50:Invulnerable Body.

The transparent three-dimensional dark black turtle pattern on his right palm flashed and become a light silver turtle shell pattern by absorbing the silver essence present in blood energy while purifying blood energy.

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique iron (100%) ]

[ Acquired Talent: intermediate energy and physical defence, intermediate breath. ]

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique silver (.1%) ]




He continued to practice as looking at continuous improvement Without stopping.

Four months later.

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique silver (99.9%) ]

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique silver (100%) ]

[ Acquired Talent: advanced energy and physical defence, advanced breath. ]




He continued to practice as time passes faster every day for him and others also worked harder while some of them spend timing planning unnecessary things.

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique gold (.1%) ]

He practised next level exercise using gold ore that was already given by the hall master. He practiced always other than eating, sleeping and meeting with others occasionally.



6 months later.

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique gold (99.9%) ]

[ Metal Turtle Body Technique gold (100%) ]

[ Acquired Talent: Invulnerable ]

[ Invulnerable: maximum resistance to energy and physical damage at the same level and less resistance to higher level attacks. ]

Wang Wei exhaled a hot breath from his mouth with a relaxed expression on his face and said " status. "

[ Name: Wang Wei.

Age: 15/300

Strength: 16

Agility: 12

Vitality: 16

Realm: Peak Innate Realm.

Innate talent: Absorb energy.

Practice Method: Treasure condensing method (15%).

Acquired Talent: Invulnerable body, Breath control(Advanced), Eagle eye(elementry). ]

After breaking through the last level on the Metal Turtle Body technique the golden turtle shell pattern brightened and disappeared while spreading a hexagonal golden colour pattern all over his body and disappeared.

But he can feel it. If he wants he can manifest them by running his blood energy in a specific pattern all over his body just like instinct.

Breath control also got upgraded and developed further advantages of controlling the breath.

Now he can make others ignore his presence and control his blood energy fluctuations flawlessly and can fool others into thinking that he doesn't practice martial arts.

Wang Wei looked at the changed status at loss. The Metal Turtle Body technique got hidden because he practised the exercise to the maximum and its ran on its own on his body just like breathing oxygen.

At the same time Physical and energy defence also evolved into an Invulnerable Body. He is lost his motivation because he doesn't know what to do know.

Because he achieved a peak of martial arts. As he knows and he doesn't have known any new exercise.

After thinking about a few minutes. He got a headache and stopped thinking anymore and decided to look for more exercise if he can and try to solve the Hall Master before anything else.

So he took a bath and relaxed while looking at the sunset.


At night.

Wang Wei and others gathered together on the ground floor as usual for the monthly meeting. Wang Wei also tried to spy on others as usual for any suspicious activities from them.

But the results are the same as in previous months that there are no suspicious activities. So he stopped his spying activities on others and locked the target and got ready for his next step.

The target is none other than Zhang Li. He appeared to be the only one who knows more about Hall Master's plan. So Wang Wei locked him as a target.

After everybody finished dinner moved to their rooms. Wang Wei and Zhang Li also behaved normally and got to their room.

But Wang Wei reduced his breath to the lowest level and followed Zhang Li into his room silently and waited patiently.

Wang Wei thought with excitement ( This breathing control technique is awesome. Using these I can spy on others easily. I should practice this technique, and improve it to its limit. )

After coming inside his room Zhang Li face got gloomy and mumbled " Waste! Waste! every one of them is a waste. Including those so-called talented ones. How am I going to survive this crisis? "

After cursing others and mumbling for a while. He calms down and sat on the bed while practising some exercise on his own.

All the while Wang Wei observed him silently for any clues. Wang Wei has enough patience and time as he has nothing else to do.

An hour later.

Zhang Li opened his eyes and moved towards the window in his room on the ground floor. He popped his head outside the window and looked all the sides with his eyes.

After confirming there's no one. He jumped outside the building from the window and walked slowly sneaking around the buildings while avoiding others.

After he moved a certain distance. Wang Wei also jumped from the window and followed him unhurriedly.

Zhang Li moved forward while avoiding others by hiding in trees shade or building shade. Nobody found him as already night time and most of them are sleeping.

He moved towards the main building of the village where everybody practices forging and Hall Master's house also located on the right side of the main building.

Wang Wei looked at him with doubtful eyes and thought( What he's doing here. Is he going to steal some ores from the main building. )

But Zhang Li's next move proved Wang Wei judgment is wrong. As he moved towards Hall Masters house and knocked slowly.

~knock~ ~knock~

After he knocked the door opened slowly with a creaking sound.

~creak~ ~creak~

The door opened to a certain threshold and a withered hand came from the room and grabbed Zhang Li and drew him into his room and closed the door with the bang.


Wang Wei then moved closer to the room and operated the breath control to maximum and blended himself with the wooden wall and used his innate level of hearing to listen to what's going on inside the room.

Hall Master looked at Zhang Li and asked with a harsh voice " What? do you discover anything unusual about others behaviour? "