189:Master Level Formations.

He laid down the symbol easily in a moment. After discovering it's easy to lay down symbols. Wang Wei continued to lay down more symbols of the sixth level of the undying soul arts.

Without any suspense, he laid down all of the symbols of the sixth level easily. So he continued to lay down the next level symbol.

Level 7 first symbol.

He laid down most of the symbols after five minutes and it isn't as easy as when he tried to lay down the first symbol of the sixth level.

From this, he can see that his advantage is decreasing as more symbols he laid down. Wang Wei can easily lay down symbols because he cultivated both his physical and energy arts.

Even though physical and energy arts goals aren't to strengthen the soul. In the evolution of energy and body, the soul will strengthen alongside.

Since Wang Wei practices both arts to a higher level and then he tries to improve his soul that's lower than the both physical and energy arts.