontentment among boys and girls increased and both of us started quarreling everyday. It seemed to be like the battle of cuss words. Girls mostly used to speak 'English Cuss Words' but boys always relied on the 'Regional Language Cuss Words'. I hardly fought with anybody. Mostly, I was like an audience reacting to every word they spoke. I wasn't able to find my loss in such discussions, it seemed to be like my mind was badly corrupted. This consistent fights were breaking the trust among us.

After somedays, we were given a project by Miss. Elizabeth to perform a stage art where we had to represent a small act. That act consisted of me, Robert, Anthony, Kia, Sezon, Lily, Olivia and, Sophia. I was assigned to play the role of Grandpa, which I was assigned everytime in any stage art we used to perform, which sometimes proved to be embarrassing for me. In the middle of the act, I had to show that I suffered a heart stroke. For giving that scene a real effect, I had to fall down. I was in great excitement to do so. I falled down heavily, on my chest, after that the pain I suffered, when I remember this ominous day, I feel goosebumps on my body. That was indeed a painful experience for me.

Great viewers. Stay tuned for 'The Seven Colours Of Rainbow- Part 2' (^=^)