203:Yin Realm.

Then Wang Wei turned the true sun fire into golden light rays and waved them at the five incoming rays. Wang Wei took his time while performing these things.

The grand elder and elders of the five sects and immortals sect people can see clearly what Wang Wei did. But before the people from the five sects can turn around and escape they are all stuck by the golden light rays and turned into ashes leaving the only horrific scream.

But the golden light ray doesn't stop there as it continued to move and hell on the people of the five sects in the colosseum accurately and burned every last one of them to ashes.

Wang Wei annihilated the peoples of the five sects from the face of the lost world. The five sects came with most of the disciples and elders from the sect to destroy the immortal sect thoroughly.

But now that came an advantage for the immortal sect as Wang Wei destroyed all the people of the five sects without leaving a single one.