
The emperor is not much interested in the external martial technique. As such technique may only be suitable with Wang Wei's special body type to produce such Strength.

So, even if he got such technique, he may not be able to practice it like Wang Wei. But having such thoughts may offend this powerhouse with such strength. So, he stopped his unnecessary thoughts.

The elder responded to the emperor by saying " Yes Majesty, I didn't expect him to be this strong. "

As they are speaking Wang Wei beats Han Li into an unrecognisable shape. But Han Li still stood on top of the stadium like a mountain.

Han Li will also punch Wang Wei whenever he got a chance. But Han Li punches is like mosquito hitting for Wang Wei and still, he got thrashed by Wang Wei

Wang Wei hit him so much because every time he got to fight, It always ends in one punch. So when finally he got someone who can stand against him he punched him in excitement.