43:Consequences Of Jealousy.

A few moments later.

The Hall Master came near Wang Wei group and asked the senior disciple in charge of the group with a playful smile " How about your team. Does anyone make any mistakes known to you? If they made some. You should report it now or you won't get any more choices. "

The senior disciple replied the next instant as if he waited for this moment in his whole life " Yes Hall Master they all made mistakes in forging. They thought I can't find them and behaved arrogantly without giving any respect to their senior."

" I think they don't even respect forging. So I implore the Hall Master to punish them severely according to their mistakes. "

The Hall Master looked at the senior disciple with an amusing expression and asked one more time to give him a chance and to see If he can realise his mistake " Are you sure? "

The senior disciple who is drowned in his achievement of punishing talented recruits forgets to notice the present situation now said excitedly " Yes Hall Master I am sure. "

Wang Wei also looked at this senior disciple with pity and thought ( What a waste of time. It's better if he died here and don't waste other people time.) while shaking his head with disappointment.

Hall Master then put away his amusing expression and checked the devices that two of the recruits other than Wang Wei one by one until he found one from each of them that was worst than the other devices they produced and set aside the damaged devices.

Then Hall Master checked the Wang Wei devices and nodded with satisfaction and thought( This one is little gifted and can produce perfect devices) until finding the one damaged device and his facial expression darkened.

The senior disciple looked at the Hall Master who has an unsightly expression and thought( Haha Hall Master got irritated. In a few minutes, these arrogant recruits will get punished.)

The Hall Master facial expression returned to neutral and asked the three recruits " What's with this damaged device. Why do three of you produce a single damaged device identically? Is there any reason for this? "

The two recruits other than Wang Wei complexion paled and said with a fearful expression.

" Hall Master I don't know. How this damaged device is present in my basket. "

" Yes, Hall Master we don't know where this came from. I think somebody with malicious intent put it here. Otherwise, how could all of the damaged devices look identical? "

The Hall Master then looked at Wang Wei and inquired " What do you have to say? "

Wang Wei replied with a respectful expression " Yes Hall Master I also think somebody put this here to plot against us with ill intentions. I hope Hall Master punish the culprit who caused this unnecessary situation and wasted Hall Master's precious time. "

The Hall Master looked at Wang Wei and nodded with satisfaction and thought ( This one has a little brain along with little talent. He can be used for now. )

The Hall Master nodded and questioned all of them " Then who do you suspect doing all of this. "

One of the recruits said " Hall Master I suspect the senior disciple in charge is jealous of our talent and plotted evilly against us. " While pointing finger at the senior disciples in charge of them.

The senior disciple face showed a distorted expression. When he heard the recruit describing him evilly and spoke loudly to stop him from describing him more evilly " Hall Master I think this recruit is his spy sent by his family to steal forging secrets from the blacksmith hall. So don't listen to him Hall Master punish these arrogant pricks severely. "

The Hall Master looked at him nodded his head and asked all of them with an angry expression " I will give one last chance to all of you. If you made any mistake admit it. Otherwise when I find it myself. The culprit has to face my wrath. Do you guys understand? "

The senior disciple and recruits face paled at Hall Master's anger while Wang Wei thought( This senior disciple angered Hall Master this doesn't go to end well for any of us. )

Then Hall Master took a deep breath and looked at the senior disciple whose face was paled and said " Ok you don't repent even now. Then don't mention me for being cruel. "

After Hall Master looked at Wang Wei and the other two recruits and said " You three go ahead and hold down this venomous snake for me. "

The two recruits moved forward with excited expressions while Wang Wei maintained a certain distance from the two of them.

The senior disciple finally woke up from his spur and got his wit together hearing Hall Master's order and upon realising is a current situation he pretend to be dumb. So he said innocently " Hall Master what's going on. Why are these recruits coming towards me? "

The Hall Master shook his head and said plainly " You don't have to pretend. I gave you more than Ince for being a good disciple in a past. But you didn't use it properly. So suffer now for your mistakes. "

The senior disciple was caught by two recruits who doesn't show any mercy while handling him due to his malicious intent for them. But he isn't just a senior disciple in a name.

The senior disciple threw two of them to the ground using his Martial Arts realm higher than them.

"Bang" "Bang"

The two of them got thrashed on the floor and blood leaked from their nose, faces. As they lay on the floor weakly.

The Hall Master looked at all of this and said gloomy " Good Good now you even dare to disobey my order. Then now we will see how you can escape from my hand. " and he moved forward to the senior disciple.

Wang Wei who moved slowly towards the senior disciple at the beginning now backed sideways to give way to Hall Master. Then he moved toward two injured recruits and supported them to the wall and let them take rest there for a few minutes till Hall Masters next order.