
They walked out of the Furnace room and Uncle Song Lu submitted his daily works to the arrogant receptionist. The receptionist counted the number of knives, swords and recorded them down while checking out if they were equal to the number of materials they provided this morning to Song Lu for producing weapons.

After counting them back and forth and checking the quality and quantity of weapons and finding everything his okay. She said with a crafty smile to Song Lu " What happened Uncle Song. Your weapons quantity is less than your average count. "

Song Lu replied with the same smile " Don't You already know the answer. "

The receptionist girl said with a bored expression " Why can't you play along with me for few minutes. Uncle song. "

Uncle Song shook his head and said " I don't want to pressure him with unwanted things. Ok bye. "

But the reception girl said with a stubborn expression " But he has to know sacrifices and hard work you did for him. "

After finishing her sentence. She turned her head and looked at Wang Wei with a scary expression in her eyes while saying " Listen, kid, your uncle used many favours to allow you in the workshop for practising. So, don't waste your Uncle's kindness. "

Wang Wei suddenly realised the situation and replied with a serious expression " Yes mam, I'll keep that in mind and work my best. "

Song Lu came between and separated them by saying " Wang Wei don't take her words seriously. You just give your best don't work hard because of this reason. Now you go and wait outside. "

After Wang Wei was gone Song Lu turned around and faced the receptionist and asked with a questioning tone " I didn't find you to be someone who interferes with other peoples business. What got you suddenly interested in my business. Several people are doing this type of thing in our workshop. What speciality do you see in nephew? "

The receptionist thought ( Like hell I notice something special from the country bumpkin. Who is peeing in his bed till now. ) and the kind smile faded from her face and she said bluntly " You don't have to worry Uncle Song. I'm doing what my father said and not only for you. I'm informing the same thing to every other person who bought the competitors to the workshop under the father's order. So, don't think I'm doing this with some kind of motive for your nephew. "

" Father said this as a warning to all of you ' Don't let participants know the truth and let them feel less pressure. Then they fail. Before the start of the entrance test. It's the first test starting from the workshop ' So Uncle Song, I hope you don't make any mistakes and waste this once in a lifetime chance for your nephew by yourself "

Uncle Song nodded thoughtfully and came outside the shop. He found Wang Wei in the shadows of one of the trees and said with a smile " Let's go home. Wei, It's getting late. "

After getting home Wang Wei washed his body before Song Li and wore only trousers and laid on the bed and took one of the books about blacksmith and read. Song Lu shook his head entered the bathroom after Wang Wei left the bathroom to freshen up.

Wang Wei took turned the pages and decided to finish reading this book this night. So, he ordered Ai " Ai start to record pages. " as he turned the pages of the second book and finished reading before midnight.

After that, he ordered Ai to " Ai began the mission of deep memorising the contents in the book that stored in the brain today. "

[ Mission has started. For good results without side effects. The host will have to sleep in few minutes. ]

[ 1 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 3 ]

[ Mission Accomplished. The host will sleep and revise the stored memory in sleep. ]

After the last announcement, Wang Wei felt his eyes a little heavy and drifted into his sleep and came to a library-like space where numerous bookshelves were present without books like last time. Only the bookshelf from a little distance from himself as one book stored from the book he read last time appeared like a real book and another book he read today In appeared transparent. So, he touched the book and the book turned into glittering golden light and merged with himself like last time. But he felt more natural without freaking out.

He felt a group of information exploded into his thinking and slowly he looked through them easily and felt great inspirations from the details present in the book and merged along with the information from the book he memorised last time.

Slowly he drifted into a sea of information and a serious connection between them solving unnecessary & necessary doubts.


Tomorrow morning, after breakfast Wang Wei followed Song Lu. As usual, the receptionist responded with a hypocritical smile. Song Lu nodded while Wang Wei smiled back at her and they went back to the furnace room.

Like yesterday Wang Wei forged in free time when Song Lu takes rest and forged only one same piece of equipment small throwing knife for the rest of the day.

Day 3

He memorised another book and slowly his learning process improved along as he upgraded the knife with his increasing knowledge continuously. As he comes to know more about forging and creating weapons. He's not satisfied with himself.

Day 4

The book memorising speed increased and he become more knowledgeable in the field of a blacksmith.

Day 5...

He practised practically at workshops and memories books about the experience of his predecessors and technical knowledge at night in his sleep.

Day 6.....

Day 7...

Day 8...

Day 9.

Day 10.

After memorising all the books and gaining all the knowledge available for him with his current status along with practical experience and improvements daily he made on his only single equipment small throwing knife. he perfected his knife daily just to find some mistakes the next day. As he keeps improving and become obsessed with his forging skills. He completely forgets or simply doesn't put his uncle who looking at him with hot eyes daily.