108:Dong Li's Mistake.

Noticing the dire situation everybody started to jump to other trees to hang on from falling trees in the beast tide. While jumping towards another tree.

Most of the people dropped some of the people they are carrying as they required more energy to jump to other trees.

While some of them dropped intentionally to conserve their energy. As they all are wounded and has less inner energy to consume.

So how could they care about other people? When their situation is dreadful. But there are still some people who tried to carry the fainted or wounded ones even when their situation is dire.

But just because someone dropped a few people or carried a few people. Doesn't mean everybody who dropped will survive or everybody who carried will die.

But surely those people who dropped others survived more than those who doesn't drop. In this type of situation, you will need a fifty per cent strategy and fifty per cent luck to survive.