34:Hall Master's Instruction.

Wang Wei replied with an excited smile " Yes mam I am excited about being a disciple to Hall Master and the chance to forge all kinds of weapons & devices to my liking was what I was most excited about. "

The receptionist Fang Li is surprised at the child's openness about his passion for forging. Because most of the children at his age only know to say what their elders or parents teach them. But this child told her what he wants with his genuine expression without anyone interference. She can judge it due to the teaching of her family and experience.

So for a second, the receptionist Fang Li got charmed by his passion and lost her attitude and patted his head with a kind expression while saying " You got a fire in you required for greatness. Don't waste it. "

Wang Wei nodded seriously at her remark and said in a loud voice " Yes, mam! "

Fang Li returned to her neutral expression and said with a casual expression " Now go wait with others who passed till next order. "

After Wang Wei's figure disappeared from her view and Su Ma forger was also taken off to his forger gang. The receptionist's eyes moistened slightly as she looked at the residing Wang Wei's figure that overlaps with another figure from her deep hidden memories. She muttered to herself with a low voice with immense love in her eyes " How are you, Darling. Are you taking care of yourself? and achieving your dreams. "

She snapped out of reverence and organized her emotions while thinking ( This kid got something special to remind me of him. Maybe I should put him on a special list to look out for. )

Meanwhile, Wang Wei strode at his maximum walking speed and mixed himself in the group of five to six participants who already passed and waiting for the next order and taught (That woman got some serious mental problem with the look in her eyes that covets me. Is she a paedophile? or is something else attracting her to me? or am I a harem protagonist. Nah I take a pass on that.)

(Because every harem protagonist should have white skin, red lips and a feminine face and body. But I have a masculine body and face with light brown skin and I am not handsome enough to other girls that they are willing to share me with other sluts.)

( I think I am going off the track here. I should rein my thoughts under my control it always goes out of control and produces something unnecessary. I should just wait here till the exam finish.)


An hour later.

About ten people are standing in one of the corners with joys on their faces. While opposite to them stands a group of forgers and failed participants with a downcast expression.

The receptionist Fang Li coughed and declared her presence and said loudly " Everyone who failed. Don't feel sad. We are not going to kick you out. You can still work at The Blacksmith Shop. "

After hearing the sentence most of the failed participants face gained the last hope and waited for further good news. But older & repeaters just looked at them mocking expressions like waiting for a good circus show. Forgers also showed pitying expressions at them.

The receptionist Fang Li continued her speech. After taking a breath " You all can work here as forgers and will have a good chance to try next time. "

Some of those who failed for the first time felt despair and some hope from this statement. But older ones face are filled with despair and other negative emotions.

But the receptionist finished her speech with the final sentence without giving any time for them to digest the received information " Now other than those who passed everybody else get out of here including forgers. "

Forgers and repeaters walked out of there with normal expressions. While the first-timers felt the status gap between the disciple and forgers at the Blacksmith Shop for the first time. They also felt ashamed and felt inferior for the first time in their life.

Those who passed felt immense satisfaction from the despair, infertility complex, status gap between the other workers in the Blacksmith Shop and them. Because it's their first time where they can step on other people to set foot in a higher place.

Wang Wei is also no exception from others. He also showed prideful expression. But he also showed disdainful expression at those who passed. But he hid it faster only Hall Master and the receptionist Fang Li caught his expression. Because they look at their expressions to judge their character.

The old man Hall Master stroked his long white beard and taught ( He better has something worth to show this expression otherwise he is one of those arrogant ones who's gonna lose very badly. Hehe but even if he has better talent that doesn't matter. After all hehe)

The receptionist Fang Li outer expression remained calm. But her inner mono dialogue is crazy ( haha I know it. He is someone special. )

Everyone departed soon under the order of the receptionist Fang Li. Only the ten who passed, Hall Master and receptionist remained in the cave. The receptionist and future disciples all waited silently for the next order from the Hall Master.

But the old man Hall Master remained silent in the same position while stroking his beard for minutes with closed eyes. Everybody remained silent in the same place without moving even if they are annoyed at this old man's attitude. Because this old man holds enough power to speak with noble families.

A few minutes later

The old man opened his eyes lid half and spoke with a slight yawn " Lier you go out and assign working order for the failed participants for tomorrow and wait at reception for further orders. "

The receptionist Fang Li nodded and walked out of there while thinking ( It's weird why did the old man tell me to get out. According to my knowledge, dad doesn't tell me anything about this. Whatever the old man is the boss. We gotta follow his order without questioning and hesitation. )