145:Spirit Roots.

The boat has two private rooms and one large hall with a large public bathroom for immortal seedlings alongside a large hall.

There's no luxurious furniture other than chairs in the large hall. But the temperature inside is comfortable for everyone.

The immortal seedlings sat on the chairs while Wang Wei and three single spirit roots sat alongside each other knowingly or unknowingly.

The other people left them without disturbing them for whatever reason. Wang Wei, the water spirit root girl is pretty calm with it.

While earth spirit boy said with arrogance on his face " Bunch of cowards. But they sure know their place."

Fire spirit boy looked nervous and in trouble with his newfound status. But he didn't move away from the circle.

After everyone star downtime immortal envoys Yang Li came forward and said loudly " Since everyone settles down. I think it's time to give basic knowledge of the cultivation world to you guys. "