185:Origin Bloodline.

What Wang Wei is trying to do is use the loophole in the immortal system and try to form a unique bloodline for him. Many geniuses in the immortal realm have already tried this process more than millions of times.

But none of them succeeded in the process because the immortal realm will stop such things from happening by using heaven's lightning.

Both the bloodline and seed of his superpower don't blend at the beginning. But Wang Wei is not surprised at this situation. After all, if anybody can do something like this easily.

Then every cultivator will have a unique bloodline with them. Seeing the situation Wang Wei muttered sutra for life treasure. As his energy, physical and soul cultivation realm simultaneously sends out an energy and soul energy towards the blood and seed of superpower.

At this time Wang Wei's spiritual will and thinking process got imprisoned in the process of life treasure technique. After the technique started to operate on its own.