94:Blue Snake's Daily Life.

Then Dong Li walked out of the carriage and walked towards Chu An's carriage after informing his subordinates what to do. Upon arriving at the destination he found that the annoying guard of his rival is gone.

So he entered the carriage with a pleasant mood. The maid let him in without asking any questions. The maid has been informed by Chu An beforehand of the arrival of Dong Li.

This made Dong Li even happier. This shows the importance that the grand elder Chu An attaches to him.

After he entered Chu An's room. He said respectfully " Lord, your subordinate Dong Li is here. "

For this Chu An replied in a low voice " I know that. "

Then he continued to say " Dong Li, I think you already know the importance of the information you provided from the meeting with others. "

" So, if you perform well this time, I will promote you to my position and let you inherit everything I built. "