194:Sun World.

Yin Moon Creation Formation( Advanced Level )

[ This formation can create a Yin Moon in a designated place. This formation will also condense a small pond of Yin Moon Water every hundred years on the full moon. ]

A drop of transparent water glowing with blue lines appeared before him. Then slowly started to gather moons energy and water from the last world and grew at an exceptional pace.

In a few hours, the white moon that can sustain life appeared before the true Sun in the sun realm. The water moon was half the size of the true sun and stabilized in that weight and height.

After the water moon appeared the whole sun realm changed minutely and the efficiency of the other master level formations combined and formed a certain cycle that absorbs energy from the outside world.

The separate master level formations integrated and become a single entity with little growth potential if evolving from a small realm towards a medium-sized world.