40:Cruel Senior Disciple.

Other arrogant kids also don't want to miss the chance to complain. So they also butted in complained to Hall Master " Yes Hall Master punish him more. He doesn't give any respect to us. So let's put him in his place and show him who's the boss. "

" Yes, Hall Master. "

The senior disciple looked at them with a gloating look. While Hall Master looked at them with a strange expression.

Then he looked at the senior disciple and said with an evil laugh " Hey you can redeem yourself by changing their bad characteristics. Go punish them. "

The senior disciple face overflowed with happiness but he controlled it and said to the Hall Master serious expression " Yes Hall Master. "

Then he moved towards the three of them with a vicious expression. One of the arrogant ones got flustered and said to Hall Master without understanding the situation " Hall Master look at that kid coming towards us with evil thoughts. Punish him, Hall Master. "

The other two were backed slowly by understanding the situation. Hall Master looked at the one who's complaining about it with a disgusting look and said to the senior disciple who is moving towards the arrogant ones slowly with a vicious expression " Hey you move faster and beat the one who complained to me now with extra care. "

The senior disciple nodded at the Hall Master respectfully and moved at full speed towards the arrogant ones. The arrogant ones got flustered and started to run to escape from the senior disciple.

The senior disciple caught the one who complained to Hall Master lastly. The arrogant one used his hands to free himself from the hands of the senior disciple. But the senior disciple exerted more force to stop him in a place and throw him towards the other two who's running out.

'Thud' 'Thud' 'Bang'

The one who got thrown stopped the running ones by falling on them with force and three of them got planted their body on the ground and their body covered with bruises and small wounds.

The senior disciple lifted one of them with his left hand and punched him in the face with his right hand continuously and kicked the others on the ground and pressed them on the ground while beating the hell out of the arrogant one in his hand.

After thoroughly beating him the senior disciple threw him towards Hall Masters side and continued to beat the other two arrogant ones maliciously without giving them any chance to escape.

" Please don't beat me. I will behave obediently. "

" Yeah don't beat me. Forgive me for my mistake. I will not repeat it. "

The senior disciple looked at them with a grinning smile and said " It's good you all realised your mistake. But it's too late but you can use your experience not make any more mistakes like this afterwards in your life. "

" No-No! Please stop. I can't bear this. it's paining all over my body Forgive me, please! "

" Please stop it. I will not do it. "

The arrogant ones pleaded to the senior disciple. But he doesn't give a single fuck and continued to beat them until they are unconscious and blood covered their whole body.

After finishing the task. He reported to Hall Master in a respectful tone while bowing down " Hall Master I punished them till they changed their opinion. "

Hall Master smiled cruelly and spoke with a thinking expression " Ok you completed the task beautifully. Now go on and arrange the recruits to their furnace and inform the other waste disciples to teach basics to recruits and send the injured ones to Medical Hall for treatment. "

Wang Wei looked at the Hall Master and taught (This type of teaching method is cruel. But it's a perfect fit for this kind of people. )

The senior disciple replied respectfully " Yes Hall Master. " and proceeded to execute his orders.


A few minutes later.

The senior disciple delivers the injured recruits to Medical Hall and informed the other senior disciples " Hey guys Hall Master ordered all of the senior disciples to instruct basics of refining to recruits. "

Some of them were dissatisfied and murmured among themselves.

" Why do we have to waste time on unnecessary things when Hall Master is selecting his true disciple this year. "

" Yeah, it's wasting our time and reducing our chance of becoming the true disciple. "

" I think it's also test laid out by Hall Master to identify the best from all of us. "

The senior disciple under the order of Hall Master can't stand a few of them. So he said seriously " I don't care about your opinions. If you're not moving I will inform Hall Master about this. "

Some of those who complained broke cold sweat on their forehead said hurriedly.

" Brother don't get angry. We are just discussing. Don't take it seriously. "

" Yeah, sorry brother for our carelessness. We will move now. "

The senior disciple under the order of Hall Master thought ( Yeah that's what I taught. These spineless fellows just want to take off their dissatisfaction on me. And these trashes are still thinking about becoming the true disciple. )

All of them moved towards recruits and divided the recruits themselves and supervised the recruits.

There's nothing new being taught by the senior disciples. They are there to supervise them and make sure they don't make big mistakes such as breaking the existing furnaces or wasting precious materials that they shouldn't touch.

Everyone present his talented ones from the rest of those who don't get selected. So they are sure to produce some weapons at end of the day by practising continuously.

It's also one of the sources for Blacksmith shops to produce income from these people without paying anything other than materials while at the same time producing and selecting talented disciples.

A few hours later.

The senior disciple who's in charge said loudly " All of you stop what you're doing. It's time for lunch. "

After he finished talking. A food delivering slave came forward with delicious smelling meat buns and said " Everybody come in line and each can have two to three meat buns. So don't break the line. "