181:Two Years Later.

 " Master, I found the oasis that has the sun core in the dead desert as you said. The environment here is really good for my cultivation. So I decided to cultivate in the dead desert for three to four years. Is it ok master? "

Grand elder Cheng Chu read the message and said to himself with a smile on his face " This kid. I sent him out of the sect to relax with the reason as a treasure find. But he found a place to cultivate. What can I say? Other than it's okay. "

So after thinking for a while grand elder Cheng Chu sent a reply to Wang Wei's question. Wang Wei who's in the dead desert waiting for the grand elder's reply got the message from the grand elder explaining.

" Ok, Wang Wei, you can cultivate on the dead desert. But be careful and I will contact you after three years. "