47:Iron Body.

And then Hall Master looked at others with disappointment and said viciously " And all of you. If you don't even condense treasure within a year I will throw all of you into the furnace. Do you all understand? "

Everybody responded loudly " Yes Master! "

Hall Master then looked at all of them coldly and said " Now go back to your daily routine other than those ten who started to practise the Body secret method successfully. "

Then he ordered two of the senior disciples " You two go head and deposit all the ores, that I already prepared into ten batches and distribute to them. "

Two senior disciples ran away to execute Hall Masters task with utmost care.

And then he said to the four of the senior disciples from a group of ten people who practised successfully " You four should know separate houses location right. Lead your juniors there. "

" And many more if you lay your hand on juniors or tried to stop their practice. I will not show any mercy to any of you. Even if your talented ones. This advice belongs to recruits also. Practice sincerely, Don't engage in unnecessary activities. "

Then Hall Master took a deep breath and said " Now go away. I will check all of your progress at the end of the year, food will be delivered to your room. All you have to do is practice, practice and practice. Now get out of here. "

Wang Wei and the other chosen two walked out of the hall under the guidance of four senior brothers. As the senior disciples led the way.

The senior disciple with dark skin and white teeth with a robust body covered in grey cloth who's about 20 years old and oldest of all of them said with a somewhat suspicious smile " Hey I am Zhang Li, I am a disciple of Hall Master for more than eight years and If there's any doubt or problem. You can approach me. "

Another senior disciple said " Hey Li why are you showing a hypocrite smiling face to us. "

Another senior disciple also said " Yeah what are you planning. Speak frankly, we don't have time for any of your hypocrisy. "

All of the recruits other than Wang Wei. Always maintained an arrogant face and frankly look down on senior disciples. Because they think better than them and have a high chance of being heir to Hall Master.

But they also looked at Zhang Li with suspicion. Zhang Li face suddenly flushed and he said with embarrassment " Don't look at me like that. I thought one of us going to be heir to Hall Master. So it's good to leave a good impression on the future heir. "

" Even if I can't become an heir. I can have a good relationship with an heir. Nothing more than that. "

Others also thought that's a good plan. So one of the senior disciples said " Yeah that's a good idea. I think we can get along with each other. "

" Ok, if any of you have any problem. You can approach me. "

Others also said the same thing. Only senior disciples said with some seriousness. Recruits just said punctually without any sincerity. But senior disciples don't care and don't want to provoke them. Before choosing an heir as the recruits have a high probability of being talented.

After familiarising themselves with each other. The senior disciple led them to a three-floor building on the north desolate corner of the underground. Each floor has four separate rooms.

At the entrance of the building, two senior disciples who were ordered by Hall Master to deliver ores were already there and one of them said to them with a cautious attitude " We already put the allocated ores in the rooms. You can use it for your practice. If the ore is consumed or you have any problem, you can call us. We live near the forging hall. "

Zhang Li came forward and said plainly " Okay, you can go now. We will call you if there's any need. "

The two senior disciples nodded humbly and walked away from there. Then Zhang Li turned around and said with a smile " Then now let's choose a room separately. "

After telling that he walked away to select a room. Others also walked away to choose a room. Wang Wei walked to the steps that led to the upper floor and selected a room on the third floor on the right side, opposite the steps.

The whole building is made of wood. After walking into the room. He glanced at the wooden bed with a fluffy cotton mattress with a bed sheet and two pillows. Opposite the bed large size mirror and a window to the right side of the bed that shows the whole village view from a high altitude.

And there was an attached bathroom on the corner of the room. After checking out everything he looked at the iron ore package present on the bed with a weight of about 1-kilo gram.

Then he sat down and took the iron ore size of a baby fist and run blood energy according to Metal Turtle body technique and sucked iron essence from the ore and immersed himself into practice.

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique copper (100%)]

[ Absorbing Iron ore and Metal Turtle Body Is being upgraded. ]



[ Metal Turtle Body Technique iron (0.1%)]




[ Metal Turtle Body Technique iron (0.15%)]

As he practised time moved faster and notifications flashed from time to time. But he didn't pay any attention to it.

Devoted himself to practice and forgetting about everything. After absorbing iron ore the three-dimensional turtle pattern on his right palm changes its colour from dark brown to light black.

Without realizing it's already time for dinner. So one of the slaves dressed in white colour fabric came outside Wang Wei's room and knocked while shouting " Brother it's time for dinner. "

After hearing that someone calling him. Wang Wei stopped the practice and walked out of the room slowly without any discontent. Because he also hungry from practising for long hours.