3:Super Power.

Zhang Jing replied from the kitchen " Wait for a few minutes, Your father and brother will come soon. Let's eat together. "

Wang Wei said with a dull voice " Ok mom. "

After few moments.

Father Wang Yong and Elder Brother Wang Li came in and sat down at the table and Father shouted in a rough voice at the kitchen " Bring me some water and food. "

Wang Wei's mother Zhang Jing replied with the same tone in the kitchen " what? you can't wait for few minutes. "

Wang Yong broke out in cold sweat and said in a gentle tone " I can wait, you prepare slowly. "

Wang Wei gaped at their conversation speechlessly while his eldest brother Wang Li asked puzzled tone " Father why are you so scared of the mother. Haven't you just taught me how to be boss of the house when I'm married?. "

Wang Yong desperately signalled at his stupid eldest son with eyes. But the blockhead continued his speech without any knowledge of what he's doing? Wang Yong only felt that the length of his hands is not enough to cross the table to shut his stupid son's mouth. But he doesn't have long hands. So he had to suffer for his mistake.

Zhang Jing came out from the kitchen with a large spoon and Younger Brother Jie in tow on the waist asked with an expressionless face " Wang Li what else, does your father have taught you. "

Due to an earlier mistake, Wang Yong got smart and interpreted their conversation by saying " Wang Li enough don't talk anymore. Let's eat. Wife, come on put food some food on my plate. "

Zhang Jing doesn't want to give up the good chance to get leverage over her husband. But after he stopped the conversation. It will not look good on her if she continued this discussion.

But her eldest son gave her a chance by replying in a lost tone " Dad, don't you say. Our males must assert dominance over women's and it's the right way. now you are backing down on your words. "

Zhang Jing looked at her eldest son with distress. Because he is already at the age of marriage. But still, he doesn't have his own opinion. I hope for a good daughter-in-law, not some shrew with bad intentions.

Wang Yong glared at his son and explained hurriedly to Zhang Jing " Wife I worried that our stupid son will believe anything from our future daughter-in-law's mouth that may come with evil intentions to harm you. That's why I started to instil ideas in him, for your better future. "

Zhang Jing is wordless from her husband's response. But she also worried about how to teach some common sense and other things. Otherwise, he may not survive from those with evil intentions.

Zhang Jing served lunch. Her husband and her two eldest children ate more than four bowls. While she and the youngest ate less than two bowls. After finishing lunch her husband and eldest child went to their patrol, hunting small animals on the border of the village in their free time.

Zhang Jing mainly worried about her second child. Because he trains himself very hard. I don't know what's going on in this child's mind. The first child is not like him, he still wants to play but stopped due to beating from his father.

My child, you don't have to work hard that much. We are rich enough to let you live happily. Hope it's just a momentary thing.


After finishing dinner Wang Wei and his younger brother are sleeping in their room. Only his younger brother is sleeping while Wang Wei is listening to notifications.





[...radiation is entering the body from stars in outer space in an accelerated manner. it is expected radiation that will change the DNA drastically. ]



From the day he was born, he knows radiation is entering his body slowly and strengthening it. But he can't control it and it was a very little amount. Almost to negligible size.

Wang Wei selected no because he already expected such change after knowing there's still a superpower in this world. After selecting no, notifications stopped and at light speed radiation entered every part of his body.

It feels like getting in warm water and his body was out of control. he can only receive information passively and can't respond actively. The radiation energy overwhelmed him and then, he heard a click like something from his body and the activity stopped.

In Wang Wei's room. Wang Wei is floating in the centre of the room and covered in blue energy particles that rushed into his body with increasing speed. A few minutes later a torrent of energy stopped and everything returned to peace and slowly fell to his bed.

Wang Wei opened his and felt that now he can control the absorption rate but can't store it. So he stopped and controlled the absorption speed to the level, he can store. After that, he looked at flashing notifications.

[ radiation is producing abnormal mutations in the body. it's advised to stop the radiation. ]

[ approaching a critical level. ]

[ approaching a critical level. ]

[ approaching a critical level. ]

[ approaching a critical level. ]

[ radiation changed the DNA sequence and produced a mutation with the ability to absorb star energies. It's recommended to select the closest celestial body moon as the main star for absorbing radiation particles for better control and performance. ]

Wang Wei also considered Ai advice and felt its reasonable. So he imagined a star map and focused on the moon, After concentrating he felt a slight connection that he can't feel with other stars.

Because it feels like stealing or taking the unwanted parts from other stars. If you want feel same with other stars. you can feel it but not on the same level as the moon. You can also connect with the sun if you want, but it doesn't give me more benefits. Simply speaking the moon is the only thing he can access at his level.

But it's not bad, selecting the Main star isn't permanent. you can change it after it's not useful anymore.

By imagining Moon, you can cultivate the soul by baptizing it with the heavy intention of the Moon in mind space and use energy to strengthen the body.