58:End Of Hall Master.

The Male shadow said in a hoarse voice to brother Lu " You don't have to worry. We are not fighting in the open. I will sneak attack from distance a using Bow. "

Then the male silhouette looked at the female shadow and ordered " You're responsible for assisting the Lu in critical times and land a devastating blow on the Hal Master with what I gave you until then hide by his side carefully. "

The woman replied resolute expression " Yes father!! "

After explaining about few more things three of them walked out of the room and Lu lead the way for the female silhouette and the male silhouette took another way from them and looked for hidden places.

As the two of them got near the main hall, the female shadow hid outside the building in a certain position to land a devastating blow on the Hall Master using the weapon her father gave her.

The brother Lu got near the building with a nervous expression and took a deep breath to reorganize his emotions.