
What She's Going to Lose

Return flight

Deacon's POV

After having Mia checked out, we were able to return home. By some miracle Gregory hit no organs, nothing, it was a straight threw and threw. The medical personnel stitched her up and gave her some pain medicine.

We were in the bed on the plane, and Mia was in my arms asleep. Dimitri hasn't moved since he boarded. He's had his little boy wrapped in his arms the entire time. He was just a little older than our twins so he would adjust well. I had a feeling that Dimitri was going to too.

I felt Mia stir slightly and glanced down. "Hey."

"Hey." She smiled.

I ran my hand through her hair. Pulling her slightly closer and kissed her forehead. "Mia, I really thought I had lost you today."

Mia's POV

Just laying here with him seemed like a dream, feeling his arms around me. Though there was one problem, my mind was stuck on one thing. I glanced up at him from under my eyelashes.

Slowly I sat up, leaning into him as I pressed my lips firmly against his. Immediately my entire body left like it was on fire.

"Mia." He cupped my face and stared at me.

I bit my lower lip lightly as I slowly slid over his lap. My legs began trembling.

"Mia, what are you doing?"

"Please Deacon, I can't explain it, but I need to feel more than you just holding me."

He just looked at me for a moment. "Baby, you're hurt."

"Deacon, please. I've been on fire since I heard your voice earlier today."

He looked at me briefly then crashed his lips onto mine.

"Mmmm." I moaned into him.

Deacon's POV

Her lips felt like heaven against mine. I sat my hand on her cheek pressing my lips harder against hers.

Slowly we undressed each other, taking time to enjoy every inch of each other's body as we went. As my hand brushed over her bare breast, I felt her shudder and push into me more.

"Oh." She panted, as her body began to slowly sink into the bed.

Gently I raised her hands above her head. "You're sure?"

"Positive." She smiled tenderly, wrapping a leg over me.

"Oh god Mia." I sighed into her ear, as our bodies connected.

Mia's expression said it all. There were tears falling down her temples, but the sweetest most content smile on her lips. "You feel..."


Mia's POV

I felt Deacon gently push into me. My breath halted momentarily, it was a pure perfection and bliss.

It felt amazing. I could feel him everywhere, deeper than I think I ever had, but I was still craving more. "Deacon, I want more, I want all of you."

His eyes caught mine for a moment as he pushed farther into me. I saw his eyes close in with the sweetest smile. "Mia, oh god."

I bit my lip softly, "All of you Deacon, I want all of you."

As he pushed forward my body opened itself to him like never before. As he stopped, I felt his skin against mine. "Oh god Deacon, oh god." For that moment I felt complete.

Deacon released my hands allowing his to run down my body to cup my ass cheeks. He smiled softly at me again. "I can finally enjoy all of you and you all of me."

I sighed as he gently thrust into me again. I felt my legs start shaking ever so slightly. "I'm not going to be able to keep up with you like this."

"That's fine baby. That just means I'll be able to give you more pleasure until you get used to it that's all.

Even the thought made my heart race a little. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this. I looked up into the slate gray eyes that I loved, while images of what we would look like after hours like this would be. Even the thought made me tremble a bit. "Sounds like I might not remember most of this flight home."

Deacon's POV

I felt the trembling start as she stared up at me. I couldn't have imagined Mia ever feeling better to me than she had, but right now she definitely did. Everything about her seemed even more perfect if that was possible.

The thought crossed my mind that I wouldn't have to hold back with her anymore. Though for right now at least I was definitely going to.

I wasn't going to ruin this moment by rushing it, I wanted to hear her screaming my name loud enough for everyone to hear. This wasn't the right time though.

Leaning up to kiss my lips she whispered, "Roll over."

The imagine that floated in my head made me nervous. We had never been able to truly enjoy it before because of limitations. Obviously, we both knew that those details were different now.

As our bodies switched positions, she started to turn as she normally would have had to. "No." I whispered as I stopped her. "I want to be able to look into your eyes."

She swallowed slightly as my fingers made their way over every inch of her soft skin until my left hand rested on her cheek. I felt her lean into it as she sighed quietly.

Mia's POV

His fingers lit my skin on fire wherever they touched. I couldn't make sense of my nerves, but that's definitely what it was.

As his hand rested on my cheek, I sighed at the peace it brought me. I raised my hand to meet his, intertwining our fingers as I looked down into his eyes, trying to push away the doubt in my head.

He met my gaze. "I know." His words were quiet and gentle, as he lifted his hips upwards with me on top of him.

"Deacon...oh...that's different." I said breathlessly.

"Different in the good way I'm hoping." He smirked, as I nodded in agreement. "Words Mia, use that voice of yours."

"In the best way." I smirked back. "But..."

"But what?"

"I'm scared." I whispered barely audible. "What if you don't like it, what if I'm not..."

"Not what?" He asked, gently pushing upwards into me again, this time holding my hips tightly against his.

I felt the shockwaves throughout my entire body this time. My hips rolled slowly upward as he lowered them again.

"Pleasing." I softly answered him.

"Not a possibility." He smiled. "Just looking at you is pleasing to me."

My heart fluttered when he said that. I didn't see what everyone else saw when they looked at Deacon.

From the moment that we had met he was softer with me, smiled with me. When we were alone together, he wasn't a boss, a don or a leader. He was simply a young man in love with me as much as I was with him.

I closed my eyes while taking a calming breath, as I slightly lifted myself from him. I started to move back down when he stopped me, lifting me up again farther than I had gone to start with.

"I want to feel you taking in all of me."

I felt his tip just inside me before he let go, allowing me start descending again. We both must have had the same overwhelming feeling as our hands met between us. He held me up steadily, but I also held him in place.

In that moment there were no words to describe what I felt or the feeling of wholeness that brought tears to my eyes. Not that every time we had made love before hadn't been amazing, but there was something different about this. With every movement a feeling awoke a little more.

My legs started to shake first, followed by the rest of me. The heat rising in my body was more intense than anything I'd ever felt in myself before. "Deacon." I panted lightly.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, keep going."

"I don't think I can." I whimpered as my entire body started to tremble beyond control.

His arms found their place his elbows at my side, while his arms extended upwards ending with his hands clasped on each of my shoulders, as he sat up with me on his lap.

Our bodies moving as one against each other. My head fell forward onto his shoulder as my breathing became more ragged.

"Deacon." I panted again as my tears began to hit his bare chest.

"I'm right here." He panted in return.

Deacon's POV

I felt her tears falling against me, but I was truly afraid to ask why she was crying, but I prayed it was only from the intensity of the moment.

Her body trembled against mine sweetly and I knew she was as close as I was. She rolled her hips as she continued to lift herself gently up, while I met her as her thighs met mine. One of my hands found its way into her hair pulling her down so her head was resting against mine softly.

I looked up at her to find her eyes closed and tears still falling slowly down her cheeks. I'd always been able to read her like an open book, and these weren't tears of pleasure or joy. This was heartbreak and sorrow. Wait till you're home where you can talk to her without worry.

Something was hurting her and I didn't know how to stop it, and it was tearing me apart inside.

Mia's POV

"Once we defile her, no one there will want her brought home again anyways."

His words began to echo in my head and immediately my heart began to break into pieces. I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from falling, but it was of no use. That's why this felt so different, because after this, after we landed and walked in the front door of that house, I would have nothing. Though none of them had touched me sexually, Gregory had used me in a way worse than I could imagine, that was enough in my mind to regard myself as being defiled, and that's what he said he was doing.

The love of my life would be gone, my family gone, my home wouldn't be mine anymore. Would he at least let me see our babies? What would I be able to keep, or was anything actually mine to begin with? So many thoughts poured into my head it was overwhelming.

I wanted stay in this moment forever, I didn't want this plane to ever land. I didn't want to walk into what was once our home, because then I would have to face reality head on.

Gregory and Irena would be held accountable for their sins, Deacon and his family would still have their empire and each other, and Dimitri would have his son. Me on the other hand...I'd have nothing but memories to cry myself to sleep to at night. As I dreamed about the family I lost.

Even with all this going through my head, the knot building in my stomach hadn't quelled. I wanted this to be last good memory I had with him.

I gasped as loudly as a tidal wave of raw, unadulterated pleasure ripped through my entire body, so strong that every last ounce of strength I had was wiped out and I collapsed onto Deacon.

He found his release only moments after me, and it was over. I barely felt him redress me and lay me under the covers in the bed. What I do remember clear as day is him walking out the door closing it quietly behind him, and he was gone.

Tears poured in streams from my eyes as my body shook in heartbreak. My entire world just walked out that door and I was alone, just like I was going to be the rest of my life now.

They're not going to let you leave Mia are you stupid? You know too much. You don't walk away from situations like this. Hopefully they'd make it quick. Deacon could tell the twins I wasn't able to be saved and they'd grow up thinking that their mom died for their family.

At least I could hope that's what would happen. Either way I wouldn't be there to say otherwise.