25:Flower Boy.

Wang Wei scolded himself for his stupidity ( Ho, you stupid Wang Wei. You barely missed a trap with your luck. So, stop making self humiliating mistakes in the future. Don't you remember Wei, you can only use Ai to memorise in sleep. Not when you awake.)

After warning himself. Wang Wei steamed the rice and heated the mutton & vegetable curry from last night for flavour in mixing with rice for lunch. He finished the lunch in about fifteen minutes and practised the Turtle breathing method to digest and convert the food into essence in the process.

He practised till sunset and stopped the Martial Arts practising when he heard the sound of Uncle Song Lu footsteps at the entrance of the building. So, he pretended to study the book and to avoid the suspicion, opened one of the books about blacksmiths Techniques.

As Wang Wei foresaw, Uncle Song Lu also came in within seconds. He came in and said " How's your day, Wei. "

Wang Wei responded while turning pages " It's a good Uncle Song mainly spent with a book and practising Martial Arts. "

Uncle Song Lu hummed some good tunes and entered the bathroom.

A few hours later.

After coming out of the bathroom Uncle Song Lu Said " Get ready for the big day Wei. Tomorrow is going to be a new experience for you. So, try to sleep early. "

Wang Wei responded while sitting on the bed with a book " It's ok uncle, I can manage it. "

Uncle Song said while nodding simply " I know about kids mentality and even some adults behave like this. So, let's see how you behave in the morning. "

Wang Wei taught evilly ( I am not your average 10-year-old kid to not sleep with excitement about a new day uncle Song. You are gonna be surprised in the morning. hehe )

Then they ate soupy noodles for dinner and gone to bed after few minutes of chatting. Song Lu lit off the oil lamp before sleeping.

After laying on the bed Wang Wei ordered Ai " Ai began the mission of deep memorising the contents in the book that stored in the brain today. "

[ Mission has started. For good results without side effects. The host will have to sleep in few minutes. ]

[ 1 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 3 ]

[ Mission Accomplished. The host will sleep and revise the stored memory in sleep. ]

After the last announcement, Wang Wei felt his eyes a little heavy and drifted into his sleep and came to a library-like space where numerous bookshelves were present without books. Only the bookshelf from little distance from himself as one book stored from the book he read today. So, he touched the book and the book turned into glittering golden light and merged with himself.

He felt a group of information exploded into his thinking and slowly he looked through them easily and felt great inspirations from the details present in the book.


In the morning Wang Wei woke up with black eyes from the deep memorising process. Song Lu looked at Wang Wei with a laughing expression and said " I told you. You will not be able to sleep with that much excitement I saw in your eyes. "

Wang Wei just snorted coldly and said in his thought ( This is the biological and psychological response for heavy work that happens in a dream. So, it's not shameful Wang Wei ok. Don't down yourself due to disrespect from this so-called Uncle. You are perfectly normal. But Ai has also changed in this aspect. In the last life, you can easily memorise everything just with data transferring into the brain via chip. But in this new magical Ai, you have to do it manually. Looks like it's not technological Ai anymore, more like a magical superpower ability. )

Song Lu looked at Wang Wei's ugly expression and said with a smile " Ok ok you don't have to feel bad about yourself. Everybody responds to excitement like that. Now don't waste your time get ready for a new day. "

Wang Wei nodded and entered the bathroom with one of the two newly bought towels by his father. His father bought him three new sets of dresses and two towels and other daily necessities on his first day in the city.

He came out after cleaning himself while Uncle Song Lu entered next. They had bread and omelette for breakfast. Wang Wei wore a white colour dress with matching trousers & a shirt. He wore the new brown sandals that Uncle Song bought yesterday gave them as a surprise to him, not the boots he wore from the village while hunting.

Most of the people in the village won't wear sandals as it is always extra unnecessary rich stuff that is only available in cities. The village people wore it only where they needed it absolutely like hunting, farming, and other things. They made the boots themselves crudely enough to survive their current need.

Wang Wei also combed his short black hair with a wooden comb. At last, he appeared as a cute kid that trying to show his maturity via his dressing style.

Uncle Song Lu dressed in his daily working black colour leather shirt and blue pants with a bag to store lunch boxes and other daily necessary items. Totally from his dressing sense. He looked like someone who doesn't care about his appearance. His eyes bulged in surprise when looked at Wang Wei. He asked with amazement in his voice " You look like a proper flower boy. "

Wang Wei got irritated from continuous teasing from the morning. So, he responded with an irritated tone " What the heck is flower boy. "

Uncle Song Lu doesn't take the tantrums of 10-year-old Wang Wei seriously. So, he responded Wang Wei( sure I can't show my maturity. but I can use my innocence as 10 years old to my advantage. hehe ) who already suffered twice decided not to drop this matter by asking with an innocent tone " Uncle Song What's a 'pub for rich Wid' "