
Secrets Can't Always Be Hidden

At the pace of a snail, she made her in front of everyone. "There is visible evidence on Mia of being assaulted viciously with at least one object to the head in several places. The injuries weren't easy to feel, the bruises however are truly atrocious. I can't tell any of you for sure whether all of them were received at one time or over the course of time that she was held there.

These blows caused some damage to Mia's brain tissue. As I explained to Mr. Lombardi a few minutes ago, I do not feel it is safe to move Mia from where she is until she wakes up on her own. Seeing as though where she is right now is soft and comfortable, I feel it is best if she stays there in case, she should have another episode like todays.

What most of you witnessed today was unfortunately what it looked like. Mia suffered from one if not the worst grand maul seizures I have ever witnessed." Erin paused for a second looking around the room, every single face she met had the exact same look on it. Each one including each of the women in the room, it was a face that made Erin's blood run instantly cold. Erin knew whoever caused Mia's injuries was going to suffer a terrible fate by the hands of the people in the room. "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you for sure whether the seizure was caused solely from the head injuries. Mr. Lombardi made mention that she had been jolted awake suddenly. It could have been a combination of the two put together. Honestly we will probably never know."

"So, what exactly are you fucking getting at doc? Spit it out already, we all want to know how painful this son of bitches death is going to be." Nicco spit, seething with anger. "And is she going to be, okay?"

All I could do was smile to myself. Nicco was a very mild tempered individual, so for him to be in a rage should terrify her more than me earlier.

"I won't know for sure until she regains consciousness if she will have any lasting effects from this seizure..." Her voice trailed off trailed into a whisper as she realized the statement caught everyone's attention and not in a pleasant way either.

"What do you mean this seizure? You're expecting her to have more?" Cassie snapped.

"Unfortunately, it is a possibility." Erin swallowed hard before she started again. "There's where the largest problem lies at the moment and unfortunately the danger does not end there.

Mia is extremely weak physically, she is dehydrated, malnourished and as if that all wasn't enough, she is in a dangerous level of anemia from blood loss. At this moment in time if she were to have a seizure at even a quarter of the strength of a mild seizure, she's not going to make it through. The only way for her to able to have a fighting chance at all, she would need a to receive blood. Which would require her to be moved in the medical facility in the house. Which again I absolutely do not suggest moving her at all in her current condition.

I'm not going to stand here and lie to any of you. There is a high chance that even if there is not another seizure that Mia will live with lasting effects from not only the seizure she has already suffered, but also from the what I know will show brain damage once she can be moved."

"Erin, what kind of effects are you talking about?" My blood boiling. "And you better be damn straight forward."

"The effects could be as mild as a slight twitch to a finger or toe, something that you'd only notice if like you all are around her every day. Of course, as we go up the effects go on, they get worse. At the worst we could be talking about anything ranging from losing communication abilities to the possibility of her not being able to not being able even to take care of her normal daily activities such as showering or even brushing her hair." She shifted her body feeling every eye in the room on her.

For a split second I thought I had misread Erin's body language, but when her shoulders turned towards the door and she slowly allowed her weight to rest solely on her lead leg which was slightly tensed. I knew I hadn't. I watched for another minute or two. Her eyes darting around the room rapidly never making eye contact with anyone, but not once did she glance to where my father and brother were standing and she avoided turning even the slightest to meet me at all. Her short bob styled hair revealed the sweat running down the back of her neck.

To say her nerves were getting the best of her was an understatement. Then again anyone in her shoes would be to, except they would more than likely be sobbing and stuttering so much that we wouldn't have understood anything that they were saying.

One by one I looked at each person standing in the room trying to get a good idea of what I would be dealing with from each person with this news.

Each person was different most definitely, some just put on their normal straight face, some you could tell were worried. Those who were closest to Mia though couldn't hide their emotions at the news and they were silently allowing tears to fall.

I couldn't allow myself to join in their sorrow until I was completely alone so I turned to find my father in the group, when I caught a hand out of the corner of my eye gripping a chair arm so tightly that their knuckles had turned bright white. I could understand feeling anger at the situation, and I almost disregarded it, until I saw the face of the person the hand belonged to.

Dimitri looked as though he was going to burst in rage, even from here I could tell he was holding onto the chair so that he didn't lash out. He must have felt me watching him because he met my gaze, darted a side glance to Erin and then met my stare again fully. He repeated the action two more times when I realized what he was doing.

I squeezed my hands into tight fists as my eyes fixated on Erin's back. I moved closer to the wall beside her, but never closed any distance between her and I. She kept running her mouth as she answered questions that some people were asking her. I watched every move, breath, eye movement and watched for twitching while I allowed my eyes to hold her in my main view as well watching for any reaction in Dimitri as well.

"You said she would need blood to help her, what is her blood type? We can find others throughout our ranks who'd be willing to donate without question." Someone said assertively.

"We should wait to worry about that until she wakes back up. Even after that, there's no reason that any of you need to reach out to each other. I have all your blood types on record in case of emergency. Plus, I do try to keep some bagged blood on hand so that if it's needed, we're not waiting for it." She paused, taking a large breath allowing it to escape slowly. "Before I head back to my room and grab a few things so that I can stay as close as possible to Mia just in case, I'll make sure I have enough Ab negative blood on hand and if I feel as though it may be a good idea to have any extra, I'll reach out to those who are myself."

That caught my attention immediately as I leaned my head to the side. Negative? I thought as I still kept her and Dimitri in full view. Negative? Why doesn't that sound right? I know for sure that I'm B positive. Alessia is A positive, Teo is A positive as well. The words ran like flood water around my head. Why doesn't this sound right? There's something you're missing you moron now concentrate. I started going over the reasons that it could have been that Ab negative didn't sound right. When was the last time Mia had blood tests done? The twins. The Rh thing. She would have had to have shots every week if she would have been negative. Why the fuck is she lying about Mia's blood type?

My vision turned red as I zeroed in on Erin's back like it had a target on it, and right now it might as well have. Something wasn't right and I was going to figure out what it was, and fuck anyone who tried to stop me.

"When can we start going in and sitting with Mia? Not talk to her or anything just sit with her so that when she wakes up, she'll know we were all waiting." Rose asked calming herself after the news they had just received.

Even I knew once Rose got to Mia's side she was never going to leave and maybe that would be a good thing right now.

"I'll make sure we get something worked out right away. Of course, priority will go to those who are closest to her. I would suggest that no matter who is with her, that the room stay relatively calm. No loud noises, or anything that could be considered stressing, and only one person will be able to be in with her at a time.

That being said if any of you are with her and she starts to wake up you must call me immediately. Especially with as serious as this could possibly be you'll be expected to leave the room while I check her out the first time, to see what we're dealing with.

After I am able to make a full assessment of Mia's condition both mentally and physically it should hopefully get easier for multiple people to be in the room with her at a time.

Again of we have to I'm sure we'll can work things out so that everyone gets time to visit with her. It'll be relatively simple to work around everything. Since we all are kept informed of any meetings, trips or things like that and of course there will be times when no one else will be here I will be. Living on the premises has its advantages. Very rarely do I ever have to leave to get anything, which will be a bonus right now."

'Son of a bitch.' I mouthed as I fought every muscle in my body to stay standing where I was.

She wouldn't have dared plan that morning with them. She just gave herself away and she doesn't even realize it yet. Oh, this is going to be interesting.

"And yes, Deacon before you ask, I'll be sure you get a copy of my report after I have it done. It may take me a day or two to write up since I will have an abundance of injuries that range from the possible areas of brain damage down to bruises that could be from her surrendering and kneeling out in the entryway with them holding a gun to her head, to the filthy cement that they made her kneel on in their presence. I'll just need time to decipher the how long they've been healing."

The only three people who knew that Mia had willingly had gone to her knees that day were standing in this room, only a few feet separating us. Considering we had basically ate, slept, damn we even used the damn full bathroom I'd had built off the office that I'd never had a use for until now. Very rarely were we apart. Let alone the fact that she seemed as thou My hands twisted into fists and the longer I forced myself to be still the more they itched to be used. I must have been a little too obvious on trying to hide that something had angered me beyond belief.

Out of the corner of my eye Alex nudged Axel turning his attention to me and my apparently very angry aura. I looked among the people who were standing closest to her just in case. I must have really drawn the attention with the rage that could almost literally drip from every part of my body. Nicco and Eric's gaze froze on me as soon as their eyes met mine. Looking around the room I noticed the now my father was even on edge as his eyes held a questioning look. I noticed that a few people in the room had started to back away from what they were almost sure was going to turn into war zone at any second.

Dimitri had apparently been watching me intently as I saw him slowly standing up out of the corner of my eye. He moved basically unnoticed by everyone including Erin as he crossed the room coming my way.

All I had to do now was find a way to put a nail in this coffin and I'd bury it myself. I laughed to myself as I knew exactly how to prove my theory.

"Erin, I probably should have brought this to your attention before this, but it didn't seem relevant to anything until just now." I started shaking my head as though I was irritated with myself. "Could any of the bruises you were talking about have possibly been from our own floors or walls? The security footage was hard to watch. Mostly because none of us were expecting to be watching Mia being basically manhandled as she was."

"That would be hard to decipher, the only way that I could even begin to tell how old each bruise is would be to be able to clearly see them, which would mean shaving her head and I'm not about to ask permission to do that. Though odds are just her body weight wouldn't be enough to cause this kind of bruising.

Most likely, most if not all of the injuries she may have gotten that morning would be minimal. Even though the bruises she has look as bad as they do, she would have definitely been awake and fighting back if she was capable.

If any of them would have happened here. There would have been no possible way of not hearing the commotion echoing down those halls." Erin sighed in frustration, which is exactly what I was going for.

"That's true. Once Mia's up I would appreciate just as a precaution that she has a full examination with all the proper equipment. Just to make sure there isn't something accidentally overlooked that would possibly cause issues down the line."

My eyes danced between Axel, Alex and Dimitri while I waited her answer. I barely heard the exasperated sound she let out, since she was apparently getting tired of either having questions asked to her or that people were expecting normal things to be put into play and procedures followed through on. Let alone making sure that we knew when Mia came to that she needed a complete physical. It was starting to seem to me as though she just didn't want to explain anything to us at all really.

"We will get to that point when we get other more important issues dealt with

Deacon. You have your job to do around here and many days away from here. I

have mine to do as well." Her voice raising ever so slightly as her frustration boiled. "And so, everyone here is clear, my job is keeping you all healthy, stitch you up and general all-around medical practice.

But for the next few days I will be focusing fully on Mia, making sure that she is coming around the best that she possibly can.

She had been privy to some sort of information that no one else had access to. I thought for a moment before I did anything I may have regretted later on.

I thought back to the e-mail I had received for some reason. My personal e-mail isn't one I give out too many people. As a matter of fact, I can only think of five people who have it. My memory of that e-mail, and that link will be something that stays with me for the rest of my life. Mentally going over whatever details I could remember without the paper hoping that something stuck out.

There was something that caught my attention alright but it wasn't anything I remembered from the e-mail though. As soon as we had gotten Mia back with us, were basically back in the air again. I knew her sub-dermal tracker behind her ear hadn't been removed since everyone including Mia had to the damn security wand go off in our ears before reloading the damn plane. As far away she had been taken none of us really expected to pick up anything from it, but we tried all the time. But there was no excuse for why when Mia's body was going into whatever that was today that at least one person hadn't noticed an alarm at all when she was in distress?

"Oh Erin, one more thing and then I'm pretty sure we'll be done and then I'll head to sit with Mia for a bit. I need you to give Cassie the tracker scanner immediately following this meeting, I'm sure she'll be more than happy for a brief trip across the house anyways, it'll give her a legitimate reason to want to take a nap. We're going to need it shortly for Dimitri if he's willing to have the tracker for both him and his son, so that we can turn it on and set it properly." I said calmly.

"Yeah, or course Deacon." She agreed as she went to take a small step forward heading towards the door.

"Thank you, I guess it's a good thing we're doing this soon. I almost forgot, I need to make sure Mia's is still in working properly or if it something happened to it."